Horrendous Opie voice

14  2015-02-04 by turtleguts

Anyone else noticing Opie really hamming up a Long Island accent? "Gunna go LOOCAL!" It sounds like hes spitting all over the mic. He really is making it hard to listen to the show anymore.


Glad it's not just me, though i've been annoyed by his voice and attitude for years. He constantly sounds like someone has shit in his mothers mouth, he always sounds disgusted. Hate the guy so much. He's not funny, he was always a constant drain on any fun happening on the show, he doesn't get comedy, he's a hole.

you'd think someone like Opie who've been doing radio since they were 10 would know how to speak w/o that speech impediment. but if you're a hack then you're a hack i guess no matter how long you've been doing it.

his words can't find their way through his awful teeth.

There is a way to mask the poor quality of your voice, it's the thing that hacky morning zoo jocks do. I'm sure we wouldn't bury him if he started doing that.

One of the worst shows ever today. Between the slobbering over the mike, sucking wind every few seconds, turning every topic into a pointless story that has more plot holes than my peckah....it was unlistenable radio.

Does anyone know where to look up when Pudding Tits signed his contract? Was all over the insider news in early October that they re-signed their contracts. But that 13 Euclid guy (primary suspect: a drunken E-Rock) said it's public information if you know where to look. Dying to know if he really re-signed his contract 5 days after Anthony was fired. I googled the fuck out of that shit last night...just pre and post signing in October stories come up.

It's not public information.

I tried to find it too, He did tweet on July 7th: opie radio @OpieRadio Had a long talk with @SiriusXM me and @JimNorton will be back on the radio next monday to start to figure this out.

I found the tweet in an article, so i'm sorry for the formatting.

When you listen to him from years ago he sounds completely different. Like a high pitched, too fast little boy with no balls. I'm sure he realized that and started cultivating this present horseshit. He's over cultivated it at this point, and he just sounds like a piece of cunt.

His voice back then gave the impression he actually gives a fuck about being on air.

I think he's being ironic when he says "gonna go local". I guess that's one thing I'll take from that.

But he's got some weird too-cool-for-the-room morning voice going on. Is this that radio voice he has going on?

But he's got some weird too-cool-for-the-room morning voice going on.

He really wants to be Ronnie B.

Who doesn't? The guys' untouchable

Most people don't steal his mannerismsssssss though.

No one will ever come close to Ronnie B. I just hope Ron and Ant team up and that gives Fez the kick in the ass he needs to become great again. Maybe get ESD back too. Imagine that.

I wish I had Ronnie b as a father instead of the dead fuck in the ground. He's taught me more than anyone else.

And Florentine. Hell, I wanna be Ronnie B. He is most likely the coolest motherfucker on the planet

Ironically Ronnie's voice isnt deep but he's so confident and comfortable you dont even pay attention to that aspect.

"The Dark Knight" voice

It really comes out when he is imitating his kid.

"daddy, put ya seatbelt awwwn."

We can only hope Opie continues to not put on his seatbelt and he crashes into a wall while doing 120.

Thats what his kids say? Totes adorbs.

Adorbs for days. Bam's the real baby daddy tho.

Leave it alone

Yay for Thrillated. Boo for Telepepper.

The kid is probably named after the park at 246st where he was conceived in the passenger seat of a purple Lambo.

Professional broadcaster Opie Fucking Hughes with over thirty years of experience could not pronounce the word 'chocolatey,' today.

Thats the BIT!

His radio voice has evolved over the years. Now he's trying to go with a gravely Florentine type thing, with lots of gratuitous cursing, but he just ends up sounding like a 16 year old asshole trying to be cool. The past few weeks it's gotten really bad.

it's funny when you hear the rat shitting on other radio guys fake voices when he puts on the radio voice everyday.

Everything he talks shit about is a projection the man has zero self awareness

He's messing around with his mic levels to give himself some bass and balls. Opie has always sounded like a twerp away from the mic. Turdthief is also right to say he is lowering his voice as well, like Christian Bale's performance of Batman. To cap it off, Opie has stolen so much cadence, pacing, word choice and delivery from Bennington, Florentine and Rogan. Its kind of fucked up that a guy who has a Communications degree and spent 3 decades in talk radio has a radio voice as phony as any morning show and much more inauthentic.

I mean to be fair, I guess.. The guy is like 60, right? Officially an "elder" you can't tell me Ron does not have a speech impediment.. But Ron is cool. Am I at the right table?

Ron has a Philly accent, but his "wet" pronouncement of words is due to his obesity.

He sounds like Sylvester the Cat

Forget a popper stopper, his mic needs a raincoat

Maybe Sam can lend one of his condoms that his wife still makes him wear.

Thats the BIT!

Maybe Sam can lend one of his condoms that his wife still makes him wear.