What is with the Opie obsession?

0  2015-02-08 by MacsDuster

You people hate Opie more than I love anything. Yeah, he can be a whiny douche at times, but Ant and Yimmy are just as annoying in their own ways. The dedication to get to him is creepy.


shut up faggot

atta boy

my numba one dog right here

After years of talking free speech and anti-management, Opie folds like a pussy when his partner goes under the same fire they were championing against. The last thing I thought Opie would do is re-sign with Jimmy and never mention Ant again. It pissed off a lot of us loyal fans, who probably weren't the nicest people to being with.

Opie, Anthony, and Jimmy have been complaining about management for years now. I can't say I was surprised when he and Jimmy chose to renew. People talk about him being loyal to Ant, but Anthony had his own show up and running, and Opie had a whole crew of people to think about before up and leaving the show. Why should Opie be singled out as betraying the fans when he kept the show going? I'd rather have the show sans Anthony then no show at all.

dude it's how he says management loves the show now and he's turned it into the morning zoo we always told to hate and go after. so we are. he's actually worse than morning zoo at least they do some prep work. he's ruined so many bits because he feels left out or tries to make a joke and just bombs horribly. he's comedy cancer and needs to be called out for it and pay for what he's done to our beloved show.

Opie does not give one shit about anyone else on the staff. SteveC should prove that. Opie was always the one that whined about management. While Jim and AntH did as well, it was never to the extent that Tits did. Tits would waste almost entire shows over trivial shit. Opie did not keep the show going. There is no O&A show. He re-signed with the POS company that fired Anthony over pretty silly shit. The Worm also did, simply for money. Opie is an asshole. He has zero talent, something most of knew for 10+ years. Fuck him. It is great watching the abortion that is OpieRaqio. Anthony was the main talent of the show, enjoy the drivel.

Great first post OP, well done. I'm sure if everyone here were incessantly praising Opie they'd still be considered 'obsessed' as well.

The obsession assessment could probably be expanded to folks with user names specific to the topic/subreddit too.

How does that correlate to obsession though? Am I obsessed with Erock or the show because of my username? I don't see how you can connect these two things.

I would suggest that that username could certainly be used an an indicator.

Oh? How so? What about a username could inherently suggest obsession? Anyone with a reddit username alluding to reference is obsessed with the thing they are alluding to? Please explain.

Re-read what I wrote. I hate repeating myself.

If you can't support your claim it will be voided as null, you said it correlates to obsession but never elaborated on why this is the case. Are you obsessed with Starsky and Hutch because of your name? I don't see how anyone could make that logical leap on these grounds alone. Your proposition is not sound and has been invalidated.

There are a lot of obsessed people on this sub. They hate when you tell them that though.

How are people on this sub obsessed BJ, and why are you not correlating this obsession with negative criticism? Please explain.

Excuse me sir, someone who does not listen to a show, creates a username for said show and posts almost 100 percent of the time about that show and how it sucks and that the host sucks, is obsessed. You may not like being called obsessed, but that doesnt mean you are not.

someeone who does not listen to a show, creates a username for said show and posts almost 100 percent of the time about that show and how it sucks and that the host sucks, is obsessed.

So obsession does correlate to negative criticism then as a I presupposed before, hm? Saying the 'host sucks' is equivalent to saying he is not entertaining is it not?

I never said not finding someone entertaining correlated with being obsessed. Your strawman arguments are basic in nature, easily destroyed.

Either you were lying then or you are lying now, I suppose that it is the former. I should demand an apology for being falsely accused of committing a logical fallacy when you have just admitted with your latest post that I did no such thing.

Back to the the point though, when do I do these things BJ? Have you gone through all of my posts and have found an exorbitant amount of irrational Opie hate posts? Do I do this a 100% of the time as you claimed? Hardly, I demand an apology for using an arbitrary made up statistic. Most of my time on here is spent trouncing dolts like you and TP by refuting your irrational arguments.

