Is Stanhope the actual Last Comic Standing.

46  2015-01-30 by SkippinTurtles

He jokes about re-hashing his own material. But his specials are the only ones I still look forward to. Thank booze for helping to keep him great.


One of my favorite Stanhope moments was him calling out Jimmy about never really being an alcoholic and how retarded it was for him to still go to AA. It's what we've all thought for years and someone finally said it to Jimmy's face.

I hate Jimmy's fake Alcoholic stories.

He's addicted to being an addict.

Idk, the one about throwing hot engine oil on people was pretty good.

Hey Styaaaanleyyy

We all have the commonality of language, and throwing hot Quaker State on shirtless hitchhikers

Hey whore, have some mustard!

Well that's not very sensitive of you sir. Jimmy had a very difficult month, 30 years ago, when he drank a few times.

Jim is almost 50. He's been doing AA for 30 years. How can he not consider himself cured?

I love the start to it. Jim says he isn't recovered and Stanhope pounces it on.

"Oh stop it, oh just stop it you motherfucker! You're recovered! You're motherfucking recovered!"

That's not really how AA works. You replace drinking with AA meetings. And as an addict your never cured. AA is very close too (if not totally) a weird brainwashy cult. But I guess anythings better than being strung out? Idk, never worked for me.

The worst thing is that he completely replaced alcohol with hookers. The man has probably spent over $100K on hookers over the year and it's ruined his ability to have real relationships. All he did was trade one addiction for another.

That's what really gets me about Jimmy. All of his stories are about when he used to be an "alcoholic", tranny/prostitute stories and annoying celebrity stories. All he has as far as life experience goes are his three "addictions" because it's all he's ever done.

Bill Burr does all kinds of shit, he talks about how that helps him with his stand up because it gives him new perspectives on life and that in turn makes his comedy even better. Even if he doesn't like the sound of something he'll do it because if something sucks it can make for an even funnier story.

Contrast with Jimmy, who won't even go as far as Seattle, never mind Europe, to do a comedy show. Jim "stand-up is my life" Norton went to Brazil to fuck prostitutes, his real passion, but he won't even come to the UK because we "wouldn't like his material", or we're a bunch of fags with no sense of humour or some other half-arsed excuse.

Jim wants the level of success that Burr and Louis have, he wants the respect that Patrice still commands even in death, but he doesn't have their drive or brilliance. He wants adulation to fall in his lap without putting any real work in, why else would he make a fucking chat show for Vice? It's not because he has a passion for interviewing, it's just that he's obsessed with celebrities and is desperate for photos with them, so much so he's willing to base an entire career opportunity around it.

Jim had the potential to be a great stand-up and he completely squandered it. It's a real shame.

Seriously. If he really is a sex "addict' (like he loves to claim to sound more interesting), why doesn't he completely abstain from sex? He really got on the case of a caller for drinking non-alcoholic beer because it contains .5% alcohol.

And not a socially acceptable one either like AA meetings or coffee. I feel like be should recognize that if he's been going to AA for 30 years.

I think his personality, not his "addiction", has more to do with not having real relationships

I guess that is what is currently referred to as, "Pontificating Jimmy".


Because people who believe in AA are forced to believe that they are and always will be "powerless" over alcohol.

I believe there are people who would be unable to break out of their addiction without a support group, helpful people with similar lives, and accountability - the good things that come from AA. It's just unfortunate that the main support program for alcoholics is so full of ridiculous bullshit.

Every single person I've ever known or heard who claims to owe any part of their recovery to AA talks like a brainwashed lunatic when speaking about their addictions.

Or on the phone.

And has he been in since?

any idea when this happened? I would LOVE to hear this

Here it is. 22:39 for mobile users. I don't remember how long it went on for but they brought up Dr. Drew and it led to addiction talk.

ugh, you've been very vocal with THE dr. drew

fucking opie

This is fucking great, Jimmy makes himself sound like a fucking idiot just repeating over and over "An alive Mitch is better than a dead one." Doug's points completely destroyed Jim's.

