Hey guys, I made a wallpaper for the show!

61  2015-02-06 by [deleted]


The Philly crew in the background really makes it pop.

Haha, I didn't notice that at first. Vurry good...

...let's go to Snowy in Michigan, who wants in badly. Sno-WAY!

This is a show I can get on board with. I hope they have soundboard effects. Here comes the worm "wiggle wiggle"

They've got to make E-rock dress up in a worm mascot costume! E-rock, comment?

Don't forget their signature phone scam bit.

Is this Gregg Hughes? Hey this is Bitchtits McCrybaby calling from Nationwide. Your kid was killed when a TV fell on him.

Baawwwww hummadummahummadummahoodoonow hummadummahummadummachibbadibbarubbadubba

Hi this is Jack S. McSkateboard and I've been having sex with your wife!

Baawwwww hummadummahummadummahoodoonow hummadummahummadummachibbadibbarubbadubba

How opie introduces soder/florentine into the studio:

  • "sooooooooderrrrrr" (awkward opie laugh

  • "we have jim florentine in studio....hey, whats going on man?

Reminds me of I think it was Bobs quote to jimmy

"it looks like you should be coming out of an apple"

Wurmy Jimmy is perfect.


Hating on Jimmy now?

Now?? This subreddit has passed you by

Norton, Florentine, and Soder are still fucking funny anytime they're on, and I listen to both shows every day.

This wallpaper is just a well polished recycled joke.

ME: Nice try on the hate though

Baawwwww hummadummahummadummahoodoonow hummadummahummadummachibbadibbarubbadubba