Did they ever give a reason for Black Phillip Stopping?

2  2015-02-06 by det8924

Listening to Patrice on Unmasked with Ron and he mentioned why they stopped doing Black Phillip. He said something along the lines of O and A no longer wanting the show because it might insight some negative attention (He wasn't very specific).

Have O and A ever talked about why the show was taken off or has Patrice on O and A or any other show/platform given a more specific reason as to why he stopped black phillip?

I always thought Patrice stopped Black Phillip because he just got tired of doing it for free or whatever. But after listening to his unmasked it appears like there may be more to the story.


Shockingly, the people that decided to fire Ant yet give Opie a raise also thought Patrice didn't deserve to be paid.

Yeah, I remember Opie saying, "Seeing how we don't pay you to Patrice." He was the highlight of O&A for me. He didn't get paid a cent, yet Opie sleeps on a pile of money and hasn't said one funny line ever. Life isn't fair.

This is how bad XM sucks. They had Louis CK, Bill Burr & Patrice all doing shows for free for them and refusing to pay them they let them all go.

XM could have had the best comedy channel ever on radio or any medium for years (You would have to assume that the comics would have stopped doing the shows as their careers blew up) if they had paid comedians a modest amount for their content. Lets say paying Patrice, Louie, and Burr to do a weekly radio show in 2007 (when they had clearly established how good they were) would have been 200k each (paying for both the comedians time and the cost of the staff and co-hosts if any) and if you really wanted to go cheap maybe 125-150k. That's 400-600k a year for high quality weekly content from the best comedians in the game.

On top of that you in 2007 had O and A on Free FM/K-Rock to promote the channel on. Patrice, Louie, and Burr where 3 of the top guests on that show at the time, imagine them going on the K-Rock show killing for hours and then plugging a XM show. How many more subs would you get? How many more subs would hang onto the service hearing 3 extra shows a week from the top 3 comics on the show?

Even if giving Patrice, Burr, and Louie a 3-4 hour weekly show for 38 weeks would have cost 1 million dollars extra a year back in 2007, that would have been a fraction of what Siruis and XM were paying other worthless celebrities to do radio shows. Being cheap with your content is the stupidest thing when your product is content.

Yea that was what I was getting at. In a world before every comic had a podcast they were so ahead of the game. Miles a head of everyone. And they completely dropped the ball because they were cheap and they don't give a shit about potential talent, just who is a name now.

Think how many great people would want to be apart of that too. The place where it could be argued that Louie, Burr & Patrice were before they got crazy famous

I heard the post someone did about Ron giving Sam advice to leave. Ron was right. If the company can't even respect and see the potential talent in investing in Patrice, Louie & Burr...they will with Sam? No fuckin way

Yeah XM and then Sirius XM really fucked up a golden opportunity. Even if they had competition from Pod-casts as the decade wore on they still could have had 3 of the best comics doing a live radio show weekly most weeks.

With that kind of exclusive content and content that can't be easliy replicated by a podcast (Live with calls is something few if any podcasts do) you would have doubled if not tripled the subs that that channel attracted. Live radio is still content that differs from podcasts and XM selling that with the top comics who had national exposure on FM would have been a great business model.

Instead they spent untold millions on celebs with no radio experience. Sad how much of a great opportunity they had to build the talent of that channel. And I am sure other channels could have developed and paid talent better cheaper talent too. With O and A they had the comics to put the money into it and the platform to promote it.



I vaguely remember Patrice taking issue with SXM for either not paying at all or not paying enough

I know they never paid him for any O&A appearances ever.

youre kidding right

Nope. I was fucking stunned when I heard it. It was all for plugs of his shows.

Why would they pay him for O&A appearances? Or anyone for that matter? Increasing your visibility as a comic is the payment. Tons of people knew who Patrice was because of O&A. And at the time this applied to Bill Burr as well.

I think you're mostly right, but Bill Burr and Patrice were on the show constantly in the early days of XM. Not saying they didn't get exposure out of it, but the audience was pretty small back then, and at some point its kinda working for free. I remember Bill Burr filling in for Jimmy for like two weeks straight. I think Patrice did as well. The situation is basically the same now with Florentine.

And yet many people still think that Burr owes the show something.

I think if you asked Patrice or Bill at the time, and even years after they became regulars on O&A, they would say they got rewarded through plugging their gigs, increasing their fan bases, and from being on the Virus tours.

When O and A were first on XM their audience was very small so the value of plugging their shows was very limited. Not saying that promotion wasn't valueable but their audience was very small at that point. I think Patrice and guys like Burr went on there for both promotion and because they liked to. XM really should have paid them something small even 300-400 as show plus promotion would have at least made it worth their while.

On the CBS side the promotion for shows was actually something worth giving away free funny for. Reaching all those markets and a much bigger audience was worth it. But them doing the extra 2 hour for XM was pretty worthless as far as promotion. The FM and XM audiences already heard their plugs and the XM audience even in those days was still fairly small compared to the FM audience.

XM should have given O and A a budget to pay the comics and pay for programming on the channel. 100k a year to pay comics for content. That would have been a much smarter idea then not pay them and hope they give you content.

I believe he did get paid but it was 100-150 dollars a show or something incredibly insulting.

He said for a whole year's worth of shows he wanted "aggressive 4" money. Like, he'd give them 1 or 2 shows a week, but he wanted like 7 or 8 grand for it.

Of course, they laughed him out of the building over that suggestion. There was a time when Dr. Steve and ESD were making, no bullshit, about 35 dollars a show. 35 fuckin' dollars.

It's ludicrous because their entire business model is built on content. It's not just some side shit, it's a proper show on a channel. That is an insanely low amount to be paid.

The was the number he gave per show, not for a whole year.

Patrice not getting paid was an absolute crime. XM should retro his next of kin some cash for all the amazing radio he did for them. Fucking shysters couldn't spot talent if they tripped over it..


I listened to that a while back (And yeah it was clear XM only was going to pay him to do the show cheap if at all) but that was while Patrice was doing it he did a few more shows after that. I always thought that it was simply that XM wasn't going to pay Patrice to do it weekly so he just kept doing it once a month or whenever he got the chance/felt like it.

I just always woundered if there was a specific reason for Patrice stopping it all together, the way he talked about it sounded like he may have wanted it to continue in some format.

Say Black Philip again.


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