If Opie was fired and Anthony stayed at Sirius, I would not care even slightly. Loyalty is overrated.

25  2015-02-01 by jsmill1

I'm tired of the obsession with loyalty some people on here have. Yes, I think loyalty is a nice quality in an ideal world, but I ultimately do not give a fuck who is loyal to who. I don't care that Opie stayed because I also wouldn't have cared if Anthony stayed, were the tables turned. In fact, if Opie was theoretically fired and Ant stayed, I would have been fine. Joyous even. To paint loyalty as such an important issue is to overlook the crux of why we hate Opie and love Anthony: one is a boob with boobs, and the other is funny and intelligent. The only thing to blame Opie for, with regards to his actual job status, is how often he'd talk about potentially leaving. We now know it was all lies and posturing and tough guy shit. He's just a douche, but that he's "disloyal" is hardly a negative. If anything, I respect him for making the correct decision because he's not gonna get this amount of money ever again.

Same for Jimmy. We all see that he made a mistake with his choice, as far as our entertainment and his happiness is concerned, but he was in a no-win situation as it pertains to the issue of "loyalty." You can make the argument for his loyalty and or disloyalty no matter what he did. And logistically speaking, the drive to Long Island sucks, as does the drive back to get to the Comedy Cellar or The Stand on time for spots.

It's the fucking entertainment industry. There is zero loyalty in it. The two of them have been more loyal to each other than most people who work together in entertainment. That Opie refuses to go on Ant's show only tells us that Opie is insecure, and everyone already knew that already. Enough about the goddamn loyalty.


Whenever I start a long paragraph, I always check the end for the word "peckahs" before I read on. Any paragraph.

Same....and it hasn't even happened in a while.

I think everyone understands that there is no loyalty in show business but people are pissed because these guys claimed to be different. Jimmy goes on rants about how "Hollywood" is all about money and doesn't care about integrity and why he hates that and then every time a dollar bill is dangled in his face he lunges at it no matter what it means he has to do. I completely understand signing a big contract when you have one in front of you. You gotta make hay while the sun shines. But don't pretend that you are any different than any other person who does the same. Opie used to trash Howard for signing a massive contract and taking 4 day weeks and phoning it in when he is on the air. He is doing the same shit now. The only difference is that at least Howard didn't try to milk his listeners for even more money by selling shitty t-shirts and autographed iPhone pictures. The hypocrisy is what is annoying. Not the disloyalty.

I get the idea of them being hypocrites, but that's not really the same as this whole loyalty issue. Opie was always the big swinging dick when it comes to making grandiose statements about being different than other shows, so for them to have sunk so far without Ant into Morning Zooish territory is clearly a poor reflection on him. But he's always hinted the idea of doing a show without Ant, even when contract negotiations came up the past few times.

Jimmy's always been mad about his own perceived shortcomings in entertainment, but I don't see how that so clearly makes him a hypocrite. I see that accusation a lot, actually, and I've never really understood it. What has he done where a dollar bill is hung in front of his face and he lunges no matter what? The @midnight thing? Maybe, but there's a lot of reasons why it might not. What else? I can't think of one thing, but maybe I'm forgetting. I don't think he's even had the opportunity to be a sellout, unless you consider staying at Sirius to be so egregious. Given what was going on at the time, and all the shit he had to consider logistically to work with Ant, I don't consider it so bad that he stayed. Maybe you have some examples of him selling out other times that I'm omitting.

here is 2, he cockblocked mcinnes to appear on ona because Vice may get mad; he used to shit on ICP then they offered him a gag and now he kisses their ass

I actually agree with you on the Vice/Gavin thing. The ICP stuff I don't really remember so I dunno how I feel about it either way.

