How great is watching Opie slip into oblivion while Ant is gaining traction.

33  2015-02-06 by SkippinTurtles

Ant can do his show until he dies and have a following. Opie will finish his contract and never make money again.


Neither show has any traction. I feel bad for guys like Sam, Travis and Erock for having their families lives tied into three narcissistic lazy old men.


I'm dumb, three?


Ha im retarded. Cheers

Hate to break it to you but there is plenty of radio out there.

Good one!

it is some justice.Ant was fired for something the show harps on about.Not allowing free speech and opinions.The ones who re-signed have a show that is trash and would be mocked on the old show.The own who was fired gets the respect and keeps the old fans.

Fuck Opie and Jim

All fair points, but next time please add a space after each period you autistic fuck.

Imagine Opie trying to start his own show like Ant after sirius kick him to the curb.

I don't think anyone would even bother pirating that show.

Do you think he would have over 10 subscribers?

He'd buy fake subscribers for sure

That is 9 subscribers too generous. His fan base would exist entirely of Lady Di.

Two. You forgot Patti.

No she is loyal to Bobo who will have his own channel at sirius called BoboRaqio when Opie gets the boot.

I would listen to the Bobo channel all day long. I need to know what's going on in Queens.

Here's what it would sound like.

I love that his only follower is Sam.

We've already had a brief preview of that with the Brother Joe show.

The only web show less popular than Guilty By Association.

Ant has traction? Outside of die hard fans does anyone even know who he is? Without the balance of O&A I'd imagine he has a very fringe audience that will never experience mainstream growth

Opie thinking. "Every band really wants to be rock stars."

Almost none of them do. They want what Anthony has, a job he made up himself that pays him before it pays anybody else.

Look what Louis got from "mainstream growth." His work is desperate trash now, he's fucking terrified they'll take his new life away if he says anything interesting, and he'll never hear the truth about anything or have a real relationship with anybody ever again.

Opie lyfe.

Louis CK's work is "desperate trash" now?? What?

It's not trash but it's not on the same level it used to be. He was always one of my favorite guests on O&A because he liked to hang and was always funny. When his show blew up and his appearances on O&A became interviews is when I really stopped caring about him. I blame Opie for that though. He wouldn't stop gushing every time Louis came in and Louis even said that he liked doing O&A because they wouldn't treat him like a celebrity, now that's all they would do.

Also, I watched his new stand up special and I really didn't think it was very good. It felt very predictable and pandering to his "Louie" crowd.

I was there for his stand up special, and I felt like the only person in the Store not laughing. Im like "Am I missing something?" I thought it was just me, but I'm seeing a growing consensus on Reddit & around that this was his lamest special ever. I used to love Louie and was kind of shocked at how weak the stuff was, I can't believe he used that hour. A lot of people say it was quite a bit of recycled material, too.

I still dig the FX show, I still think he's great & like hearing his perspectives on things. But if his stand up stays in this direction, he's certainly passed me by. A lot of physical humor in it now too, which I can't stand. It's such "LA" shit.

His latest opening bit from SNL made me nauseous...jokes about how we shouldn't call a shirt a wifebeater anymore because it's perpetuating domestic violence...eww, gross.

It always was desperate trash. He was only given a pass because he looked like a neckbeard.

Everyone loves louie ck are you guys thinking about someone else?

Very true. I always knew the emperor had no clothes, but people got pissed when you criticized their darling.

He appeals to the lowest common denominator in the same way as Dice and Kinison did. It's just that Louis and his audience are too pretentious to know that they are the lowest common denominator.

Do you realize how pretentious you sound? LOL, you're like Andy Kindler declaring what funny is and yet no one has any reason to believe you... What's better than Louis C.K. if he is so bad?

Everything that has a modicum of popularity is bad

Maybe you can enlighten me about how I'm sounding pretentious. No reason to believe me? You don't believe your lying eyes about his wannabe artsy show, his hacky 'I've got kids and I don't like them' bits, him doing pre-prepared material on O&A (when they criticize everybody else who used to do it), his awful SNL stuff trying to pander to an SJW audience?

I don't like Andy Kindler either but he does make some good points about Louis, and to a lesser extent Ricky Gervais (who I like.)

Maybe you can enlighten me about how I'm sounding pretentious.

You're saying he appeals to the "lowest common denominator." Your saying the comedy is beneath you, which is pretentious.

No reason to believe me? You don't believe your lying eyes about his wannabe artsy show, his hacky 'I've got kids and I don't like them' bits, him doing pre-prepared material on O&A (when they criticize everybody else who used to do it), his awful SNL stuff trying to pander to an SJW audience?

I'm not even a Louis-fan and you are wrong on several things there... the "hacky" I hate my kids thing is something Louis invented... who was saying "I fucking hate my kids" before him? Prepared OA material? Every comic had show prep you dummy, and Louis had plenty of off-the-cuff liners. You're really showing how little you know in your response, and you didn't answer my question; What's better than Louis C.K. if he is so bad?

Figure out what you're trying to say before you start typing... Jesus

What are you saying here, there is no lowest common denominator? Of course there is. in TV terms they watch The Kardashians, American Idol and Housewives shows. In comedy terms they watch Louis.

