41  2015-02-02 by [deleted]


you made this.. looked at it... and still posted it.

its a work of art

its a work of art

its a work of shart

What are you saying? That you don't like it? Thank you for letting me know. I suppose some might like it, some won't. I can't imagine commenting shitty to someone because I didn't care for their picture. I truly can't imagine. And I'm a cunt...!

No I love it. It's very good and not silly.

I down voted, and I never down vote.

I wish i could down vote again.

I wish I could downvote the floor you're sitting on so it would open up a sinkhole.

Hang on dude, your computer crapped out...what?

"There's a person, there's a person, stranded!"

The OP is a standalone fruit.


T-that's terrible, I'm sorry...

don't delete this piece of shit,leave it here.

My biggest problem with this is its lack of subtlety. This is something the New Yorker would print.

It's a Ziggy!

That irreverence , that wit I'd recognize it anywhere!


Knowing that Opie used to scream about how capable and smart he was, if only management would see it his way, makes it so much more satisfying to see his downfall. Can you imagine if he went through with his threat to do a podcast? Who the fuck would listen to that borefest?

The fact that he used trash Howard for working 4 days a week, now makes him out to be a pathetic hypocrite. I never liked Howard, but at least he's working that America's got talent show. Opie does awful radio and goes home to make shitty youtube videos. And he tries to sell his fans overpriced sunset photos and awful T-shirts. WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY? He's got to be the best double agent for awful radio that ever lived. He had me fooled since I started listening in 1999.

The thing that pisses me off about him selling T-Shirts is the shirt that says Child Of The 80's. He blatantly stole that shirt design! I wish he could get sued. I first saw that shirt more than 15 years ago. It's been sold forever. He even stole the shirt design with the cassette Tape on the front. It's not surprising though, that he isn't creative enough to come up with an original design idea.

I want to make some money too, so I'm going to flip through catalogs and find my favorite shirt designs and then copy them exactly and Sell them for way to much money!

undiluted autism

I bet that shark on the left can't dance for shit.

i am amused

If this took you longer than seven seconds to make than shame on you

I have no idea how long, I make all kinds of pictures for all different things all the time. But, out of curiosity, what offends you so much?? I mean it's just a silly pic of how I see Greggshells. Not being able to keep the ship afloat, and letting his friend and radio partner drown with the sharks. While he stands there and makes it about him. That's all. I ain't fuckin Rembrandt for crissakes. Just a silly bitch that likes to make Opie LOOK like the cunt that he SOUNDS like.

Oh man that photo is so unrealistic. Sharks never hunt in twos.

They sure had some clever zingers back in the day!

I am not sure if you are being sarcastic, but the misogynistic factor of it makes it funny. Today the motorcycle-short haired dyke feminists would be all over him, and boycotting the show, HuffPo would be all over it, and Paul Lynde would be ruined and shunned despite his talent, his legacy would be a woman hater, not a flaming queer dude (when it was not OK to be gay)who was funny as shit.

I like Opie...

but this is pretty fucking hilarious.

Ah makes sense then.

Odd that with all the Opie hate people don't like this. I think OP has stumbled upon a paradox. He shits on Opie and then gets shit on, by people who shit on Opie.

It's not as deep as you're making it out to be.

People like their hate the way they like everything else. If the hate sucks, it sucks.

(this is coming from someone who actually doesn't have a problem with the photoshop)

Neither of these things are acceptable

Honest question: why?

Honest answer: See reply above. Namaste

I laughed. I guess I'm not "hardcore nerd" enough to criticize the graphics or whatever.

Beats the everloving shit out of the current gay sidebar, that's for god damn sure.


I've said this before, but I'll repeat it. When I met Joe Derosa, I asked him why Opie is such a douche and he responded with "Naw, man. Opie is good, he steers the ship". Keep holding on to that, fucking hack.

Why is this so fucking funny when it's so bad?

How can it be so bad, if it's so fucking funny?? That just doesn't add up. But I'm terrible at math...

Opie's oblivious, disinterested reaction to Jimmy drowning is what does it for me. It's such a good metaphor for how the show is going.

Ah...that's the bit. Thank you for seeing my vision...!!

I'll print it out and put it on my refrigerator.



Nice try with the art tho

its a work of art

What are you saying? That you don't like it? Thank you for letting me know. I suppose some might like it, some won't. I can't imagine commenting shitty to someone because I didn't care for their picture. I truly can't imagine. And I'm a cunt...!

its a work of art

its a work of shart

They sure had some clever zingers back in the day!