I wish Ant could be more like Opie

22  2015-02-10 by OpieIsTheBest

Opie was always the witty one with the best jokes, and I'm so glad Ant finally got fired for pulling out a gun at that black woman. She did nothing wrong. If Opie was there, he would have PAUSED the situation so Ant could reflect on his wrong doings.

What do you guys think?


I wish Ant could be more like Opie in that he was still on satellite radio every morning... that's what I wish.

I just wish he could be more like the Opester by doing a show with little Yimmy

Oh my god I think you're on to something. "PAUSE!" with Gregg 'Opie' Hughes," coming to TBS Tuesdays at 10. It could be a dating show where every time anything interesting is about to happen, the Opester runs into frame, mugs for the camera with his beard and beanie cap, and yells "PAUSE!"

Opie: So, Kevin, brothaman, let me know what's going through your head right now...

Kevin: Well, we just had a really good din-

Opie: Think you might get some patch?

Kevin: I don't-

Opie: But you better make sure she doesn't have a tamp in. Man, there was this one time- I know I've told this story a million times, but this time some of the subtle, or even major, details might be a little different. But I was dating this chick. She was black, but we never banged. I got a whiff of that smell and just went for some fingerpopping. You into fingerpopping?

Kevin: I-

Opie: You like a little fingerpopping? Just a little taste. A little peak. Right? Anyway. I went down on this girl and she had a tamp in and I was so grossed out I left without saying anything. I mean I put it in my mouth. I mean I took it out and threw it across the room. I mean she wasn't black, she was a "Jeee-" and had big jew tits. And she went down on me in a bathroom stall.



So anyway, think you'll get some patch?"

Kevin: ...


A for effort. And execution.

I meant this as a compliment.

I've told this story a million times

Started getting way too real.

Basically just this sketch but instead of a News Talk Show it's edgy stories from Opie


ME: FINALLY someone understands.

This one has potential.

ME: suh-weet!

I thought the joke would be that you wish Anthony was more like Opie so you could stare at some tits when you watch his video podcast

Obvious troll is obvious.

Whatever this was supposed to be.. it's clear that this is what eating lead paint chips (wazz dat?) will do to you.

I agree!

I agree. Opie never hesitates to go to the phones.

OpieIsTheBest killing for us today!

I agree. I still can't believe Ant fired his gun at that black ladies' friends and killed one of them.

Is this mental retarded gymnastics?

holy shit, you really do love opie.

Please, swing by /r/OpiesTits and preach about your love for him there*, I have a feeling it is a place you would just fit right into.

*keep preaching of your love for him strictly related to his glorious rack

He is my god, my savior. I just wish Jim Norton wasn't holding him back from having a funny career.



This is a bit right?

No. It's THE bit!

What were aiming for here? Is this your lame attempt at trolling? When you were typing this up did you think to yourself "Oh man is this gonna piss some people off"? Even if you are being serious, or trying to be sarcastic, this has to be one of the worst posts I have ever seen. I'd rather watch Kindler do stand up. You sir have been accused and found guilty of faggotry.