Got the clip of Rogan shitting all over Master Po?

3  2015-01-28 by [deleted]

Heard about this a few times throughout the years, but never heard the audio.

Got it? Or, do you remember what went on?


Po would own Rogan. You guys ever see his demo??? Dude's a beast.


O&A party rock!

Here you go:

It was from a great episode with Bas Rutten, this clip from it happens to also contain the Master Po bashing.

Thanks, man. I was under the impression that Rogan smashed Po on the air with O&A. Guess I was wrong?

That was awesome. I want to hear that whole episode, I loved that guy. Im not usually into him talking to fighters, but that dude seemed like a good time.

I never knew there was a Rogan/Po thing. The best thing about Po for me was that he gave me one of the biggest laughs I've ever gotten from Ant, the morning that Po called Ant to wake him up, telling him he'd be 10 minutes late because he had to take a shit. One of my all time favorite Anthony tirades. "Anthony...I have to go to the bathroom." (And then Ant calls him "Master Poo")

That shit Po does with the swords, all I can think of is the scene in Raiders Of The Lost Ark where Indy shoots the swordsman.

not the rogan clip but here is a clip of him playing with a stick, he replied in the comment

I've never seen that, but it's fucking hilarious. The serious face at the end, so much satisfaction.

I wonder if Po had half the skills O&A talked him up to have? I always thought he was the baddest of the bad! But then to find out that he was nothing more than Mars Ju-Jitsu Instructor, and he got the job on Mars recommendation.

Say what you will, but Po was ready to fucking rock against Bernie Goetz.

On delay.

Is this fuckin' true? hahahaha

Yes Sir! It was within the last year. They were talking about how they heard that PO was teaching martial Arts out of a building his Ex owned, and she didn't know he was using it. And then they said they heard where he is living now.

They talked about all the drama he created, and howitzer got to the point where he wanted to be a celebrity more than he wanted to be Security. And that the company was trying to find Security for the boys, and Mars suggested his MA Instructor. And they said the heard that he is Now going by his real name. Louis Rivera, or something like that.

Someone on here Has to know what I'm talking about.

Po vs. Rogan. Make that fight Dana White.