Who is worse, Fez or Opie?

5  2015-02-01 by IanHalperin

Opie is, because at least Fez will allow himself to be made fun of by Ron without freaking out and saying, "Leave it alone." It's also an added plus that Fez was funny at one point, unlike Opie who has done nothing but "destroyed" things in-order to bring the funny.


Well Fez handed Opie his ass last year and Opie refuses to admit he has listened to it. Winner by TKO Fez Whatley.

Fez is a gem who has been a contributor on his show for decades.

Opie is a geriatric fratboy who brings the show down.

At least Fez is genuinely crazy, which means he is of some sort of interest. Opie is a poor broadcaster and has weak/tedious opinions (essentially he is worthless on the radio).

Either Fez is genuinely crazy and they are getting quality programming out of it or Fez is putting on the greatest work of all time, a performance that dwarfs all others and makes Kaufman look like a piker. Whichever it is, I'm entertained.

Opie is just cancer.

Fez is a bit. Ron even said "if anyone else in radio did what you did they would be fired." That isn't Ron pointing out some imaginary incompetence it's a nod that the whole point of the Fez character is to be 'incompetent.' All the proof you need is how many people buy into it completely. Also I don't think it's that hard to pull off a character you've been playing for several years straight and you have a lot of time to prep for a show.

You really think Todd goes home at night and black mirror's all of us?

Definitely Opie. Whether Fez's mental issues are a work or real doesn't matter, it ends up working on the radio.

At one point in the past Fez was consistently entertaining. Opie has never been.

At least Fez knows he sucks cock

ME: I'm just so TIRED of Fez. I LOVE doing radio with Ronny B, but it's just so UNCOMFORTABLE with Fez judging me. I know it's gonna be a thing, and I'll have to hear about it from Wickland...

Soder in studio Tuesday.


Now, don't go telling Fezzy he said that.

Hit back the back button on your browser and look at all the post titles, that should give you a pretty good idea of who is worse

Definitely Opie, at least Fez doesn't interrupt really good conversations and bits.

They both suck, but Fez at least knows he sucks.

At the peak of his game, Fez was brilliant. I'm not even going to address who is worse out of these two.