It's kicking off between Anthony Cumia & Joe Derosa again.

57  2015-02-08 by HooHooInventingRadio


So joe de rosa is using 'woman' as a comeback/insult? Let's try to drum up the SJWs lol

But wasn't he quoting ant?

I don't know which is cringier that or Anthony sticking up for women there.

I dont think Ant was defending women. He was pointing out how outraged he got over Anthony's tweets and yet goes on stage or comes into the show and calls women cunts all the time.

Ugh... he should just shun DeRosa.

I think Anthony only sent out two tweets, plus this spices up my hatred for the day.

Derosa does hate women. On the show half his stories were about how some woman was a "cunt" (his favorite word) over some minor thing. Like not saying thank you when he held a door

I don't care if he does, it's cringey to fight over who hates women on twitter.

That's the bit! Do we really have to break it down for you at this point? HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON.....ahh forget it.

Being some slit-hating neckbeard isn't the cool opposite of being an SJW fuckboy.

DeRosa better look out or brother Joe might get involved. He might even address it to his viewer on his show later on.

To his audient.

Scorch is infinitely more popular and I mean that literally. Scorch has at least 1 actual fan and Brother Bore has 0.


DeRosa already made Brother Joe's "The Wall of Douche". If there's a greater shame in the world, I've yet to see it.

Wall of Douche or Dressing


Genius. Let's hear it for turdthief


That got a laugh. The initial post was funny, but your tag put it over the top. It was like a great team set up/spike in volleyball. Comedy pyramid.

I know one its called "west coast comedian"

Being on Brother Joe's MySpace hero list would be a much greater shame.

his wall of douches. what's he use a mirror or sumtin tsssss tss

The trouble is his viewer is himself watching himself on his iPhone. This leads to schizophrenia.

Seriously DeRosa is the type of guy who deserves to be cut off, this turnaround is insanely ungrateful and might hurt him more than he thinks.

Opie and Anthony and Jim got him attention when he was a worthless standup. DeRosa probably got those Red Eye gigs (on Fox News, which he probably says is bad now or something) from his connection with Jimmy and Ant.

Again, its obvious both Louis Ck and Bill Burr disagree with him, but they don't straight up talk regular shit about him. Amy Schumer hasnt condemned him and tweeted how she liked him and was sad about the situation.

DeRosa thinks hes being a badass, "calling it how it is" when hes just being a piece of shit

He is emulating his hero Andy Kindler. When you got nothing else, use someone else's name to get some attention.

andy kindler? tss why isnt he called andy fire starting guy or sumpin i dont know

Tss...In the camps they would have called him handy kindling.

huehue vurry gud. u/jammiesoff is killing it for us today

Tss kindling is a pretty good name for a bundle of sticks

Tss..what does he read alot of books or sumthin?

There's no way Burr or CK care enough to talk about it


tss yeah he fucking buried that cocksucka!


Ouch, looks like Ant just got kicked in the nuts

he should keep kicking him there

Hey ! That was a very personal unique piece of advise he was given...

That's what he gets for treating Derosa like a cute little kkitn.

Just tweeted him asking how Amazon sales are going, he replied saying they were going great and only 'dips hits' pay attention to reviews.

Shame the little baby boy blocked me before I got the chance to ask him if a dips hit was the same thing as a disloyalc unt.

Plus it's not true. If I hear a comic that I never really heard of on a podcast & look up his cd & it gets 1.5stars I will never buy that album.

But to be fair, if I was to buy an album from a comic I heard just on a podcast they would really have to kill. Derosa doesn't have that ability. Most of his podcast appearance his him talking reallly seriously about conedy or some pop-culture geek shit that is really meaningful to him

I had to read that 5 times to get the joke. I fucking stink.

Ant is messing with Joe's livelihood.

Troy is obnoxious but fucking gave it to Joe. Is this the fallout from when they were talking shit about the way each other dressed?

