Does Jimmy talk up his sex addiction/alcoholism to make himself seem like a more interesting individual?

6  2015-02-01 by [deleted]

Or is he really a true tortured genius and victim of the modern age?


Does Jimmy talk up his sex addiction/alcoholism to make himself seem like a more interesting individual?


Or is he really a true tortured genius and victim of the modern age?


Seriously remove all sex addiction jokes from his act and what do you have left?

Topical comedy, which admittedly can be quite strong, but is immediately dated upon arrival. His specials age worse than bread.

Do tranny jokes fall into the category of sex addiction?

he probably talks it up a little i'd imagine but he definitely does have the behavior and personality of an addict. my dad was a drug addict when i was little and he got sober when he split with my mom. now he acts just like norton. finicky about everything, never satisfied, self deprecating but narcissistic, very adolescent-like behavior for someone his age. the only major difference is he refused to go to N/A and was terrified of identifying as a drug addict. i guess it's probably not rational to make a judgement call on someone i don't know like jim's addiction just because he reminds me of my dad who there's no doubt is an addict, so my guttural reaction shouldn't be taken for any more than it is.

Yes. Most good comics are drug addicted alcoholics with more baggage than a luggage compartment. Jimmy has no baggage, sweet normal parents and a twitchy eye. Not very sexy or interesting. I think he had 3 drinks when he was 18, panicked and went to a couple AA meetings....he was looking ahead, at least.

If someone had three drinks when they were 18 and panicked and went to AA, then I would definitely think they have baggage.

That's not baggage. Panicky and obsessive, maybe.

He drank 30 beers when he was 17 which makes him an expert on addiction. Now, the hundreds of thousands of dollars and the incalculable hours of his life that he has spent on pornography and sex acts for the last 30 years? That is much healthier.

Dunno about the sex but definitely the alcohol. Lynn girls name from Las Vegas was right, jimmy is a dry drunk. And you can tell old girls name hit a nerve when he said that to jimmy.

Holyshit he is a dry drunk.

The dry drunk is different because they are caught in a rut and repeatedly experience some of the following symptoms :

  • The individual has a low tolerance for stress. They easily get upset if things are not going their way.

  • The dry drunk continues to engage in unhealthy behaviors. In order to deal with their lack of satisfaction in recovery this individual may turn to new vices.

  • Such an individual can suffer from loneliness and lack of interest in activities to fill their time. The fact that they make minimal effort to build a life in recovery means that things remain unsatisfactory.

  • Denial can be as big a problem for the dry drunk as it can be for the practicing addict. The individual may refuse to see that their life in recovery needs to change. Due to this denial they may continue to live a miserable life in recovery indefinitely.

  • Dry drunks may romance the drink. They forget how bad things were and can now only remember the good drinking days. This type of reminiscing is dangerous because it can only lead to relapse or increased resentment about being sober.

  • Such a person is likely to suffer a lot from self-pity. Recovery is not as satisfying as they expected and they will feel cheated because of that.

  • The dry drunk tends to be full of pride and feels over-confident about their abilities. They will not seek help from other people because they believe they already have all the answers.

  • This individual may continue to engage in unethical behavior

Apart from not fondly reminiscing his glory days of boozing (because he has none), he's a raging, out of control dry drunk. He replaced alcohol with a 10 grand a year hooker habit and persisted in the behavior for 30 years. That is before you get to the more detestable behavior of him acting like a creep over something as trivial as celebrity photos.

I feel like its hard to tell when he's joking about stuff like that. He always talks about trannys and being shat on with his "I'm telling a joke" delivery

He's being entirely serious.

I honestly don't think he talks about his alcoholism as much as he talks about his being in recovery. I get why people don't take his addiction seriously, but it seems like 8 out of every 10 comics struggles with some type of substance abuse, so I get why Jim takes his sobriety seriously.

As far as the sex addiction goes, I don't think he talks it up. Between the hookers and the massages and the edging, I think it's something that has impacted/is impacting his life.

Because he was 16 and it was for a few months?

Of course he does.

I think it's a combination of trying to be interesting and trying to justify the fact that he somehow hasn't gotten any smarter or funnier in the last 20 years.

alcoholism yes

being a creep no

he's probably hiding some shit(like having actual ass sex with preop trannies)


It's funny when James tries to relate to a guest that has been an addict for decades. You can always hear the 'oh yeah?' in their voices when he said he got clean at 18.

When Jim can leave his dick alone long enough to write a spec script or get a TV pilot off the ground, then I'll listen to to his advice on overcoming addiction.

I bet he talks all of it up. He already admitted to not being into shit porn, so what else has he lied about?

TBF, he's never been a self righteous ass about scat fetishes. It's hyperbole for humor's sake.