The lack of Opie hate outside of this subreddit

0  2015-01-30 by jimenezleon12

Given how unbelievably bad at radio opie is and how delusional he is at the same time why hasn't he gotten more hate outside of here.


He does, he just blocks all of it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. I've been blocked on all 4 for at least a year.

Lets face it, it's because he is barely known outside of here. Most people have never herd of him. When his episode of that tbs show he did aired, if you listened carefully, you could hear the word 'who?' coming from most of the country.

Have you ever read his Youtube comments?

I've seen some Opie hate 8/9 years old on some videos...I myself never realized how unlistenable Opie was until he was isolated and now...I just can't listen to him and his speech impediment, bombs, pointless musings are magnified when I listen to older videos.

Go check the comments on YouTube for any uploaded show. Pure Opie hate.

Reddit has/does but for different reasons (remember cakegate) plenty of reddit wants Opie to be more boring, if that could somehow be possible.

RnF subreddit doesn't really hate him. Ron himself has complimented Opie many times. What that's about I don't know.