State of O&J - 1/28/15

8  2015-01-28 by wifflebb

In which Opie tells a familiar trite story, Sam interjects with an equally uninteresting tale, Opie brings it back to himself, and manages to lean on the same unfunny crutch three times.

State of O&J - 1/28/15


Opie's same story over and over followed by Vic "desperate-for-a-laugh" Henley repeating the punchline to every joke at least three times. Terrible show today. Someone should make a compilation of Henley repeating punchlines - it's sad.

Oh man, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that man laugh at his own jokes, I'd have a pretty heavy sock full of nickels.

Wait holy shit I heard this story before...

I swear to gosh last time I heard it Opie said he didn't have sex with her. It was when the guys were talking about when they were a sap with women. He drove really far to go see her and admitted it was pathetic and said that they awkwardly went up to her room and he saw the shoes. And then he said they didn't fuck and she wasn't into him and they didn't go out for drinks because he just wanted to leave.

I swear I think that is right I'm going to go searching now. Be right back.

Edit: I can't even find the hour long clip to find the story from. If someone knows post it don't wait for me.

You swear to gosh?

I don't listen any more. Haven't for a long time.

The hate here gets so thick that every so often I wonder if it's slightly exaggerated. Then I hear something like this and all is right with the world.

Good lord is that bad. Just a room full of brutally unfunny, uninteresting, step-on-everyone-else idiots.

If I had to picture what Hell would be like, Opie and Sam sharing college stories would definitely be a part of it.

It's exaggerated, these guys love Opie, If they really thought he sucked they would stop listening but they don't.

Absolutely terrible, a train wreck. I lasted almost 6 minutes before I turned it off. The O+J Show is an utter abomination.

I got anxious trying to get through this. Yuck. Ope brings it back to his story that got at best a polite laugh. Repeats same joke to crickets. Pphhhhuck herrr!!

The State of O&J is that it's still a steaming pile of shit

Its so bad. Today greggshell screamed out "my name is on the wall, i can do what I want!" I may not ever listen again. I had not listened until about a month ago (after the firing), and I've been TRYING to listen to it. I just can't do it. Sorry Little Jimmy.

I still say Opie before the Anthony firing would beat the fuck out of Greggshells. As bad as he was back then, he didn't become a Howard Stern/Mancow hybrid thinking overly highly of himself and make believe some fictional reality.

Terrible show today. As Opie continues to go down the drain, his speed increases. So our pain may be over sooner than we think. It finally dawned on me how awful most of the guests are. They're basically all sycophants, all champing at the bit to ask Opie boring questions about his life, e.g. why did he wear his wife's Uggs or how was walking from his apartment to the studio in the snow. And Opie is one of these naive imbeciles who believe that those around him are truly interested in whatever he as to say. That, of course, just encourages him to say anything, no matter how banal because everyone reacts as if he was Jesus giving the sermon on the mount. It's not just Opie, it's the ass-kissing entourage like Soder, Robertsss, Levy and many others who give this piece of broadcasting shit the fuel for his fire. The fucking emperor has no clothes and no brains.

This is as close to accurate as it gets. After just one week, I'm retiring State of O&J. It's just the same terrible shit every day. My ears can't take it.

Henley should be used on a bi-annual basis, This is the new Shit Show

At least he had stopped talking about his fucking Merrills and his wife's boots at this point.