Stanhope rules, and I did always find Jimmy's AA tales cringeworthy since he was 17 or something. However, he clearly has an incredibly addictive personality, and I would like to know how much of a part celebrity pictures played into his decision last October. That being said, it seems like he does what he feels he needs to do to keep himself in a mental state where he isn't losing control, and remaining productive. Good for him. Does it sound stupid to bring that up in a world with A lot of real hardcore barely making it type addicts? Absolutely. Stanhope probably drinks more booze in a week than Yimmy did in his entire life. God damn I miss the Ant and Jimmy show, even with that hack controlling the board (as long as he stays quiet).

He's a very rare thing, a veteran comic who's realized he isn't still "getting his start," that "former standup comic" isn't his career, that he's not waiting his turn to be David Letterman or Woody Allen. All he's good at is standup and he does it for people who like it, not hoping that the Right People will see it and airlift him out, and not just to milk the cow like Rogan and Carolla and Louis do. It's his job, not an application for another one, not an old account he's drawing down.

Good dude. Sometimes the funniest dude. Has at least one immortal album (Something to Take the Edge Off). Helps his friends. Takes no shit. Is drunk right now.

"Is drunk right now"


He made it to the Dutch Antilles safely. Right on!!

Right on so many points here, great post. He really is that rare 'true artist' type; honest, unpretentious, and approachable. I love the guy.

Besides the special you mentioned what are some must listen or must watch of stanhope?

"Before Turning The Gun On Himself" is great and more recent.

I think it's been established that all of his specials are worth watching.

Read his yelp page, too. Some of it is pretty hilarious.

The last one he did, Beer Hall Putsch, is phenomenal. One of the best stand-up specials I've ever seen. It's on netflix.

He does a bit about the pink NFL breast cancer month that takes the most unexpected turn.

I liked it, although it was polarizing. I know some of his fans that hated it. No Refunds is still mu favorite. That and seeing him live is amazing. He loves doing seedy dives.

No Refunds is platinum

I think his best work is the album "Something To Take The Edge Off" its an amazing comedy album.

Henry Phillips on guitar in the background really elevates that album.

Word of mouth is my favorite

I think Oslo: Burning the Bridge to Nowhere is very good.

A little raw but really funny, yeah

Anything you can find online about him and his girlfriend's relationship. I remeber some Stern clips where he had both of them in.

Very well said. Also bonus points for namechecking his best album (and one of best comedy albums of all time).

I thought he summed himself up nicely in that episode of Louie where he talks about how instead of doing gigs in LA or NY he goes from town to town "for drug money, like real comics do" it's not just a job, it's a way of life.

"Is drunk right now"

This is his latest facebook/twitter post, so, yeah:

Dude, Louie is fucking killing it. Everything he is doing now is amazing an only getting better.

Fancy seeing you here :)

tips hat hello good sire

I cannot understand why so many people like his tv show. I watched his new comedy special last night and about 5 minutes in I really started hating the new Louie. Then the joke about the girl on the train and everything after was fucking hilarious. He still destroys on stage. Directing and acting not so much.

I love his show and think it's ern getting better even tho it's becoming more of a drama. It's raw and genuine. I'm really into it.

Louis CK stinks and so does Louie.

Stanhope is also the only guy that will call Joe Rogan out on his bullshit and fuck with him. Doug has also been critical of O&A before (I don't have the clips handy, but he said that when he's in studio they all start playing with their phones and expect him to do the heavy lifting). Fucking love the guy.

How does he call out Rogan?

He just doesn't blindly wash Rogan's balls like everyone else does, will say things that make him uncomfortable. Listen to the JRE with Stanhope and Tom Rhodes both on. I'm pretty sure I remember Doug was making fun of Joe for refusing to see fucking Batman after the movie theater shooting. Rogan got really butt hurt and serious. Was really uncomfortable..


They are friends and often rag on each other if someone fucks up.

Here is part of that clip from JRE 163 with Stanhope Right around 1:16:19 About O&A on the phones. Could be late on this.


