Flavor text for Rich Vos' old CD, "put on your laughing pants"

0  2015-01-29 by [deleted]



IGNFF: Culturally, we can't afford to have a Rich Vos CD before we get yours…

GREG GIRALDO: You know, if you ever listen to that piece of s*** CD – and I don't mean that in terms of the jokes, because I love Rich – but he's such a f***in' dummy that he literally taped it with his miniDisc player and just moved it around in different venues in different shows. It sounds like some old blues recording that you found down in the basement of Sun Records.

IGNFF: He was going for the atmosphere…

GIRALDO: Yeah, he was going for the atmosphere… Yeah, that would be perfect, but if you knew Rich you'd realize that that clearly wasn't what happened.

IGNFF: It was his attempt at capturing that retro, old school feel…

GIRALDO: Yeah… And he's got, like, repeated material in there, since he spliced it together.

IGNFF: How can you let an abomination like that be out there without dropping your own disc?

GIRALDO: I know, it's heartbreaking, and you would think that it would motivate me to do more, but the reality is that for several years now I've been in these development deals for sitcoms, so I've been tied up in that.


Thank you for that.

I hope no mean comments are posted.

Already has a fresh 1 star review as the sole review on Amazon. I hope you sweethearts play nice.