Saying that isn't pretentious, unless you're saying there is literally nothing beneath you and you'll watch any old shit that's put in front of you.

He invented this kid hating thing? Really? Because I remember seeing Bernie mac and other black comics do it in the late 90's. You really think he invented jokes about not liking his kids?

Opie and Anthony openly talk about their contempt for comics who come in and do their material on radio, they said they hated it since the Boston days. I've literally never heard any of the other regulars come in and attempt to shoehorn their pre-written material into the show. You actually think the other regular guys are doing show prep before every show? Even O&A didn't seem to prep jokes for the show.

What's better than Louis CK? In what sense? Stand up? Patrice, Colin, Jimmy Carr. Radio? Ant, Jimmy, every regular, Gervais, Rogan, Breuer, Artie Lange, Whoo Kid, Ron Bennington, Pepper Hicks, Shelby, most of the ron & Fez regulars. Comedy shows? Pretty much every one.

1) Lowest common denominator to me is Carlos Mencia, Gabriel Iglesias, Ralphie May, Joe Rogan, or Jim Gaffigan level comedy. Louis C.K. is much better than all of these.
2) He invented the BLUNT thing with kids. Tons of comedians complain about kids/spouse/family, but no one dead-pan delivered "My kid's a fuckin asshole" before Louis. That is his, and you won't find a sound clip of anyone going all out like that. Maybe it's hack now but it wasn't when he invented it.
3) I've seen Nick Dipaolo, Patrice, Bill Burr, and Jim Norton all use material from their acts on the show. They are there to promote, and Louis used the radio show for that.
4) You think Rogan has better material than Louis C.K... LOL? Anthony is a better comedian?? ... link me to that material you're talking about? Patrice is funnier than Louis candidly but not a better comedian.

You're propping up a flimsy argument with still flimsier reasons... I agree with you on the pandering hipster BS but just link this picture next time so you don't expose your idiocy...

I don't think you even read my response, I said Rogan and Ant are better on radio. I'm sure some people would make the argument that Louis was funnier than Rogan, but if you even try to compare him to Ant then there is just nothing I can do for you at that point.

I've never seen Mencia or Iglesias but I agree Ralphie, Gaffigan and Rogan are awful at stand up, I really don't understand how you could think Louis was any better than them though.

I notice your 'Louis invented it' argument has now fallen apart and you just claim he did it differently now lol. I'm pretty sure I could find a lot of guy doing it bluntly before him if I cared enough.

If the rest of those guys used material from their act (which I doubt) it just shows how much better they all are than him that they can pass it off and be entertaining while he comes off as an unfunny bore. Are you even sure it came from their act or did they say something that later became part of their act?

If you think Louis a better comedian than Patrice in any way I'd love to hear the reasoning behind that thinking.

His work really is desperate left wing pandering now. Especially the television shows. To go from Lucky Louie and Louie's first season to this French arthouse film abortion says it all. He's thoroughly in the Belly of the Beast as Patrice put it. There's no way CK gets this famous without "owing" people and the check is gonna come due any day now. He'll be the spokesman for some lefty cause on The Apology Tour like they did to Tracy Morgan in under 2 years.

I really don't give a fuck if Louie literally sucks the cock of every Jew and spineless white apologist in Hollywood. All I care about is the face value and that his show isn't funny and his stand up is getting progressively worse. His show isn't even as artsy and absurd or brilliant as he would like to think it is. It's generic unfunny shit.

Lol. Louis' show gets more brilliant and personal every season. And more popular. You're delusuonal.

I hope next season there's one episode without any dialogue of just Louis sitting in a chair in his apartment while we hear 30 minutes of freeform jazz playing.

Cool story.


I think he's making the smart move by trying to get more involved in the current NYC comedy scene. That's what really got most people interested in O&A.

But even before Ant got fired did O&A really have more than a fringe audience anyway?

I don't think Ant's under any illusion that he's going to have mainstream success when he regularly dons a pair of slanted-eyed glasses and does an Asian impression.

Agreed. However, we also don't know his sub numbers so he could be ok with that.

Well, I went from a casual fan who said "there's no fucking way I'll give this rich old racist any money" in August to becoming a subscriber to an extremely entertaining, funny, and timely (notice how he talks about current events a day before O and J) show by one of the best unfiltered, all around funny people in media today. So yeah, I'd say he's definitely gaining traction.

The fact that you bought a subscription is clearly empirical evidence that the show is gaining traction.

Trust me - from the perspective of someone who is not watching his career closely (and I'm probably watching it more closely by virtue of this sub), nobody who wasn't a fan of the old show is suddenly just discovering his new show. His opportunity for traction was when the show launched. He knew he had to ride the media shitstorm. Unfortunately, he launched a product that wasn't quite ready and expected everyone to come along based on his reputation alone.

Anyway, my point is, you can say the show is coming into its own or something like that, but I haven't seen any evidence of it gaining traction.

Ant has traction? Outside of die hard fans does anyone even know who he is?

According to his Twitter, "The Blaze" loves promoting him.

