What's the chances that the cake stomp was staged.

0  2015-02-08 by GameVault

I mean it is possible there was an entire untouched cake in a dumpster due to it expiring but it's just as likely they bought it. Idk and I haven't watched the video in years so I might be talking out my ass. It just seems weird. Working job like that before if we got to write off a cake a few employees would have at least grabbed a slice or two before tossing it. You aren't making shit and it's free cake, come on.


Opie can't act so it would of been obvious if it was fake. Plus he would "teased" it all morning had it been planned.

Yeah I just watched the video again (lol at the up to down vote ratio) and Andrew looks genuinely annoyed.

The tramp 'earned' the cake so I'm guessing it was given to him by a bakery employee or something as a reward. It was probably deliciously fresh and not stale at all.

It wasn't. Don't give Opie that much credit. He's quite the dimwit and while he would love you to think that he was playing the long game, he was actually thinking about how deep he went with the Alice On Chains katalog.

In this post Brian Williams world we can't be too careful. I think we need to go back and audit a number of these stories to make sure there have been no fabrications or exaggerations.

Wow... Food for thought! Great post.

I'd say it's a good chance and then I wonder if Ope brought another pair of hiking booties since the other ones were covered in disgusting pastry

Snowy? Thoughts?

Faggot? Thoughts?

Haha this is great. I'm flattered.

Flattered to be a faggot? Thx for being yourself.

This is some bullshit. Somebody go make blllisinthefridge immediately.


I'm starting to question whether everything Opie has ever done was staged

As others have mentioned, Opester cant act. Also note that any example of the Psycho's impromptu whacky hijynx can always be linked to easy, no risk targets. Jumping on a feeble homeless guy's cake with Kenney standing next to you takes zero balls. Cracking Sandy canes guitar, pissing on the bro bible (with the author on the phone), all easy targets. All funny, the only thing he CAN do.

That was bottled water not piss. He's too insecure to pull his dick out in studio.

This was actually one of the more entertaining walkovers, complete with the "la la" game, and a run-in with the Italian broad that Jimmy was fucking with. In the end, it made for great radio.

Poor homeless guy, hopefully his life took a turn for the better. At least thats how I try to picture such situations and maybe it changed Opie in a positive way.

Eat a dick.

That was bottled water not piss. He's too insecure to pull his dick out in studio.