Indeed it is

hahah I hope nobody sends this to him

Yeah guys, let's take the high road on this one.

Fucker. I needed an excuse to drink & not do anything else tonight; now I have to watch There Will Be Blood on blu ray. (I haven't even opened it yet)

1 like and 1 retweet in an hour, WINNING

10 hours later...

DeRosa is a fucking little cunt.

He retweeted something like "are the 50 anthony Cumia fans at it again"

2 points:

1-he shouldn't shit on the size of Ant's fan base. Look at his. He has no one to give his albums good reviews. He has no fans going to bat for him. If we were to attack Burr's Amazon page it wouldnt make a dent

2-he is the one hiding out tweeting about this shit all day. Find me another single person tweeting to him that much. Anthony did like 3 tweets and then stopped. Derosa is the one obsessed with Twitter & the Internet

Somehow Joe Derosa is using up too much of my hate. I'm beggining to hate greggshells less because next to derosa... Basically my hate tank is being emptied on that cunt Derosa.

Why? Because he expressed his opinion?

God forbid anybody, but your precious Anthony, do that! What is this, Saudi Arabia?

did he hurt your feelings, joe?


guy who thinks that were against people "expressing their opinions"

Haha you absolute cunt

I guess you make a good point there.

I fixed DeRosa's Wikipedia page:

"Joe DeRosa (born August 6, 1977) is a struggling, critically-derided American stand-up comedian, author, actor, producer, director, editor and television writer. Given his repeated failures in the entertainment industry, he is currently seeking a transition into steady busboy employment at his neighborhood diner."

Huh looks like Joe Derosa is also going on the same kind of journey as Bruce Jenner



Joe DeRosa (comedian):

Joe DeRosa (born August 6, 1977) is a struggling, critically-derided American stand-up comedian, author, actor, producer, director, editor and television writer. Given his repeated failures in the entertainment industry, he is currently seeking a transition into steady busboy employment at his neighborhood diner.

Image i

Interesting: Joe DeRosa (referee) | 24/7 Comedy | The Half Hour

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Joey Roses sees this as a chance to be part of Kindler's group of friends. He's taking a "hit" from O&A fans, so he figures it will ingratiate himself further into that crew because Kindler will feel like he owes him.

Pretty much. He's baiting the jocks to beat him up so he can be accepted at the geek table.

DeRosa is the one who started this today. Everyone was talking about Andy Kindler, and Joe brought up Anthony for no apparent reason.


He mentioned Anthony after he started getting grief for praising Kindler on Letterman. According to DeRosa, Kindler is "as funny as funny gets" and you're an "asshole" if you don't like it.

Joe is seriously a little girl who throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

That second tweet should be punished with a forced transfusion of Ebola blood. It's so douchey it's almost unreadable. What a spineless worm.

Joe was on O&A for years and knew what Ant was saying on a regular basis. This didn't stop Joe to be on the show many times and hang out with Ant. The moment Ant got the boot he turns his back on him and says he is a racist. That's some severe character flaw.

That's right, Joey. Just like Carlin told ya!


Kindler knows I take niggerdick

Joe's reaction seems to have been to RT some of the insults he's getting. Way to own it, Joey Roses...

Honestly I think he is trying to bury the other tweets without deleting them and looking like a faggot. He is totes raging right now and just can't even.

Joe Derosa is a bath turd

joe derosa is proof that success is about networking.

twitter is confusing as fuck to follow an argument on

I just realized if you go to the tweets and replies tab it is much easier.

And this joe derosa guy. He's a comedian you say.

Go get 'em, Chippah. Fawk yeah!!

Is this only thing DeRosa knows how to do to get heat on his crummy act? Jeeeeeeezus Joe! AH JESUS.

I'm just worried about what his women friends will think.

It's very progressive of you to call the 'chicks with dicks' he is so found of "women".

