My gf has only heard the show once before a Nopie show, I was playing a clip earlier and Jelly tits lame on...

5  2015-02-09 by [deleted]

"that fucking guy sucks! He's part of the show? His voice is irritating and he sounds like a complete idiot"

Yes even people who don't know anything about him know he's a piece of shit.


I was trying to get a friend into the show once so i turned it on while we were going on a long drive. it was a show where tits talked about having roland and erock over and they thought the food sucked. He said "IM SORRY THE STEAKS WERNT INFUSED WITH DIFFERENT FLAVORS" then proceded to say infused litterally 15+ more times in 5 mins. It was so annoying i turned it off and had to apoligize. I hope his blood gets infused with potassium chloride & pancuronium bromide

That fucking piece of shit COOKED STEAK IN BARBECUE SAUCE!

Wasn't aware some fans were capable of loving healthy human relationships