Voted out of my own circle jerk

0  2015-01-30 by OpieSiriusXMRaqio

I get it. This happens every forum I join. Even with our common interest in the show and hatred for its creator, I'm neither likable or interesting. Fuck is that depressing. Not that any of you are much better, assholes.

I'll continue lurking, I'm a fucking natural at that, a goddamned prodigy.


You're too articulate to be the real Opie, nice try on the imitation tho.

i dont think he was claiming to be. plus the "raQio" in his name is a dead giveaway.

i think what he was/is doing is much worse. whining about something none of us have any idea on and thinking any of us care or wish to know more.

You are correct, I thought this is the one who made the 'AMA' post the other day. Obviously I was never under the impression that this might be the actual 'Opieraqio', my sentiment was that his schtick needs a bit of work. A lot more ME's, FUCKFACES, etc. etc. But that's inconsequential now as this is not the redditor who I thought I was referring to.
