After Opie retires, will the Opie Sucks Narrative live on?

0  2015-02-08 by mtx093

Will OSN transcend the career it critiques?


I don't think his career will transcend. When Opie retires no one will think of him again

I honestly think his plan is to go back to regular radio and finish out his career like his mentor. If that is the case I would like to see the hate continue so all will know of his massive mammaries.

He's probably aspiring to be like Brother Wease. The radio "veteran" that settles down in a relatively unknown market, but "people who know radio knows how great I am". In his mind he's going to be Yoda in Degoba.

But then hopefully when his proverbial Luke levitates that giant boulder, Ope's kiddy porn gets discovered and we get another Dave Herman on our hands.

He has been doing radio since he's 18. There is enough audio for future generations to hate him long after he retires.

Is Mao Ze Dong still talked about as the man who starved 20 million of his own people or can we just give him the credit he deserves for the Cultural Revolution finally?

The what?

He's probably aspiring to be like Brother Wease. The radio "veteran" that settles down in a relatively unknown market, but "people who know radio knows how great I am". In his mind he's going to be Yoda in Degoba.

But then hopefully when his proverbial Luke levitates that giant boulder, Ope's kiddy porn gets discovered and we get another Dave Herman on our hands.