Does anyone else have a hard time believing that Jimmys sexually deviant taste abruptly ends when things get felonious?

0  2015-02-04 by GameVault

I just find it hard to believe that someone who is into such deviant sexual behavior conveniently is into just about anything other then behavior that is illegal. He always joked about trannys and pedophilia and it's obvious now that tranny stuff wasn't just jokes. Thoughts?


I love Anthony the most, so I hope most of his predilections towards young girls are hyperbole for the sake of humor.

Even if it was 100% legal and both the girl and her parents gave consent, it is beyond creepy for a man in his 50s to fuck a 16 year old girl.

Even 18 or 19 is weird.

I honestly don't think Ant would sleep with a 16 year old girl. I do think he's creepy enough to think they're hot, though.

Now an 18 year old? He'd be all in - creepy or not.

I'm personally tired of hearing about Jimmy's faggotry. It's fine if that's your fetish, but when your audience is mostly straight men, it's a good idea to keep the dick sucking talk to a minimum. And then there's borderline pedophile Anthony who'll piss off the wrong father one day and it will get ugly. Not as ugly as the chicks he bangs, but close. *Edit: I also stopped following Jimmy on Twitter because I was tired of seeing that Bailey Jay tranny dude's dick and asshole retweeted. Disgusting.

Even liking girls of questionable consenting age doesn't make you a "borderline pedophile". You'd put somebody who rubs elbows with jailbait into the same category as people who literally fuck kids?

Yes. He has a history of grooming youngsters.

Even if that were true, point still stands. You're equating somebody allegedly being creepy with late adolescents to a real life Uncle Paul.

It is true. Two examples are "selfcuttinggirl" who he thought was 14 and "apologygirl" who he was grooming when she was 16 while he was still fucking Stetten. That was confirmed by Stetten.

Yeah, a bipolar model who fabricated a story about a guy hitting on her on a plane for attention is a totally reliable source.

The guy behind that persona posted here, and said the person supposedly doing the grooming was not Anthony (seemed like a friend of some staff member most likely?), and that all Ant really did was retweet her and be nice to her.

You completely ignored the part where he says Anthony flirted with him and sent him gifts.

Also, this:


2012-11-23 06:03:18 UTC

RT @ApologyGirl21 @SelfCuttingGirl Put a NY plane ticket on that wishlist!

-Oh man. You want east or west wing room? #CompoundHotel

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No, the guy behind that persona posted on wackbag and it was reposted here.

You should be beaten for your use of the word "youngsters".

I take his stories about his sex addiction as seriously as I take his drug and alcohol addiction. I believe he's paid for escorts and looked at porn online. Whoa! What a madman.

Ant might not actually go and fuck a 15 year old but if your 60 years old on Twitter constantly favouriting and retweeting hot young girls photo's it's just creepy as fuck and if you know your s public figure it's just stupid simple as that. De Rosa is into trannys more than jimmy in my opinion too

I think that this kind of baseless judgment is what all the PC cunts we all hate do. There's zero proof other than your guessing, which I don't agree with. In fact, the viciousness of the Uncle Paul character is what makes me think he's less likely than anybody to be interested in that. You can be fascinated in the kind of person who does something without being a person who wants to do it. I don't think Jimmy wants to behead somebody, for example.

He tells stories about getting hookers all the time and that is illegal.

You know what I mean. And I know I'm not the only one to think it.

Somebody should alert the police!

He always admitted to the tranny stuff, just like Ant admitted he'd go as low as 14 if it was legal. The thing Im curious about is Ants secret fetish for taking creeper pics in the middle of the night.

14... Pfft he would go lower

This is especially funny because in the clip Ant actually says he would go as low as 13, not 14.

Yeah only creeps can be found in time square with a camera. Sorry dude but after reading your other post I just can't take you seriously. You have an obvious agenda.

He's been pushing the gimmick hard but failing to make any impression.

He is no thermitepaint that's for sure.

I for one do NOT thank him for his service.

get it straight Ant is the paedophile.

You're a faggot. (not allegedly)

You completely ignored the part where he says Anthony flirted with him and sent him gifts.

Also, this:

No, the guy behind that persona posted on wackbag and it was reposted here.

I honestly don't think Ant would sleep with a 16 year old girl. I do think he's creepy enough to think they're hot, though.

Now an 18 year old? He'd be all in - creepy or not.