If I were constantly praising Opie and lauding the show would I be obsessed then? Or is it only when the feedback is negative does it correlate to obsession?

Am I obsessed with Opie or the O&A show? My username has nothing to do with Opie specifically, I am confused of what you are accusing me of now.

I never said I don't listen to the Opie and Anthony show, only that I don't listen regularly to the Opie with Jim Norton Show, your argument is overly presumptive and you are putting words into my mouth. I again SIR must implore you to apologize for this negligence.

I spaced out my comment nicely so you could follow along better. You're welcome. None of the things you stated in relation to me are factual nor do they correlate to obsession inherently. Please try again, after you apologize for the numerous offenses you have committed against my character.

Excuse me sir, i never stated that you were obsessed, i simply gave characteristics of somebody who is. Do you find it amusing to waste my time and put words in my mouth? What kind of sick person does that for fun. I am trying to have an adult discussion with you and once again you taunt, disrespect me, insult me and waste my time. Before we go any further, i cannot in good faith continue this discussion until i am issued a formal apology from you.

The ball is in your court sir.

Your generic copy paste response never is effective, nor is it here, BJ.

You may not like being called obsessed, but that doesnt mean you are not.

You seem to have a poor memory and insistent on wasting your time with your own doltishness (again the important words are bold to accommodate your deficiencies). You have failed to address any of the points I made in my response to your comment. By failing to refute them you have indirectly accepted them as fact.

You have falsely accused me of using a strawman argument and have outed yourself with your previous comment.

Exhibit A:

I never said not finding someone entertaining correlated with being obsessed. Your strawman arguments are basic in nature, easily destroyed.

Exhibit B:

someone who does not listen to a show, creates a username for said show and posts almost 100 percent of the time about that show and how it sucks and that the host sucks, is obsessed.

You have contradicted yourself and have proven that you are an unscrupulous individual. Your obsession argument has fallen flat and you are now flailing to stay afloat. I have again dismantled you with elementary logic and rudimentary principles. I still demand an apology SIR on behalf of the aforementioned offenses namely that you falsely accused me of using a straw man argument.

But since I am a forthcoming individual, I will give you one last chance to prove your argument before it is voided indefinitely.

You have now conceded that the obsession on this sub does indeed coincide with or correlate to the negative criticism that Opie has been receiving. But why is this inherently obsessive behavior? Would it also be obsessive if the majority of this sub were praising him profusely instead? These correlations both seem illogical from where I stand, but since they are fundamentally the same if you choose to assert the one you also must assert the other. Please explain your viewpoint SIR.

Excuse me sir, but you still have not apologized for the way you treated, and have treated me thus far. I cannot in good conscience continue this discussion until i am issued said apology.

The ball is in your court sir.

You generic response is more telling than you think. You have failed to support your original claim that I/everyone on this subreddit is obsessed, and as a result it has been invalidated. If anyone should be apologizing it should be you SIR for falsely accusing me of employing a straw man argument, falsely accusing me of excessive Opie hate, and for misrepresenting my views in general. I DEMAND an apology BJ.

Please stop wasting your time and go back to the herd sheep. You think I have domain over what you choose to do and that makes you a sheep. BAAA sheep. You are being subjected to my influence, sheep. BAAA. BAAA.

You have been thoroughly trounced for the umpteenth time and I bask in your ineptitude. I have provided an explicit example of you unknowingly contradicting yourself, demonstrating that you are indeed a dolt who does not posses the mental acuity to keep up with a layman in basic argumentation. You use the same stock lines whenever you get backed into the corner and it is proof that you truly do have nothing to offer. Until next time, BJ. I enjoy making you waste your time. BAAA. sheep.

Excuse me sir, but you still have not apologized and you also called me a "sheep". Why are you so angry with me? I cannot in good faith continue this discussion until you apologize for treating me poorly.

I cannot in good conscience continue this discussion until i am issued said apology.