Whatever the fuck that is.

edit: Just checked out "The Blaze"....apparently it's an awesome site, full of informative news.

Check out this headline "How Reality TV Is Teaching Us to Accept the American Police State"

The blaze is managed by an ex-O&A producer so that's the link.

Isnt glen beck somehow involved too?

Yes, he founded it.

Oh, ok, that makes sense, as I see them always cover Norton et al.. as well; Usually in some regard to some over blown free-speech "issue." Well it's good that a former producer is giving them publicity. Edit: It's Stuntbrain! What a good egg!

But that site is like the bizzarro-Huffington-post (but with the same terrible journalism & click-bait articles).


Which one?


huh, TIL



RB: Everything gets forgotten; as the winds of time go on and robots slowly take over.

Hicks: Fuck...

Opie certainly sucks but Ant is not gaining traction in the slightest. His show sucks too, with the occasional good one here and there, but largely shit. Your points are silly because ant is not gaining traction, Opie could do a podcast and have a following from his idiot shirt and mug buyers (who never get mentioned but are awfully similar to Ant's nut huggers) and he's making a ton of money.

Just a bad post all around.

The sad thing is O&J surely has more listeners than TACS and both shows suck. It's evolved into the worst possible scenario.

If Anthony's show isn't doing well, how come he got hacked by a big time world famous hacker know as "The Hacka"?

honestly, you look so dumb right now.

Yup, BigDummy666, I look dumb right now.

What's with these "non die hard" fan types trying to rain on our parade? So we got our little show and enjoy our stories. Does not being a cheapie make me a die hard fan. I haven't written a letter to TACS requesting small stickers but if I did I'd like to carpet bomb all of America with TACS stickers.

My guess is that a lot of people have cancelled Ant's subscription by now. The show is 90% his obsession with black culture.

I think both shows are awful for different reasons.

He's fucked as well. They all got lucky and were in the right place at the right time, now it's over. They're 50 year old fucking men! Do you really expect them to have a second wind?

Expect THEM to have a second wind? No. But not because they're old. It's because they're lazy. Anthony is lazy and Opie is lazy. Another old man could easily turn his career around and have done something special, but that would require work and eftort and a though process beyond either "rarrghh haters!" or "rarrghh black people!" They COULD have built bigger audiences, changed, grown, done something else, whatever, but they are comfortable coasting off their moderate success from over a decade ago. Tell me who the fucking fuck would listen to either one of these shows if they weren't already a fan from years ago. It will only dwindle from here, for both of them, at least as far as an audience goes. They are totally irrelevant.

I don't know if Ant is gaining traction, but his weekly one hour best-of podcast is almost always better than anything you'll hear on O&J that same week.

Where would he be gaining traction from?

He's about ready to expand the channel to include other shows, they're releasing an app, they are solidifying plans for a NYC studio. All this and the show has been on less than 6 months.

Seems to me like they're doing something right.

Now O&J on the flipside, got more money. Other than that it doesn't seem like there's anything new or exciting going on at the channel.

NYC studio should've been his main studio from the start. He should've known what a hassle it would for these people to come out to Long Island to do 1 hour of his show. The NYC studio is being done out of necessity and I hope this means that he will have Jimmy on more now. Even one Ant and Jim show per week would be enough to justify the subscription for me.

He was back broadcasting only a month or so after being fired because he had the Compound studio pretty much ready to go. If he had waited until he had an NYC studio it would have taken him a lot longer to get on air. Now he has some sub money from the diehards and doesn't have to lay out as much out of pocket, and he was able to get some publicity for the show because the firing was still relatively fresh in peoples minds.

I get why he did it in this order. I just think he should've worked on getting a makeshift studio running in NYC at the same time. It doesn't need the green screen and all of that shit either. It just needs a camera and a couple microphones. If that was his guest only studio without all the bells and whistles of his basement I think that'd be more than enough for most people. We don't exactly need to see what he's doing since all we had was audio-only for the last 20 years.

Shit is not a nice word. Maybe you should try 'dookie' instead! mmkay? mmkay.

They put his show on the air with paid subscribers in less than a month of being fired. That's pretty impressive in itself.

Now he's into a groove and he's got a list of guests he's had on now for several times and he's expanding.

I'd say if anything he's going to be able to do more promo for the show like RedEye, other podcasts, etc.

I cant see Ant having more than 1000 subs, Even that sounds high.

You can trust this guys ⬆️ Anthony info, he's his number one fan. Some might even say he is obsessed with the guy.

You got down voted for that? Edit: Here's a vote back to ya.

Anything to back those silly numbers of yours, stoopid?

I think you're at least an order of magnitude low with that estimation.

1000 is too low. 5000 sounds about right. Maybe 7000.

Ant has turned into a racist old man who thinks everyone is out to get him and bitches about taxes. I'm not pulling for either of them anymore.

What universe are you living in.

ant fans being ant fans

traction lol

Are you guys kidding me? I would pay $6 a show to listen to that asshole try and fill 2 hours.

Ant's show lost what little traction it had months ago. The fuck you talking about?

This matters alot to you

It also seems to matter to you as well. You post here quite frequently, despite always bashing what this forum is about. Why is that, benjie?