Couple thoughts after listening to the show this week with Ron and Florentine in studio.

8  2015-01-31 by MultiTwentyOne

1- The story he told about driving home with his hand our the window after "finger popping" some girl was a Patrice story from a while back. That wasn't Opie.

2- The way that Ron takes little jabs and shots at Opie leads me to believe that it's a strategic move. He clearly knows that Opie is a moron with no on air talent. So he goes on the show to remind people that there is a place they can go listen after they inevitably give up on Opies garbage show.

I fucking hate that Opie is on air.

Edit: I've gotten further in the show. The phone screener just called someone an idiot. Opie says "Why did you call her an idiot? We're trying to gain listeners, we're in a tough spot here". Did he just admit that they aren't doing better than ever, 9000 new listeners, management loves it?


I mainly hate that Ron had to do Opieradio rather than R&F for 2 days.

God Opie is a hunk of shit. Do you know where we might find a link to that Patrice story?

I think No. 2 is too much of a Quanspiracy though. Ron knows Opie is a no-talent hack but there's no ulterior motive w/ his appearances. He goes on b/c he's asked and he's loyal to the show. I do love him fucking w/ Opie, though.

Im struggling to remember what episode that was. I remember where I was when I heard it, but I can't remember the episode. I'll update if I figure it out.

It's Patrice 122 the one with Colin in. I'd post it but I'm on mobile at work

Whenever Opie tells one of his bullshit lies, guys like Ron and Florentine would just give an awkward silence or quickly segueway onto another topic.

Been that way for years now. It used to be his stories that would cause silence from it is pretty much everything Opie says

I don't know whether the finger popping story was Patrice's or not, I was just annoyed that he set his own mediocre story up by saying, "Oh, this story is legendary"


you got the phone screaner thing wrong: the caller meant to say, that a previous caller is a moron, so the intern put the comment: ''This lady is a moron'' in literally, which opie felt, was put in by the intern.

They didn't figure that out until after.

Ron is the truth.

1 - Yes, Opie has told that story many times.

2- Ron is more ball busting with Opie more than taking shots. Ron's made it extremely clear how much he respects Opie many many times.