I cannot in good faith continue this discussion until you apologize for treating me poorly.

Then why keep responding sheep? If I'm wasting your time your free to do something else, but you can't seem to help yourself, which is why you are a sheep. You claim you don't have control over your own actions and are subjected to my will, sheep. You are an internet failure BJ and I have just given you quite the shellacking. Please keep responding and claim that I am wasting your time SIR. I don't think I ever said I was angry with you, you're being presumptive. None of your arguments have any substance sheep. BAAA. BAAA. I eagerly await your apology for your numerous false accusations and misgivings.

Excuse me sir, but i cannot in good faith continue this discussion until you apologize for treating me poorly. You can say i keep repeating myself, but the offer stands. Apologize and continue the discussion, or dont and end it.

The ball is in your court sir.

Excuse me sir, but you still have not apologized for the way you treated, and have treated me thus far. I cannot in good conscience continue this discussion until i am issued said apology.The ball is in your court sir.

Excuse me sir, but you still have not apologized and you also called me a "sheep". Why are you so angry with me? I cannot in good faith continue this discussion until you apologize for treating me poorly.

Excuse me sir, but i cannot in good faith continue this discussion until you apologize for treating me poorly. You can say i keep repeating myself, but the offer stands. Apologize and continue the discussion, or dont and end it. The ball is in your court sir.

You're perpetuating the continuation of this discussion SIR. If you want to keep wasting your time that's fine by me, but I must implore you to apologize for the many false accusations you levied against my character. You have lost the debate and are turtling behind weak generic responses. I will never apologize, now that you know there is no logical reason for you to keep copying and pasting the same response, unless you truly are an incompetent dullard. Are you an incompetent dullard BJ? If so please respond.

Keeping trying sheep. Look, I'm making you waste more of your time by replying, sheep. BAAA. sheep.

Excuse me sir, but you still have not apologized for treating me poorly. Again sir, do you want to continue this discussion or do you want to end it?

The ball is in your court sir.

What's that sheep? BAAA. Are you openly admitting that you are an incompetent dullard? I didn't think that you would even stoop so low BJ. I won't apologize, nor will I ever. You are an ass and you're wasting your time. You are continuing to contribute to the discussion so your response is a paradox. I laugh at your ineptitude and accept your concession gratuitously sheep. You have failed again and will never best me when it comes to trading internet barbs.

you're even worse - making fake accounts, really going out of your way. I don't even know why you stick around.

Excuse me sir, what proof do you have that i made any fake accounts?

Its just painfully obvious all of these new accounts saying pretty much the same things you've said already, these accounts and yours having the same amount of upvotes.

I said proof sir, not a hunch.

go away

Excuse me sir, but just because i embarrassed you doesnt mean you have to act like a baby. Or did i ruin your confidence sir? If i did i sincerely apologize.

we had a nice thing here. I hope you're opie.


That niggas out of pocket

ME: *outta. Nice try on the hate tho.

But Jimmy and Ant are funny and can laugh at them self's unlike opie.

A whiny douche at times? Try all the time.

That's not even what bugs me. It's the non-stop lying, his "I'm better than you" attitude and his overall laziness in creating an entertaining show that bothers me. When people complain about the show quality, he says "the show has evolved and passed you by." No bigger "Screw You "has ever been uttered.

He has single handedly brought the show to a screeching halt on a daily basis. He steps on jokes, ruins punchlines and constantly brings the show back to him.

It's not even the hating intrinsically that bothers me, but the utter fucking banality of it lately.

EVERY video or anything that gets posted, the comments are filled with "OMG AT 13:21 OPIE DID THIS TRIVIAL SLIGHTLY ANNOYING THING FAT TITS I HOPE HE DIES BAM FUCKED HIS WIFE".

Whoah, lookout, comic geniuses on the loose!

thank god other people are noticing this... I was beginning to think the whole subreddit forgot what funny is just to hate on Opie.

I am glad you noticed.


He's just terrible.


