Patrice's stroke got me real good

27  2015-02-06 by [deleted]

I've been listening to Patrice's appearances on OandA. I have them all downloaded and I knew I was getting towards the end of the collection (130something out of the 145 total shows). I knew it was getting close to his death because, well he stopped coming on the show because he died.

Today I listened to 137 and it was the big reveal. I was totally not expecting it at all since there were 8 more shows left and holy shit did it hit me. It really came out of nowhere because I assumed he would've gotten his stroke sometime after the last episode.

I remembered starting around the 100's, I Patrice started talking more about diabetes. And shortly before it happened, in the mid 130s, I noticed Patrice joking about how he can't see out of one of his eyes.

Anyways it hit me pretty hard. RIP. I'm glad he didn't have to see what the show has become.


If he was still around, we'd have the Anthony and Patrice show

This world is a cruel and unforgiving place.

Surprisingly, this is the first time I've thought of this combo for Ant's show.

And now I'm bummed out.

Good job, you back-alley Tunisian knife fighter.

If Ant somehow got Patrice and Jim on his compound show, I would easily pay $20 a month to hear that.

I'd have paid that for the Black Philip Show alone

With Steve producing

"I knew it was getting close to his death because, well he stopped coming on the show because he died."

We've got a real Columbo here...

I read that with the same delivery as that boy in the Mr. MacGregor video talking about him touching his penis.

Patrice will forever remain a hero of mine.

Patrice is the reason I don't trash people who get pissy eyed at celebrity deaths anymore. It's a fag statement but there's so many hours of him talking out there you start to feel like you actually know him, and when he died it was a profound experience being so upset over the death of someone I had never (and now will never) meet.

There is small solace however, if you listen to Patrice on Unmasked he talks about how changing people's lives was more important to him than mainstream recognition. If he's out there anywhere I'm sure he'd be happy to know how much he can touch the lives of people who are only introduced to his work years after his death.

I guarantee the next generation of truly great comedians will overwhelmingly name Patrice as an influence and an idol.

That Jamie Killstein is alive and Patrice is dead is proof that there is no such thing as a loving God.

Patrice's death hit me harder than any celebrity / person I don't actually know.

Well said.

I had to google who Jamie Killstein was, and oof...

Yeah, it's like Gawker and Tumblr had a test-tube baby that thought it was funny.

Can you imagine being a man who hates himself that much?

That's a pretty spot on description. I know humor is subjective, but his stuff feels more like a spoken word, or public speaking more than it does comedy to me.

WAIT. I just realized this is the guy that go into shit with Joe Rogan after he was on his podcast.

I loved how he always told it as it is. Just constantly calling people out for being completely full of shit. Especially when they had quasi-famous people in studio. Patrice wasn't phased by anyone. I keep thinking about this Patrice quote about being on the set of some movie he did "Eat my left ball I'm better than you." Sometimes it just pops in my head and it just cracks me up. It summarizes his mindset so perfectly

Furry vengeance , he realized what a piece of shit the movie was and wouldn't play ball or take shit from anyone. A man of integrity unlike his costar in the film .

Patrice would still come on the show. He loved the guys every single one of them. He would of helped Opie and Jim just as much as he would Anthony.

He was always honest and seemed to have a real urge to call people up on their shit. That's why he never made any real ground in showbiz, which is full of fakes and back stabbers. But he brought real joy and fresh perspective to a lot of people and that's what matters.

I did almost the same thing you did (I can remember almost crashing from a blackout I had during turrets and cheetah heals). To this day, the best laugh ever and most appearances or videos that I watch of him give me goose bumps and give that feeling like you actually knew the guy. Listening to all those shows really shifted the way I think about relationships and social issues on a public and personal level...such a great philosophizer ..RIP Patrice

Ya kiddin'!

His death is the only time that I felt loss from a celebrity death. I was about to see him preform in two weeks and was totally stoked. A true man.

I remember him mentioning not being able to see out of one of his eyes. It sucks, he was the greatest. I traveled from boston to NY for his benefit last year and am doing the same next week. Last year I met opie and anthony, burr, attell and even Patrices mom. Crazy how someone you've never met can have a huge impact on your life


Patrice was ALWAYS must listen to radio - I can't recall him ever having a bad appearance. I didn't realize all of his appearances on the show were out there like that (in order) - that's great and I'm looking forward to going through them.

The ONLY Patrice appearances I find hard to listen to are when he would turn up on a day where Opie felt particularly "Insightful" about management or whatever primadonna shit he works himself up about.

Even then you make yourself sit through it because Patrice wove gold with words, and it's worth sifting through a little shit to find gold.

it got him real good, too. rip.

I had the same experience listening to the patrice collection. Didnt really see it coming so early

He was great at even helping to interview a guest he didn't care about. I was just listening to the show when little JC and his mom came to visit. Opie was talking to JC and it was bombing, then Patrice piped up, started talking to the mom and then it became hilarious.

What are the remaining shows about? Are they listed as Patrice appearances even after he passed away?

Special shows like live appearances and the Norton Roast.