White Knight Anthony being a fucking hole

1  2015-01-31 by randomcuntnumber6


This isn't white knighting, dipshit... It's called "good cop, bad cop".

Listen to the Donald Rumsfeld interview.

That wasnt good cop bad cop, relisten to that clip Ant cuts off Louis a few times during the Rumsfeld interview and Louis is annoyed with Ant afterwards. It was when the clip went viral that Ant claimed he took the "good cop" role.

This is true I don't know why you're being downvoted

The worst white knighting hole-ery I've ever heard on the show was when that college pornstar chick came on and every single one of them white knighted for her against the callers.

Ya that wasn't all that long ago and you could tell, even with Ant there, we were past the point of getting humiliation radio.

In the past, the summers had always been a little slow but it was around the time of the college pornstar chick where they just didn't seem to climb out of that rut. I think that's when the food segments started.

I thought the person that came on with her was more annoying than anything. But what I can't fucking stand is they didn't even try to get her naked. I could give a shit about her stupid ass ideology because she's some stupid college girl, but they didn't try once.

Yeah, this was when Lady Di was in-studio for the intern bit. They got a ton of backlash for it because of how annoying the pornwhore was and her handler. Jimmy's response was she is just a college kid, they had no reason to be mean to her, and she was answering every question. Like that stopped them when they attacked annoying people before. Jimmy and Ant were thinking with their dicks as usual. And she was ugly!

I kinda enjoyed the times Anthony would go into creep mode. It worked best when he was putting them on a pedestal, and Patrice would just kick the pedestal over, and shit on whatever broad was on.

This was back at the end of their K-Rock days. Anytime a bit with a women was going wrong Ant tried to be the supportive voice just so that if someone who was going to object to their content listened they would hear one of the hosts defending the guest. Basically trying to keep the show from being damaged.

That's what Ant would usually say the next segment. But then again he could just be trying to sell out the other guys for a little pussy or even just to keep the peace. Ant has always hated confrontation.

They switch it up. Like the Mary Carey interview calling the other whore a drunk slut.

speaking of selling out for little pussy aint jim norton been retweeting some porn star and female comedian calling them hilarious

Specifically Asa Akira. He got Bree Olsen to suck him off somehow before inguess he's trying this "technique" now

There is no somehow. He paid her. I guess Asa costs more.

  1. When Jimmy is really engaged in conversation, wow does he really bug his eyes and purse his lips.

  2. Example #243645 of Opie showing off his humor chops, this time by yelling "Boo-hoo!" to the guest after they're safely out of range.

It's just goofs and spoofs, they're trying to egg her on put her on an emotion roller coaster to get a bigger reaction.

Naturally all of you dicklicking sycophants would defend Ant.

It's not "good cop, bad cop", because even after she leaves he's saying "OPIE! Why are you guys doing this?" just like a fucking hole. You guys have your tongues too far up Ant's filthy Moor asshole to criticize him.

You're a "dumb faggot".

filthy Moor asshole

God is that fucking hilarious.

truest thing said in months.

ant is always a white knight fuken hole when there are ladies around! But its the good cop bad cop routine, allegedly


Yeah, he was being a White Knight, but Opie sole the show with his douchey "BUHOOO-HOOOOO! BUHOOO-HOOOOO!".

BTW, the girl they did this to is a total mental case. Always trying to kill herself. Had a kid at 17. Had to return to porn last year which she hates. Now thinks she is a lesbian and wants to marry a girl. Shocked if she makes 30. Textbook example that porn doesn't attract healthy people.