Guess Dan 'SJW' Soder doesn't agree with Ant

0  2015-01-28 by Lilcumia


Jesus christ how is he an "SJW"? You fucking drama queen. Get a fucking grip.

Me: This!

Just saw Soder kill at the Arlington Drafthouse and he was shitting all over the SJW crowd that were there not laughing at the non-PC humor. He even called them the Jezebel & Salon crowd and imitated them shoving a fist up their cooch. My friend was getting death stares cause she was laughing so hard at that joke.
TLDR: Soder's the farthest thing from a SJW douche. I don't know his politics, but the guy is funny.

He doesn't mention Ant once. Misleading title.

I've never understood the appeal of Soder. His voice is terrible and he's not that funny IMO. Mix him with bitch tits and the mulatto mutant and you got nothing but unlistenable dogshit.