He was in Furry Vengeance which is a movie he would shit on Bobby Kelly or Rich Vos for doing if he wasn't the guy in it. I also consider him signing another contract with Sirius him lunging at money even though it means he has to sit there and do terrible hack radio and he knows it is shitty. He was also on some web series where he went to a steak house with some broad and talked about his favorite meals there. It was another thing that he would shit on any of his comic friends for doing if he didn't do it. Oh, and let's not forget when he was on that "celebrity ghost stories" show where he made up some stupid story about being in a hotel and feeling like it was haunted. That was embarrassing. To his credit though, he may have been the most famous person on that hunk of shit show. None of those decisions were made out of "artistic integrity" so why does he bash Hollywood for having no integrity and being all about money when he clearly is the same way.. The biggest difference is he doesn't get too many opportunities to sell out in a big way. He has to take this little dinky cash grabs.


Fuck yeahhh!!!!

the title of this thread is exactly why opie is acting like such a butthurt shitdick.

he knows the show would have been much better off had the situation been the other way around.

i said it a few weeks ago, i'll say it again...

if opie had been fired for the cake stomp outrage NOBODY WOULD GIVE A FUCK

nobody would listen to his podcast, nobody would miss him, the show would be much better without him and the "new direction" of the show would make it a much better product instead of the absolute pile of hack shit it has become.

if opie tried to do what ant is doing now, it would fail miserably.

he knows this, and it's slowly driving him insane.

just listen to the show with ronny b where he was waxing fantastic about "getting back into morning zoo radio" and how great he would be and how he'd love to "shake things up in new york"...

because he knows he can't carry the show he's on now, and he's already looking for the life raft.

Well said. Opie & Anthony were never equal. Even on WNEW callers would call in and ask what Opie does there. As a fan, for many years I did believe the explanation of him being "the director". But it's clear he possesses no skill that Anthony couldn't have figured out on his own in no time. Opie could never, in a million years, do what Anthony does

Correct. Opie could never do what Ant does. But I think during those WNEW days (XM too) Opie really was the "director"

Opie back in the earlier days (even into early XM) was the driving force of the show. Opie's biggest priority was being a huge radio show and his neediness and ego drove him to do that. He was the one pushing the envelope, even though he had nothing humorous or interesting. Then, management started ending those "wacky stunts" further leading to his uselessness, then he started a family, pushing him even more towards wasted space...

Anthony could learn many things, but he does not have the drive that Opie's broken ego did. Even now you see Anthony is comfortable with his show as it is. He will make minor improvements and polish things up. But he has always been more easy-going and just happy to be doing something.

I don't know anything about Opie or Anthony or their behind the scenes relationship. All I care about is being entertained.

Ant was fired, and now the show sucks.

If Opie was fired, Ant could get another (better) co-host, and the show would be better.

That's why I wouldn't care if Opie got fired and Anthony stayed at Sirius XM. Not because of some delusion that I know Anthony or Opie well enough to determine how loyal they should be to each other.

Opie not being loyal is a non-issue. He has no talent.


double d's, bitch.

I dont blame opie at all. i dont blame jimmy at all. I would love an ant and jim show, but it didnt happen. I moved on.

Opie hater since 2009. Time Square didn't change anything for me.

Remember when Snoobs threatened something crazy and burn-down-the-show big when they returned for the first post-Ant show? Yeah me either, because he didn't do shit other than a youtube stream. Disappointment, thy name is Gregg.

Losing Anthony is losing the heart & soul of the show. The Humor, the great hilarious stories, the intelligence, ect...

Losing Opie is losing the Board Op, the Bitchy Whining Pussy, the Complainer, and the Made Up Story Teller.

I don't even care about loyalty I just want Opie to be exposed for the hack he is ! and feel really bad about himself


Hello, exactly.


I'm with you, I Just want to be entertained and the thing is... if the douchebag opie (and lesser douchebag jim) HAD some loyalty and left instead of renewed then we might have a shot at some actual entertainment at another venue with the trio instead of eastern front full of aids and western front full of ebola

Say the word loyalty one more time you fuck....

You lost me at > one is a boob with boobs

it's a shitty line, I can't blame you.
