Underrated embarrassing thing: @OpieRadioMusic has only 522 followers

2  2015-02-04 by Blurgette

This is the big new brand that Opie is pushing. It can't even crack 1,000 followers. Humiliating. Ghastly. Hilarious.



Old people music.

Hang on, I think you got the Twitter handle wrong. WHAT is the name of it?

Sorry. It's @OpieRaqioMusic.

That's better.

It's run by a fan. Not an official show thing.

He's going to have to purchase more followers for @opieradiomusic like they clearly have for@opieandjim. Looking through the 88k followers of @opieandjim, most of the followers are obviously bought.

It's run by the @beaviscumia guy.