Opie has no time for anything other than his kids...

60  2015-02-10 by Dannyprecise

...yet, he has the time to: - Craft UC Berkley level of video clips - Tweet Friar's Club Honorary Doctorate level jokes all day - Imbibe in Housewives tv shows (and other terrible reality shows

Things he has stated he cannot do: - Watch GoT - Watch Breaking Bad - Watch HoC - Watch Boardwalk Empire - Watch TWD

I am so sick of hearing this piece of shit use his kids as an excuse for not being able to be an adult. I work 50+ hours a week and so does my girl, and we both manage to raise our 3 year old daughter and watch anything we want. Fuck him; that's what he gets for having kids the same age my dad became a grandfather. No one feels pity; in fact he just comes across like the piece of shit douche and liar that he is. He should just admit he doesn't have the cognitive capacity to understand those shows and just feels more comfortable watching mindless dreck like The Housewives of Atlanta. Piece of big titted shit.


He watches whatever his wife watches.

So he knows all about CKY and the latest skate vids.

I hate Opie but these lazy cuck meems are getting epic and old

Why are you using a once reputable poster's name?

I remember KennyFresno being less of a faggot.

"A base defiler; unworthy of a noble name." - Bill The Butcher

I'm putting an end to it, tonight. I want to watch people bash Opie, not spam the same epic memez

I'm more irritated you tried to pass yourself off as someone who had credibility around here

That's why I have the top rated TACS thread right now? BTW this is why 4chan laughs at reddit's profile formula and tripfags. Do you think you're a part of some community here?

BTW this is why 4chan laughs at reddit's profile formula and tripfags

hahah you got me good, faaaag

Dank meme brah

Well, lots of parents always claim they don't have time for themselves but they always seem to be on Facebook posting shitty sharespam about how hard and rewarding it is to be a parent. This is the same shit.

Any woman can be a mother, but it takes a bad ass mom to be a dad too!

Shows like boardwalk empire are way to in depth for 'dunce' to understand. That's why he always says "he can't be bothered with politics." It's because he is a fucking tool

He thought it was pronounced "Game of Thrawns." Like, his brain couldn't parse the plural of the word "Throne".

Does Opie have a maid that helps take care of his kids? That would give him the time to go and do all this stuff.

He's also admitted to having a chef and a babysitter/maid who he uses so he can "pump iron". Lynsi uses her to go skateboarding and for waking up Mr. Margera from a deep sleep at 3am.

You mean Lynsi and Bam's kids?

Your originality inspires us all.

tsss ... oh wait, I got one, I got one ...

howsabout opie don't have no time to watch mya favorite tv shows because he's too busy breast feeding his kids.

And your hackery just made me cry...

That's the b...

Fuckin' forget it.

dats da big fuckin peckah in ya mout

piece of gahbage

Apparently all it did to you was hurt your feelings.

Shit, Travis is in the same boat and always talks about watching current shows and knows sports.

He's got a daughter around the same age and I assume a wife that works. And travels from one of the outerboroughs, I forget which, unlike Opie, who is home before noon.

Opie spends the majority of every day staring into his phone. No matter what day it is or what he happens to be doing. His children will never get as much attention as his phone does.

Hi Opie!


Opie saw all the Housewives shows and is all in on reality TV.

I guess anything you have to actually follow along is too much for the brilliant fucking broadcaster.

He is too nieve to even realize he is a fucking old lady.

I bet he falls asleep right after Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, fucking old unfunny crone.

Oh I forgot, the boss (lynsi) does not allow him to watch anything she is not interested in.

all parents have no time for anything but their kids, except facebook, twitter, boozing and ignoring those little brats. It's rare to find a good parent, most just look for excuses everyday to justify the lack of attention they really give their kids.

He didn't have time to spend more than 12 seconds reading the instructions for that robot toy, though.

And spend 3 hours with it. He did have time for that though.

I bet he spent 20 minutes on the thing got confused and decided to break it (one of his go to bits ) and try to go ViRAL with it

People lie about the amount of time they need. I'm lying about the amount of time I need to do some stuff right this moment. I should be done with the shit I had to do today, but here I am, still on the ole computer typin' away in this den of hate. That being said, he could do a bit more for the show he gets paid million for and is allegedly his passion.

seriously instead of watching real housewives how about he actually brings something to the table for people who are paying to listen to your sorry asses. and no that doesn't mean being florentine or soder in expecting them to carry the show, it's fucking horseshit

I don't see how watching TV shows makes you an adult, but him ruining conversations because of it is a pain.

Doesn't he constantly watch documentaries and fake reality tv ? Maybe those count as kids too ?

We know Opie has no time for anything other than his kids....we hear about his kids every show. But he doesnt like talking about his kids on air.

While I agree, fuck Opie.....I do have to say I don't have time to watch any of those because of my kids either. The reason is almost all of our tv time is shared with our kids. We can't really watch anything that will scare them, especially right before bed. But really with his schedule he should be able to watch anything he wants.

I remember watching The Walking Dead when my daughter was a little younger and it scared her. So now we watch it when she goes to bed. I miss the days I could binge watch and stream all weekend long but having her hasn't stopped me from being able to watch the shows I want; I just had to adjust our viewing habits. And you are right, it's difficult for people like us and it shouldn't be for him, especially when it's part of doing his job. I need CE to maintain my license; I can't claim I can't do it because I have a kid.

He's an old washwoman. Nothing new here.




opie has kids?!?!?!???!!?!??!!?!? SINCE WHEN?!?!?!?!?

Holy shit you bottom feeders have nothing to do.

got to do something inbetween episodes of real housewives

Why do you care what TV shows a radio guy you hate watches?

because he ruins any conversation about a show he hasn't seen. When Jimmy and someone else starts talking about Breaking Bad, Opie interrupts by saying "I haven't seen that show. I have kids", then changes the subject

This is exactly it. So instead of being able to listen to people discuss (which is what they are paid to do) something I enjoy, I have to listen to Oqie say he has no time because...kids.

He's like a hack comic talking about his kids, but he's all setup. That and he "pumps it up a little". Even if its totally true that he's preoccupied all day with his kids, I don't want to hear a millionaire that works 20 hours a week complain about that shit.

I agree, but at the same time, it's fun to bash him for being a housewife who watches dumb shit instead of "good tv".

Because his job is to be tapped into whatever is culturally relevant.

Why don't you guys... cry some more? the irony here.. you fuckers whine more than Opie

Bullshit. this is a legit complaint. if Opie would stop being a baby about it...he could add to the show. Many (possibly even the majority) of the listeners watch these shows and would enjoy hearing them discuss from time to time. I know I always enjoyed the BB and GoT chats between Jim and Ant. Now it's gone.

Opie-Apologists cry far more than Opie haters.


How do you know I'm crying thermitepaint? I think I'm pretty level headed and have a solid life. I don't take antidepressants and my relationship is going well. I have a smart 3 year old and my job pays well. I think things are going well my way, so why do you think I'm crying? I mean, I've cried before; have you ever seen Up?

To be fair, House of Cards REALLY isn't a very good show

I have to disagree there buddy. Even if you aren't particularly into the subject matter, you can't say the dialogue, soliloquies, the way they use texts as a mechanism to show modern communication between characters, and the storyline aren't short of brilliant.

I agreed until you said "storyline". It's gone too off the rails and too soap opera-y for me. To each their own.

I won't pretend that there aren't some really stupid subplots. But the main storyline is pretty engaging. For me anyway...

House of Cards is great.

That's why I have the top rated TACS thread right now? BTW this is why 4chan laughs at reddit's profile formula and tripfags. Do you think you're a part of some community here?