Stanhope is the under appreciated living legend. When he dies he'll be Bill Hicks (I think he's better now than Bill Hicks ever was).

Does that mean Jimmy will pretend he doesn't know who he is so as not to get "influenced"?

I rather doubt Jimmy likes Doug [though he'd never say it] after the AA rant. A good listen if you can find it.

Heard it. Doug made a good case for AA being a cult.

He really should start watching good comics in hopes that he is influenced.

I would add Attell to the short list of comics who are still just in it for the art alone even though they could have done much more if they wanted.

Add to that Colin. You think of a few years ago the "fat, depressed Colin writing his manifestos and calling the show at 6:30 am because he was bored"

His book is coming out this year along with "the 'Toosh" and his "Cop Show" web series. I really hope 2015 is the year of Colin Quinn. He deserves it.

Long story short is my favorite standup of all time. Fucking brilliant - that's the type of shit Colin needs to keep doing. I got too drunk when I went to see Toosh, but looking forward to watching it taped.

The only problem with Attell is that he doesn't record enough specials. Captain Miserable and Road Work are the only 2 I can think of. He should have a bunch more.

Don't forget Skanks for the Memories. Another great album.

Hey You're Mouth's Not Pregnant is his funniest special. Kills me everytime.

He's a genius. All time great and massively underrated.

Of all people Vos summed up Stanhope best to me. I can't find the actual clip but he was talking the day after doing a gig with Stanhope and the basic point of what he was saying is that as a comic he sees Doug perform and realises, 'Fuck, this is what I should be doing!'.

I don't think Stanhope's at his performing peak anymore but just the way he approaches his work (if not his entire life) reminds you that phrases like 'artistic integrity' and 'doing it for the love of it' aren't just things douchey teenagers say. That they are actually important things when they're for real.

Of course Stanhope seems to claim constantly that he's bored of doing stand up comedy and has lost the passion for it and maybe that shines through a little in some of his newer work but he's still constantly trying new things and working outside his comfort zone. Even when he's not feeling love for the work it's clear he's trying to find ways to love it again. It's clear he's not just given up and decided to coast for the paycheck. I agree with others here that when all is said and done Stanhope will go down as one of the true greats, however underground he remains.

I think it's mostly a self-deprecating act when he says the well is dry. He's still evolving and I think transition from the "two xanax and two laxatives" bit to bashing the music industry from that one special is a great example

That's fair to say. I didn't mean to imply I don't respect what he's done in recent years or even that I don't enjoy it. It's just..... To me he's Bjork. I'm glad he's not just still doing Big time sensuality but during many of his free form toneless choral experimental pieces I am kinda just waiting for him to play Hyperballad.

Colin Quinn.

Stanhope is the reason I got into O&A.

Brit fan, heard one of my favourite comics - Frankie Boyle - say Doug Stanhope was the best American comic working today. Looked him up on youtube. Found O&A and JRE through him.

Frankie Boil? Betta phuckin tayke it off the heet!

Good one, Chippah.

Stanhope is the Hunter S Thompson of comedy, but Joe Rogan would tell you otherwise.

What? They're really great friends. Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

You can tell by the material when a comic moves to California. I feel like a douche saying "their old stuff was better" but when I listen to rogans podcast and he says how he's doing his best stuff ever I cringe.

Doug lives in bisbee arizona

That's one of the reasons I think Stanhope is the best out there now.

It's great how he speaks on this in his episode of louie

He was great on Louie.

Rogan has never been that funny to me.. He's had like 2 jokes I've ever laughed at, and he's not particularly a hoot on his podcast either.

I listened to his latest stand-up special on youtube. It was bad. Fast-forwarded through the whole vid searching for the funny.

Do you cringe like a faggot?

Stanhope is one of the most underrated comics today.

Ari Shaffir was shitting on Bill Hicks, saying he just made statements with no jokes, in other words pretty much calling him what I call an "applause break comic"

He then said Stanhope makes the same social statements but with jokes.

I agree fully, and not only that but Stanhope is funnier than this subreddits Jesus and Muhammad, CK and Burr.

