Tried listening to Preying Mantits & The Worm yesterday..

1  2015-02-07 by [deleted]

The first few minutes.. Opie brings up a story where he saw a guy smashing a bike, the guy then spotted Opie and he drove off. Opie is paranoid that the guy would blackmail him by saying he smashed the bike. Jim tries hard to bring the funny but Opie changes subject to Conrad Hilton's flight attendant assault which again.. Jim tries to make funny. Opie and Jim try to be sarcastic and it just falls flat. You can almost hear their paychecks being written out. They then talk about the attempted suicide of Whitney Houston's daughter and Opie wallows in the sadness as Jim gasps for air. I couldn't take it anymore at that point.

I rate this show 1/10, talking about celebrity kids now? Fawk yaaaaa


Opie isn't good at his job

It's an easy job

He's been doing it for over 30 years

And he's still bad at it

That post reads like a drunk haiku, I like it.


I listened to the first about 30 seconds that someone posted because I clicked a link that wasn't time-stamped so it started at the beginning of the show. It started with Opie acknowledging whatever shit song he just played followed by Jimmy skimming an article about Conrad Hilton and cracking a joke about how he was mistreated by the airline. Opie then says "Hey, I'm the one that turned you onto that Conrad Hilton story!" and that is where I shut it down. Jimmy cracks one joke and Opie immediately needs to take some sort of credit by saying he is the one who introduced that article to Jimmy. The man is insufferable.

Because that's what drew in his entire audience for the past several years; a 60 year old man taking credit for bringing up an article. No wonder Ant used to like Opie, he's a fucking 17 year old girl.

Hoo hoo, I saw it first Jimmy, hoo hoo.

There were some great macabre stories from the callers later in the show.

One caller described watching a daredevil fall to his death, and the sound that it made (like breaking glass)

Hang in there, the show gets good in that episode.

no it doesn't, the show doesn't get good; that's impossible

no it doesn't, the show doesn't get good; that's impossible