Joe Derosa is a piece of shit. And his comedy is atrocious. I liked him on O&A most of the time but he started to get bad and this stuff with Ant is the worst. Just don't say anything if you don't agree. To say "what am I supposed to tell my black friends" is the most cowardly backwards way to think.

Wow, that comeback was well thought out. Absolutely debilitating.

If someone can buy Twitter followers, then can't someone buy those same people using different handles to tweet the word "Fag" to an unfunny comedian with tiny shoulders?


I won't stand for you talking about little Jimmy like that.

Derosa had the comeback of an 8 year old. Guess this faggot has to show all his black friends that he is fighting the good fight.

Joe really is just embarrassing himself. He shouldn't even bother with any of this.

ol' joe "no shoulders" derosa with his mysterious pastel avatar makes me want to punt a baby

De Rosa should just be put down.

I used to love Joe on the show, he & Ant had such good chemistry. Fucking bums me out it turned into this.

That said, the Twitter battle kept me entertained this whole boring Sunday while I did things like getting my taxes done & bullshit like that. I can't believe Joe hitched his wagon to Andy Kindler. He really should just stay off Twitter, it's done nothing but hurt him. Joe seems like he takes himself way too seriously, or as Nicky would say in Casino, 'really thinks who da fuck he is.' He needs to take a chill pill. (Valley Jim)

Those Amazon reviews are cracking me up, they are brutal.

"@AnthonyCumia @slomesalami @AndyKindler If I hated women I'd hate you, Ant."

These fucking babies...

Hey, Anthony. We love you like a brother who can pass for white, and we want you to have a good life. Put down the fucking Twitter. It's a magic helmet that makes everyone retarded—especially you, because you're a golden-hearted asshole. It's made specifically for not you.




P.S.— "Fly me out" means "Let us engage together in the federal crime of interstate prostitution, for which this message and your responses to it are evidence of a special kind known as 'declarations against interest' which are not subject to hearsay rules. Now tell me some Eric Holder jokes."

Uhh what?

Anthony Cumia and who?

Well, the funny thing is- more people know who Andy Kindler is, than Ol' Pockmark Cumia.

has derosa been on o and j?

No, apparently Sam Roberts has just enough awareness not to close the door with Ant completely.

Be a woman like your father. Come on, all your Corleones are women anyway.

How can a "comedian" be such a dolt?

I'd actually be on his side. I'd have said the same exact things he said about being able to talk to black friends. And I'd have kicked the ever loving shit out of Ant in that argument. This limp necked estrogen machine can't get anything right.

If Joe Derosa hated women he'd have to hate himself, what a weak jawed, no shouldered silly goose.

Dude that is literally the joke we are making fun of him for.

Who the FUCK uses the term "expresses themselves" to refer to themself.

Jesus fucking christ I I need to throw up

His Wikipedia got updated again


Grown ass men fighting over social media. Jesus christ.

I read this in Colin Quinn's voice.

joe is a hack, why was this hangaround ever considered funny

Frankly I'm grateful Joe has taken a stand, I mean it would probably mean more coming from a celebrity but I'm not an ingrate.

Joe's must be a Tweet-Kwon Do Sensai!! Why didn't Joe busy Ants balls when he called Ants Show, instead of lick Ants balls?

And Joe calling Ant a girl was just to Harsh! I just wish I was a professional comedian so I could be able to come back with a retort as devastating as calling someone a girl!

Wait, so what happened in between when Joe called in to Ant's show and more or less patched things up with him? Or was it all for show, because it seems like towards the end of the phone call it seemed like it was water under the bridge, I remember them talking about getting drinks the next time Joe was in NY. Did something happen to spark it up again or were they never on good terms at all after that.


Anthony got owned. Just accept it.

hahah I hope nobody sends this to him

Fucker. I needed an excuse to drink & not do anything else tonight; now I have to watch There Will Be Blood on blu ray. (I haven't even opened it yet)