In a nutshell, what's your O&A story?

5  2015-01-31 by [deleted]

I don't know what the hell I was looking for on Youtube, but I randomly came across the bit where Opie, Ant, Jim, and Louis CK made fun of Paul O's movie, Gap. It was funny as hell, became a fan of the show right then and there. That was in 2012. I continued listening to their show on Youtube. Then Ant got fired, he started his own show, now I'm a paid TACS subscriber.


My elderly Grandmother and I always took a yearly trip to St. Patrick's Cathedral to admire the art and architecture.

In the middle of our prayer, we were rudely interrupted.

Been a fan ever since.

I was a major, major fan of Tough Crowd and I loved Patrice and Colin and all the rest. Eventually YouTube led me to O&A clips and I got hooked on those. I started listening daily in 2009 when I realized I didn't have to pay for it

I was a big fan of Louis CK, found his O&A appearances on youtube and listened just to get more Louis material at first. I think once I heard the Donald Rumsfeld interview I was officially a fan of the show. It's funny, I remember the first few times I heard the show just hating Anthony and Patrice and now i'm subscribed to TACS and I have every Patrice appearance on my hard drive.

I was on my way home from High School and i was looking for something to listen to on my walkman for the long bus ride home and I heard a limp bizkit song. I stopped and listened thinking it was the rock station but then these two guys started talking after and it made me laugh. this was 2000 or 2001. now i feel old. ugh.

Philadelphia Oct 23, 2007. They began being syndicated on WYSP in the afternoon. I was a huge Stern fan since the year HE began being syndicated on WYSP in the '80s, so naturally as soon as I heard them, I thought "Who the fuck are these two dildos that are ripping off Howard?"

I kept listening, because what the fuck else is on at 3:00pm. Then I heard Ant impersonating Dice....and then Damone from 'Fast Times At Ridgemont High' (a life long favorite character of mine.) It was then that I realized I found a new radio home.

Then....Jimmy. "Did that guy seriously just talk about a tranny shitting on his chest?"

From this point I was hooked.

I owned an XM Radio since 2002 because FM radio rotation was pure dogshit. I needed Metal, and that was nowhere to be found at the time. When the announcement came that O&A were coming to XM, I was giddy like a fucking schoolgirl with a crush, and the day they first broadcast, I left for work extra early just so I could hear every uncensored minute of it.

Somewhere down the road, they began being more focused on Paltalk than actually doing solid radio, and I dipped out. THEN, the iPod came along...and podcasts. From time to time, I would download a show just to see what was going on, but the extreme Right wing rants from Ant just wasn't what I was looking for anymore.

Still, there was no other radio show that could touch these guys when they were 'on'.

Today, I pop in here from time to time just to watch the Opie trashing and join in with the fun whenever I see an opportunity.

Morning drive into New Brunswick while still living in NJ, and they had the K-Rock spot in NY markets...heard about them walking over to XM, and I thought, "if they're this edgy, funny and unique on FM radio, I gotta hear them uncensored."

Once they lost fm I fell off, until YouTube vids were prevalent and the blogspots were posting full shows. Downloading daily shows to my phone was my morning ritual from 2011-the firing of Ant. Now I'm actually acheiving some success in the world.

I was into a lot of the kind of comics that usually appear on the show but I had never listened as I expected the show to be wacky hacky zoo shit. I listened once at the constant prompting of a friend who was a fan. I told him,

'it's cool to hear the comics just riff but the show is too loud and jocky for me'.

He told me to keep listening. I listened again and reported back,

'Actually I really like Jim Norton on the show which is surprising because I don't like his stand up but the other guys are just annoying. I can't tell them apart a lot of the time and they're too hacky'

I listened again and reported,

'Actually one of the main hosts is pretty funny. I don't know if it's Opie or Anthony but one of them is pretty good. I think I was just getting him confused with the other one'

Listened again

'Anthony is fucking hilarious. I don't know how I never saw that before. He might be funnier than Jimmy. I still don't like the other guy'

Kept listening and nothing changed.


I am in a small radio market and my only morning listening choices were Lex & Terry, Bob & Tom, or Rick & Bubba. So I listened to Lex & Terry. Terry fucking hated Opie & talked about him quite a bit (they had nice things to say about Anthony though). I had never heard of O&A until that. So I checked them out. They were far and away better than Lex & Terry. Got XM in 2008 and listened to them up until Ant got fired. Still listen to Ron & Fez and TACS everyday though.

why terry hate opie?

Terry claims that Opie and Anthony stole their idea for WOW. Also Terry says they stole all kinds of other stuff from L&T and Stern. They pretty much called Opie a board op and said that Opie was shitty to them at some industry meeting. This link has the segment O&A did on them in 2005.

Are Rick & Bubba any good? With a name like that...

They are from Alabama and really southern. They try to do a comedy show but it comes off like the Blue Collar Comedy stuff and is just not funny. When the XFL was around for the 1 year they were the announcer for the Birmingham team. I believe O&A did a pre-game show for the XFL.

I used to listen to Lex and Terry every morning, even met them and have an autographed CD from them somewhere.

