What's it say about someone who feels the need to often say things twice? I know a certain mammary laden imbecile who does this.

2  2015-01-29 by mattyp3

  1. They think it's the best way to get a "viral radio bit" going - by repetition. A certain Brother from Rochester told them that once, and they remembered the shit out of it as if it was the greatest lesson imparted from a 1,000 year-old kung fu master.

  2. They have a lot of emotion about whatever they're saying, and they'd like to reiterate and add to the statement, but they just don't have the brain power, so they repeat it verbatim, more and more loudly each time.

  3. They assume no one listens to them or takes them seriously, and needs things to be repeated in order for them to feel like they're being heard at all, because their experience along with their insecurity taught them that over the years.

It means they're stupid.

He repeats things for 2 primary reasons:

  1. It's a mediocre line that gets a half-hearted laugh and he wants to milk it for all it's worth.

  2. It's a complete bomb that they ignore because of Greggshells, and he's so dumb he thinks they didn't hear it.

As far as him repeating funny lines, when a bit involves listeners calling in or messaging their own funny one liners for the bit, he'll read a funny response from instant feedback, not give the listener credit, and plays it off like He came up with that hilarious line himself! And if the laugh is huge he'll repeat it and then steal a couple more from instant feedback.

Opie Two-Times

"I'm gonna check da numbas, check da numbaaas..."