Ant Jim and Sam in Rock's movie.Tits free!

28  2015-01-31 by snoopkhat


Jimmy has a 2 second line and he managed to overact it more than Nicholas Cage.

Look at his hands. He has no fucking idea what to do with them and he even makes a fleeting little motion with them when he asks Chris Rock the question about Hammy the Bear.

LMFAO This made me laugh like a school girl.



His exaggerated movements are hilarious

I just imagine Chris Rock pulling someone aside saying, "Make sure that guy is not on camera. It would pull people out of the movie to see a man with breasts double the size any woman onscreen has."

Holy shit, are you also turning the corner on him as well, Jason? When is your "exposing the hack" series coming out?

I fully turned that corner back in August 2014. I usually keep it a bit low-key since I know intentionally cracking a shell would get my channel shuttered. Any direct "exposing" through the channel would be stopped dead in it's tracks...guaranteed.

Hey, fair enough, you know what you're doing. Still, thank you for your service.

How the fuck did Sam weasel his ugly ass way into this movie?

Sam deserves an academy award for those facial expressions.

And he deserves a package from ted kaczynski for his radio career

Goddamn do I love this sub, it's the funniest thing related to the show right now and it's been for months.

I love Ant but does he ever look ghoulish in this.

Its before the new toofs

Great product placement for the show and the platform, and SiriusXM fucked it up with Ant's firing. They really know how to turn wine into water.

Sam looks like a child actor who was scolded because he kept looking into the camera and is trying his darndest not to do it again.

Sam has the face of a caveman and the hair of the caveman who drove the bus in Speed.

Isn't the bus drivers name also Sam?

Killed it.

Indeed, he has the body and hair of a Fraggle Rock muppet, and a face straight from a Mayan cave drawing. I've never been so bothered by the appearance of another man. Well, male.

Jim chokes so hard when faced with the prospect of being watched by more than 50 people.

He stinks and I don't like him.

"Sounds awful" Didn't need to describe your show Op.

Fucking home run.

Jim Norton is terrible on camera and will never get further than he is now

I love how Rock throws in that faggy saxophone music that Louis has been jerking off to for the last two seasons of his show. I bet Jerry played it at his house once while Colin, Louis, and Rock were there, now they're all racing to show him who listened the bestest.

Anthony has a 9 second appearance, still manages to look into the lens

Jimmy in the background at 1:30 blinks about 37 times in 5 seconds hahah.

Very ironic and funny that Ant is the one talking to Rock with the race question

Is Jimmy's blinking only a problem when he's on camera? Or does it happen all the time? I first noticed it on Louie and thought it was some subtle joke I didn't know about.

He does it all the time.

how did age and losing weight make jim a WORSE actor? it seems like he'd be more comfortable on camera looking better and that he'd just better with age and experience. his acting has obviously never been great but it went from being just kinda lame to being a bizarre spectacle to behold.

Wtf? What an oddly edited scene. Rock says he's on the Opie and Anthony show, but we only cut to Ant once and we dont even see Opie. Instead, we get Jim doing his nervous blinking thing, and Sam, who gets the most screentime, just sits there with a blank expression on his face.

Now I have listen to them making fun of E-Rock's shirt again

goes to making fun of E-rocks shirt on youtube

"Its Perfect!"

Sam looks like hes taking an elementary school hearing test. Sammmaaaayy

The ibang is all in with this tits free montage

It's kinda funny that, shot-with-a-phone vs. shot-with-a-camera aside, all the in-studio videos that Opie has posted makes their studio look like a mildewy cavern and this makes it look not so bad. And goddamn OutQ has a nice studio.

Wasn't Chris Rock's Movie Produced by Linsi Hughes? I figured she would get that gig since she has all the Producer experience from Producing Vos & Bonnie's Movie!

That looks really unfunny.

And he deserves a package from ted kaczynski for his radio career

Hey, fair enough, you know what you're doing. Still, thank you for your service.