I moved at one point and L&T were replaced by O&A in my mornings. I thought "oh these guys are ripoffs" for a long time.

I just always found Anthony and Jimmy and that dynamic priceless.

I was looking up Shamwow videos on youtube cause I couldn't believe it worked as good as the ad was showing. I saw Bill Burr on O&A shamwow video, that got me into Uninformed, and then O&A, then Ron and Fez.

Saved me money on buying a Shamwow too, so was totally worth it.

Found a clip of Jimmy trashing his "decoupage" on limewire and the rest was history.

Around the time of the Sandusky/Penn State scandal someone on some message board (I can't remember where) posted a link to Anthony's portrayal of Curly and Larry Fine at the scene of the alleged shower sodomizing ( I thought it was hilarious. After clip was over I noticed a few videos entitled 'Patrice O'neal on Opie and Anthony' in the sidebar: I'd enjoyed Patrice a lot on the Comedy Central Charlie Sheen Roast from earlier that year so I decided to check those out as well. Before long I was clicking through as many old Opie and Anthony clips/bits as I could find both on youtube and elsewhere, and I listened to new shows as often as I could until a few weeks after Ant was fired.

Around October 2011 I heard my first O&A show, the one where Louis CK asked Rumsfeld if he was a reptiloid. Then I loved it so much, I checked out a live one and it was Ant ranting for 20 minutes about Occupation Wall street, and didn't really like it. Then I saw they had Patton Oswalt on and listened to those. Then I found the Louis CK archives and gradually started listening live. Then I stopped sometime in July right before Ant got his hat removed by a woman of color and the show ended.

Louis CK on O&A, which quickly led to Patrice on O&A, and then I was hooked on the show. Now I don't even like Louis that much anymore, go figure.

Heard them through a Ricky Gervais appearance in 2012, listened again when Louis and Ricky were on together, sporadically listened from that point when someone I knew was on. Eventually started listening to Patrice appearances, which was the point I started to see Ant and Jim's comedic brilliance, began listening to O&A only segments sporadically, decided to listen to the Lady Di internship, fell in love. It was very gradual for me.

Used to listen online to Power 106 in LA at work, then they took down their stream due to new commercial actor pay rules. Found and O&A were the top rated channel. Got immediately hooked on them and super-hooked on Ron & Fez.

It was Spring 2006, and I came across a website (called afro202, I think) that had a bunch of classic material from the WNEW show while I was searching for comedian mp3 files or something like that. At the time, I didn't know anything about O&A other than that they had something to do with the WOW stickers I used to see all the time on trucks, street signs, etc, and that they were in the news for a little while after the St. Pat's incident, but I liked what I was hearing so I checked out the Wikipedia article for the show. I learned that O&A had just returned to terrestrial and could be heard on the former K-Rock station, and after giving the show a listen, I officially "caught the virus" (yech).

I became a huge fan of Louis CK and then I started to listen to some of his appearances on the show. I thought they were amazing. I ain't really a huge CK fan now, I think he has peaked and is in decline. I still think pre 2012 he was the best comedian in the world. If Patrice O'Neal was alive he would now be the best living comic. Sadly I think Bill Burr probably is. I am now a huge Anthony Cumia fan. Anthony Patrice Louis Burr and jim jefferies are the funniest people of the last 10 years and that is what made Opie and Anthony great.

2011-12? Listened to the WTF with Gallagher and thought it was hilarious. Searched for more Gallagher interviews and found the one with Patrice schooling him. From there it was the movie talks ( Independence Day, when jimmy compared will smith and jeff goldblum driving the spaceship into the mothership like a turtle driving an Edsel into your garage had me howling). Listened to all the old shows and until ant got fired listened via websites. Can't stand Opie though.

I wanted to see Rogan's video of him bashing Mencia to his face. There was a long video of that feud on O&A courtesy of a Mr. Jason and it was hours long. I put it as background noise and it was really interesting, so I downloaded a few segments from Jason's Youtube page (since they're so many) and listened to them when I was out. I was hooked pretty quickly and then never looked back.

I was working at a computer place, some guys who had XM radios in their cars would park right outside where we worked. If you tuned your MP3 player radio to what they had their XM radios set to, you could pick it up. We would listen to O&A and R&F all day while we worked. This was in 2006. One of the things I remember most is Ant calling in to that other radio show to destroy them, but instead made a good point.

Big fan of Greg Giraldo and they had a episode of him on

Tuned in to 92.3 in Cleveland, heard blind boxing. The whole show was like nothing I'd ever heard before. The way the hosts interacted was so real and casual. I was hooked. This was 2001 and they had just gotten syndicated in Cleveland.

I heard Opies bread socks story. He had me there and then

A friend told me about it right after they got on XM. Then one day Opie started pushing Jason Ellis really hard. It seemed like everyone else in the studio hated Ellis expect Opie. Opie would literally suck his dick on air. My Opie hate started then. I knew the show I used to love was being destroyed.

The earliest memory I have is late 2001/early 2002. Coming home after school and listening to them on WBCN (or WAAF?). I very specifically remember them playing and talking about GTA III. They thought they had to stop at red lights among other things. I was cracking up. I was hooked.

