Vintage Bolas

1  2015-02-02 by [deleted]

Melissa Stetten, 5/15/2012 full blog text

"He was following a 14 year old girl on twitter and had her 'Amazon wish list' saved so he could send her things. 14. I confronted him and he said 'well she’s a fan of the show and she’s cute.' Right, because that makes sense."

Catfisher, 4/4/2013 full forum post

"... this 'hunter' started to DM and asking me to sell things for him on Ebay. I would get some of the money. He got really creepy over time as we started to text. Then he started to want to send me all kinds of shit in the mail. I gave him my address , before long he was sending me toys to sell for him and some as gifts. As he started to want to meet 'alyssa' i started to not talk to him as much.

... As for the Hunter guy, FUCK HIM, he was a fucking CREEPY and would talk very dirty to me as 'Alyssa'. Anthony would a little but it was never as creepy as it was with 'hunter' did it. That guy is weird.

... I feel [bad] about screwing with Anthony cause he was a nice guy, i was kind of shocked about that. I am sorry that it all got out of hand with him. As for the "hunter"? Fuck him, he keep wanted to meet 'alyssa' and always wanted to talk about tits and sex."

KTC, 1/29/2015, tacs 2:01:30

"I tried to put the Click Clacks [vintage toy] on eBay one time and they, uh, they took it down."