OP this sub is just trying to figure things out... It's a strange situation.

Ok, that did make me laugh.

None of these other threads make you laugh? He fucking sucks.....so we mock him. If you get the humor, great. If not, maybe this forum is not for you.

So the purpose of the entire forum is to hate on Opie? That's the type of irrationality I'm talking about. A few of the jokes are amusing, but nearly every post(whether meant to be a joke or not) is dedicated to bashing the Opester. Even threads that start off on a different topic end up becoming an Opie hatefest. I just find it odd to hate something so much and still latch on to it.

It is because it is amusing. Maybe you just do not get the humor, so the forum may not be for you. It is hate mixed with the fucking JOKE that the show has become with this narcissistic asshole as the main host.

Amongst all the "hate" are many links to past shows and clips, as well as discussion about the other people involved in the show.

One thing I always find funny is how people will ask why we are all fixated and obsessed with something we cannot stand, yet they post to this reddit forum. It would be like me coming across a "we love Martha Stewart" subreddit and asking why they like the vapid POS. I don't care, so I would ignore the forum. Why do people like you feel the need to let us know that you "don't get it"?

What's not to get about various man-tits and 'opie is unfunny' jokes? I hate to burst your bubble, but this forum isn't filled with comedic geniuses.

Amongst all the "hate" are many links to past shows and clips, as well as discussion about the other people involved in the show

I know...that's what drew me to the forum in the first place, but then I was constantly inundated with threads expressing the utmost loathing for Opie. No wonder he is narcissistic; there is a whole subsection of people with Opie at the forefront of their brain.

I don't see anything odd about people being obsessed with something they like. Maybe it's just me, and most rational people, but when I dislike/hate something I move on to something that I actually enjoy.

Why do people like you feel the need to let us know that you "don't get it"?

Probably for the same reason you feel the need to let people know you hate a multi-millionaire who doesn't think about you...I have nothing better to do.


dude things just started poppin' off, everyone had this hive mind parallel thought moment and boooom duuuude, ideas are bulletproof.

What else are we going to do? Go to other subreddits? Pffff.

I'm NOT Going To burn THE Opster! I will continue to wear it in his honor. I'll burn the jerseys he wants "retired" around the bar

You passed the ocular patdown and are now cleared for passage. ;)

You know when you tack on mass, you sacrifice flexibility, that's a straight up fact

Ya got a fat setta ttttttttttttttits, dontcha??

Yes I do...you're very observant.

100% agree.... we've lowered the bar to upvoting anything bashing Opie whether it's funny or not. Some of this shit is just lame and unfunny. If you want to trash Opie, how but some good lines... not just "duhhh tits does viral marketing, holdonholdonholdon...."

I seriously doubt anyone here hates Holepie more than you love having cocks in your mouth and asshole.

Better make a new account for this one.

Youre talking to children, give up sir.

Children of the 80s.

Is this Benjamin fella really opie?

Opie would never talk to or about this sub. Its 300 losers whining about a millionaire.

Yet here you are, Benjie. Why?

Oh, thats right....you yourself said you would make it your personal mission to turn this forum around. Hahahahahahaha!!

Excuse me sir, but you just asked me a question, answered it for yourself, and then proceeded to laugh at your own answer. Please sir dont be rude.

Wow, aren't you the perceptive one.

Thank you sir.

atta boy

my numba one dog right here

It is because it is amusing. Maybe you just do not get the humor, so the forum may not be for you. It is hate mixed with the fucking JOKE that the show has become with this narcissistic asshole as the main host.

Amongst all the "hate" are many links to past shows and clips, as well as discussion about the other people involved in the show.

One thing I always find funny is how people will ask why we are all fixated and obsessed with something we cannot stand, yet they post to this reddit forum. It would be like me coming across a "we love Martha Stewart" subreddit and asking why they like the vapid POS. I don't care, so I would ignore the forum. Why do people like you feel the need to let us know that you "don't get it"?