Who the fuck is Ari to be talking shit about other comics? I thought he had to have Rogan's permission before he speaks.

Revenge for the Holocaust was great.

He just released a new special too.

You're free to watch that and shit on him if you want.

I didn't shit on Ari! I too think Bill Hicks is an overrated shit comic who's popularity is due to his death. Everytime a Comic dies, even if they sucked, Everybody has to pretend they were so great before they died. I think if Bill Hicks was still alive, he would be playing rooms with 200 People.

I just think Ari should wait until his fan base grows beyond one certain group of people before he talks shit about a comic that went further and was more well known than Ari will ever be! And yes, Bill Hicks fucking sucks.

One thing I never understood is how most people and most people on here have their favorite comics. And if anyone else doesn't like the same comic as you do, then you immediately start trashing the other guy and saying horrible shit about him, and downvoting the shit out of that person!

I don't get it? I've heard many people on here trash some of my favorite Comics a thousand times! But I've Never Once been offended by that. I just chalked it up to some people have different taste

You're shitting on Ari for shitting on Hicks. It's Ari's perception and opinion and he has every right to state it no matter how big his fan base is. It's not like what he said was anything shocking or out of line. Pretty much just stating the obvious

I don't see Joe endorsing that opinion, not openly at least, but Ari does kind of have a point.

Hicks is a fucking hack, i have no idea what do people like about him. His standup is nothing but edgy political statements and sound effects. YUCK.


Getting drunk everyday and dressing like Beetlejuice is a normal life?

Half of it is for me.

Stanhope is a genuine weirdo outcast artist type. So many people pretend they are, but he's effortlessly the real deal. Doing god knows what in Bisbee, having strangers over to his house all the time, etc.


Take away every joke he's ever said, he's still an incredibly important person for his unique perspective. This bit legitimately changed me.

He is until he gets too famous for you people.

I have Stanhopes Dvd Special No Refunds. I was watching the social features, and one of the Producers said they planned on filming One show, but they had to record Four Sets because he kept getting so drunk before the shows, he Literally could not form a coherent sentence!

Dave Attell

ME: Actually there's at least one other "Thinking Man's Comic" still holding out!

I finally got to see him live in australia. Amazeballs

And he has a bad ass, blue haired mental patient for a girlfriend that he adores. Such an awesome couple.

His older stuff is great but the last special on netflix where he's in a butt ugly suit is TERRIBLE. It was so bad I couldn't even make it through the whole thing. I forgot where I bailed out but I think he was telling a story about someone coming over to his house or something. It was boring and endless.

It was boring and endless.

Much like your comment.

I like Stanhope, he's great. But I don't like him as much as Burr, or Bobby Kelly. Right now, Bob Kelly has the potential to be an amazing comedian, he's already great, but he has a weird low self esteem issue holding him back.

You could see in his most recent special that he was getting into deeper topics, but avoiding making them the main event of his performance.

Burr and Kelly are both married and all they talk about is eating vegetables. Burr moved to Hollywood. They are washed up. Donzo.

Not Kelly. Kelly has life in him. I think his biggest downfall is having 1000000000000000000000000000000000 people on his podcast at any given time.

kelly was never able to be washed up cause he was never this big comic, and burr has two shows coming out and has put a special out every year the last couple of years.

i love the younger comics too but these guys arnt washed up yet.

Are people here really that butthurt about Bill Burr? It's pathetic how overprotective you faggots are over a 60 year old millionaire.

You're the only person who has mentioned Burr in this thread, what the fuck are you talking about?

Jon Stewart for President? You like the daily show do ya?

Fuck Jon Stewart.

You're the only person who has mentioned Burr in this thread, what the fuck are you talking about?

I think it's mostly a self-deprecating act when he says the well is dry. He's still evolving and I think transition from the "two xanax and two laxatives" bit to bashing the music industry from that one special is a great example

Jon Stewart for President? You like the daily show do ya?

Fuck Jon Stewart.

Getting drunk everyday and dressing like Beetlejuice is a normal life?

He was great on Louie.