So, what's up with this @Jritthouse Twitter account?

2  2015-02-04 by HBK27

This is the account that Anthony RT'd a few times tonight that was tweeting all sorts of craziness to Anthony about taking a bus to his house to tell him something he wants to hear, something about a girl being blackmailed, and stuff about the FBI contacting him. He also tweeted to Sam & Travis tonight that he left a CD for them downstairs with a PDF for them to check out. All in all just a batshit crazy account if you look through the timeline, which only dates back two days. Surely just some lunatic, though for some reason Opie follows this account and was the first follower & possibly the only follower before Ant's RT's tonight (the account is up to 12 followers now, but saw a tweet earlier saying Opie was one of three). Granted, Opie is following 881 accounts, though this one was seemingly added recently as it is the 6th most recent account he started following. I'm assuming that there have to have been some deleted tweets to get Opie's attention, otherwise this is very odd - any way to find those?


I bet he's one of those infowars weirdos, probably will show up to Ant's house with a briefcase handcuffed to his arm which contains a pair of dirty underwear and a crumpled up manifesto

You made me shoot a booger into my juice :(

This is how they do it.

i'm just glad "hemorrhoid McGillicutty" gave some commentary on that hi-larious video

How to chain your Philly Crew

Side note that video is what made me fall in love with this sub.

So... why is Opie following this guy?

I'd love to know why Opie is following the guy. Especially being his first follower...

Jesus christ what a weirdo

Edit - act not deleted

Account is still there.

hm My twitters been weird lately sorry

He did delete several tweets. He seems like a nice enough fellow. He even thanked Travis, and Travis didn't even respond.

do you have psychological problems? Are you lonely? What compels someone to analyze other people's twitters with such detail? I'm not so much worried about you, but I'm concerned with people in your vicinity. You seem a bit... unhinged.