Once they went to XM, I stopped listening. Over the years, I'd go down YouTube rabbit holes of their more recent stuff. Downloaded some of the podcasts here and there.

Then I saw someone link to this sub last week and I've been mesmerized ever since. I can't believe how bad it is without Anthony. And all your posts and comments make me laugh real hard.

90's Stern fan, stopped after sirius move, rekindled in 2008. Grew bored and hungry with Stern, gave O&A a trial run, learned the inside jokes, characters, regulars fell in love with the show.

last may, i found a link of the boys playing gangsta fag for patrice and it was probably the funniest thing ive ever heard. Been hooked since, still love the old uploads pre-ant but now ive jumped the ship to capt. Benningtons fine vessel. R&F is great stuff.

Started from hearing a Ricky Gervais interview they did.Then on to Ramones,Erocks lateness,bombs and flubs and other clips.From about year ago last September I listened to every show in its entirety.Now all I have is old clips and this sub

Thank god for youtube,steven knight,logan.

Broke up with my girlfriend of three years (20 at the time) in late 2011. Literally the next day, stumbled accross a clip of the Black Phillip show in the related videos section on youtube. Within minutes Patrice had changed my life and by that weekend I was listening to his O&A appearnces while I worked graveyard shifts.

Skipping a lot of details, as of right now I have listened to every show up to 2007, I listen to the show chronologically whenever i'm commuting. Love ya, miss ya Patrice. Could never thank you enough.

I remember finding out about the show when a few Ricky Gervais appearances were posted in a Ricky Gervais forum I use which was early 2013 after that I then subscribed to the O&A podcast which got me hooked. Then I started listening daily in January 2014. It sucks I joined so late and I wish I had found the show way before I did.

Was a fan of tough crowd. Saw Jimmy wear an O&A shirt on the show once. Checked them out when I got satellite in one of my cars. Would listen for Jimmy, then slowly realized how funny Ant was too (harassing the women waiting in line for Tony Danza) and got hooked.

The TonyzDanza shit was funny as hell.

Found them through a trail of Louis CK clips and came across his boat story on O and A in 2012...hadn't gone a day without listening up until Ant's I just listen and re-listen to old videos and bits. I have been working my way thru the glory of Yaakov Deeeener Adventure, Mel Gibson, Jesse Ventura saga, 8-track porn tapes, Terry Clifford beatings, etc. JasonAyeiter and Steve Knight are my go-to channels.

I'm the same way, in that I listen to old clips on Youtube every day. Not into O&J, though. Have you listened to the crazy ex girlfriemd tapes? I think the whole clip is around 4 hours long, but it's some funny stuff.

Yes I think I've ran across them at some point, anthony liked to reference those voicemails. Those long form clips that run a few hours at a time and VideOandA are all I listen to....Fat tits is unlistenable


Was listening to Howard bash them on Youtube which led me to listening to them bash Howard. They were funnier than him and pointed out everything I had hated about Howard but only heard on message boards.

The Emily Stern "My Vagina" thing was probably what really won me over though.

I heard them on Krock a couple times in late 2007, and started listening every day in 2008 when my dad got XM

Then I got a job and didn't want to wake up at 6 every day so I found less than legal means of listening, haven't heard a commercial in years


I bring nothing to the table.

Well I ain't inviting you over for any pot luck dinners.

I randomly found a clip of Louis ck asking if Donald Rumsfeld was a lizard that eats Mexican babies. Binge listened to the show after that

In 1999. Was in high school and friend said to tune into WNEW 102.7 at 3. Said it was a show better than Howard.

Somehow became a fan of Joe Rogan and was listening to his show on Youtube a lot and I kept seeing these long clips of The Opie & Anthony Show come up in the related videos section with different guests and bits and things. Joe Rogan would mention the show on occasion, and that he got the idea for his show from O&A and he'd talk about Anthony's studio and stuff.

Then, in January of 2013, Gregg "Opie" Hughes is a guest on JRE. I listen to it and I really liked the sound of this "O&A show" and the reputation it had so I finally decided to see what the hell it was and I clicked on a clip (can't remember which) and it all went downhill from there...

I remember the first time I heard Anthony's voice, I thought it was audio gold, I was amazed that someone could have such a sound come out of their mouth. Since then, I listened to as many hours of the program as I could. I listened to the live show when it got posted to Youtube later in the day, and that was about 4 hours, plus literally any freetime I had was spent listening to old O&A clips. I even built a playlist on youtube of all the countless O&A clips. Thousands of hours of content over about a year and a half.

I listened to the show live every morning after figuring out that I could keep renewing my free trial to SXM by using Free trials forever motherfucker.

Devastated when Anthony got fired but thank fuck he started his own show. Been a proud paid subscriber of The Anthony Cumia Show since the show started. Haven't missed a minute, and I still listen to old O&A clips through Youtube.

Still check in to OpieRaqio every now and then...I don't know why. It's bad. It's being done for the sake of money and not the art.

EDIT: I remember seeing this, possibly on Reddit, and thinking Chip was a real person and his fiance was actually sick wit cansuh.