Why is Ant scared of Bill Burr?

10  2015-01-28 by Nightkrawler49

What's the worst he's gonna do? Call him a racist


"ahh Jesus ant"

If there's one thing we know about Ant, it's that he hates potential discomfort.

Bill's already done that, they've "debated" it before on O&A.

Ant just needs to stop being a scared little girl, pick up the phone and call Burr. As I said elsewhere, he bitched about DeRosa telling others he had a problem without talking to him first; now he's crying to Reddit about this issue with Burr without talking to him about it first.

He better Skype him then because he won't be back from Asia until just before the benefit.

Or maybe he's hoping to catch him jetlagged to reduce the intimidation factor.

This gets juicier by the second.

Ant is still that emotionally immature, hates "feelings" pissy eyed little faggot he's always been. No amount of guns, pussy or booze will ever change that. That's what makes him endearing

Burr knows where the bodies of the 14 year old girls are buried.

But they've been buried for 8 years already.

See, because he fucks 6 year olds.

Homey knows Heisenberg.

Why would anyone be scared of Bill Burr? He looks like a leprechaun with an extra chromosome.

10/10 username!

Said the guy with one too few chromosomes.

I guarantee you're less than 4 and a half feet tall.


Maybe he's worried that Bill will call him out and try explain why his twitter thing was actually racist or some shit

I fucking hate Nia by the way


Give him the ol' Ted Beneke?

He's scared of confrontation in general.

His wife beat the shit out of him a couple of months ago. I'm kidding his sjw wife is atrocious both physically and as a person. (clue:nobody ever brings her name up when talking to or about Bill Burr)

that looks like Charlie Murphy in drag.

Love yourself.


More like Bill BOO!

Fuckin homerun CHIPPAHHH!!!!

I was saying boo-urr

It's Bill Bore. You fucking dipshitted worthless cunt.

At least people can read my name you fucking confusing named dog fucker. Eat a package of catshit.

I've enjoyed yore sositch for thirty sumthin years

God damn it I fucking laughed really hard at that. You win, cocksucker.

It's probably just because Anthony is actually a big fan of Burr's and like most fans, he wants to be liked by him.

Cause he is a pussy

Pissy-eyed faggots usually grow up to be non confrontational, scared, overly "manly"....pussies. But, at least he is aware enough to know that and admit it.

Ant is terrified of confrontation. I don't think it's Bill specifically. He rides all of his romantic relationships into magnificent conclusions because he doesn't have the balls to say "I'm done with you."

Ant doesn't want to get headbutted by the biggest forehead on the planet.

Gingers have unpredictable tempers.


LOL. Breaking Bad star? His parts weren't that good and honestly he added nothing to the success of that show.

He did get to lay on the money though.

Tell me about your stint on Breaking Bad. :)

Bill might yell and throw a plate of spaghetti at the wall.

Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? He pasta way.



I think he's more scared of burning bridges. DeRosa was a libtard cuntfuck but perhaps Bill Burr might not be so ridiculous.

Ant doesn't want Nia to beat him up.

Bill does a ton of racial humor, but doesn't take it to the level of pointing out FBI stats, etc.

Punch him through the mouth and false teeth!

His posts about that in his AMA were so odd, I had the feeling it was KTC writing it -- presumably to tease Ant for not calling Bill.

Did you not watch his live video feed? He was telling Rat what to type.

That's what they want you to think, MAAAAAAN!

i did not :( just read the ama and thought it came off as weird.

His responses were hilarious if you watched it

It's Rat transcribing what ant said on the live video stream. You should watch the vid, the answer is a bit more natural. Ant is still handling the situation like a retard though.