
31  2015-02-04 by [deleted]

it's the hot new hashtag...or it will be



Its already been tweeted more than hashtag # Opieradio

The sad part about this is Opie would actually make a shirt that say

bobowasright if he thought he could make a $20 profit for pocket money.


How do you feel having bobo be the leader of your hate agenda? Hits home, doesn't it? He's a pussy just like the haters that make shitty jokes

Right about what? Opie being a comedic genius ? He said he didn't mean anything from the video and became Opies bitch today

don't know why your being downvoted - he completely back pedaled on the show in a desperate attempt not to burn the bridge with oandj. he should have gone out with a bang stuck to his guns and he would be PRAISED. but he fucked up a great chance to call out opie and ruin him. I feel like it has more to do with Jimmy being there defending opie like the worm he is than him really thinking opies a genius .

No. I prefer to pretend bobo never existed.