Listened to the show today and made it about 20 seconds in.

9  2015-02-09 by [deleted]

I like Rihanna... uhh... I mean... I LIKE HER PUSSY



it's a wild show

lol no its not!

oh, literal gonjinetik

I'm suddenly reminded of the American Pickers guys talking about how FREAKIN' HOT Pamela Anderson is.

Are you claiming two dudes that go antiquing with each other might be trying to hide their homosexuality by touting a 90's sex icon as hot long passed her prime?

frank is the bottom


That's some edgy radio right there man


I love that Sam instantly calls him out on it.

Don't forget her butthole. He likes her butthole too.

ME: I LIKE MOVIES WITH BEWBIES! She should show her BEWBIES in a movie!!!

I'm so glad someone called him out on that shit


I bet cock tits got in trouble for the edgy material when he went home

Then you came here to post about your 20 seconds off radio listening. What a thrilling life YOU must have. I bet you'd be way more entertaining on the radio than opie.

hey opie