Just something to ponder before the AMA.

1  2015-01-27 by GameVault

I know I'm gonna catch shit for this but I'm putting it out there. I in no way can speak for Anthony of course but I feel pretty confident saying that he won't entertain questions involving the hate for opie. He will probably answer questions about their relationship diplomatically. Why do I think this? Burning bridges is almost never good. While he is probably doing well for himself right now it doesn't compare to the benefits of doing radio for people with deep pockets. As long as all the parties involved keep their cool there is a chance that O&A can once again be back on the airwaves. This would be beneficial to all of them. Are the chances slim? Maybe. But there is nothing to gain by completely destroying this possiblity. But then again maybe he is doing this to vent. I don't know. I think we all have become a little too obsessed with the whole situation. Let's all step back and take a breather before tonight's AMA. That is all. Thoughts?


War is coming

I'm starting to wonder if the biggest theat to our favorite radio personality is us.

then it shouldn't be called 'Ask Me Anything ' you nimwit

You're an adult. Try and act like it. An AMA isn't an open invitation to be a jackass. Have some tact. I'm not saying not to bring up Opie and the controversy all I'm saying is try and be civil about it, feel the situation out. You catch more bees with honey or something right?

I am, that is why I know the definition of 'Anything'.

You guys are going to fuck this up.

Ant isn't someone who needs to be wrapped in cotton wool. If he doesn't want to answer questions that fans have wanted addressed for years then he is free to ignore them.

Stop being such a faggot, sir.

All I'm saying is let's not turn this into an attempt to divide in conquer. Do you really not get what I'm getting at? Say what you want. I just want to get something out of this other then a bunch of ignored questions about Opie. Oh and I'll try to keep the sand out of my vagina, sorry.

I know what you're saying, I don't even think he'll honestly answer anything about Opie.

did you forget where the fuck you're posting?

go be a hole somewhere else.


no, you're the one being edgy, writing in ALL CAPS

Yeah getting a little pissed is edgy. Fuck it goodnight.

well aren't you gonna hang around for the AMA?


Yup, that's pretty much my thinking on the event (or 'THANKyou' as the Opster would say). It's not as if people are forcibly injected with truth serum before these things. Unless there's some ulterior motive in Anth's mind for this AMA that we're unaware of repeated questions about Opie are likely to receive the usual hand waving, 'I wish him and Jimmy all the luck in the world'.

Tss, y'oughta ponder-OSA er sumpthin!

Good one Chip?...

This thread should have 2 planes flown into it.

Allll RIGHT!!!!

What are you going to ask Ant ?

Where did you get the dinosaur?

What color is your green screen wall.

Fuck off cunt

I won't even be awake for it.

When is this shit goin down niggahs im in stupid Ireland nearly snoozin time, I reckon Anthony has to at least admit he's been carrying the great interropter (get it ahha I know genius) forever that needs to be said


I don't know exactly what I want to happen. Maybe just try and keep things civil when it starts. don't go straight into Opie bashing mode. Ask about the new show, how things are going, what they have planned for the future. If Anthony want to talk about Opie and if he want to vent about the situation I am sure he will make that apparent. let things flow naturally. Anthony is a smart guy. If he wants to talk about the controversial aspects of this situation he will make it known. Plus if we can be cool about this he may do more AMAs. If we all go into full attack mode he might decide not to do this again. And this is coming from a guy who has been at times critical of him and his staff as well.

Also instead of just asking questions maybe some of us can let him know what the show means to us. I know I'm a fag blah blah. I will probably be asleep for AMA because I had to pull a double shift but I know the show helped me. When I was deployed in Iraq my step father who introduced me to the show used to burn the show on discs and mail them to me. Every night when I got off duty I would go straight to my rack and listen until I fell asleep. Of all the thing the command did to bring home to us (surf and turf at the galley, uso shows, new movies that were in theaters) nothing made me happier then to just lay in my rack and listen to the show. I would listen to the same shows over and over again until the next mail call because it was the one thing that made me feel at home. The closest friendships I had were with other guys that also loved the show. It felt great being able to share it with them since unfortunately many of them had wives or family that didn't get it and obviously didn't do what my step father did. And another thing to point out is how great the comics were. Just the other year I tweeted Rich Vos about what my step father did and he was kind enough to mail him a signed copy of his latest CD for his birthday. Everyone one on that show is just great... for the most part.

TL;DR version: ME ME ME ME

also, paragraphs..


Would you mind yelling, "IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT!" I think it would tie up this thread quite nicely.

TL;DR version: ME ME ME ME

also, paragraphs..

Would you mind yelling, "IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT!" I think it would tie up this thread quite nicely.