Just tried listening to Ron & Fez, it stinks.

0  2015-01-27 by [deleted]

All I hear is a condescending irrelevant scumbag who doesn't give a fuck about anything, and some mumbling nervous faggot, someone explain why this show gets so much praise


You don't "get" ron and fez by listening to it once.

By "some mumbling nervous faggot", are we talking about Pepper? Because, Fez never talks.

Ron Bennington is a man amongst fags. The class act of Sirius XM.

If you tuned in for the first time hoping to hear Ron talk about his "donger" and shaving his balls, you're going to be very disappointed.

Edit: their target demo also wasn't/isn't 18-25 like O&A

Rons not for dumbasses you need somethin between your ears to fully get the show the guy should be interviewing on tv best I've ever heard

Fuck Ron Bennington

Cool. Another one trick troll...

post the show/clip(s) you listened to.

i want to attempt explaining, where the show sucks and the reasons for it, and where it is excelling.

That would be fun

Because it was true greatness until about 2007 or so.

When both Earl & Dave were on it was the greatest radio show I've ever heard in my life

They did have a great run.

And still is buddayyy

What year did it start the good run?

I'd say from when they started on XM until about 2009 or so. Whenever Fez started being silent Fez is where the decline started.

You stink.

you are not ready to accept the gospel of Ronnie B into your life

ME: Management loves the Ron & Fez show since the move to Raw Dog. Nice try on the hate tho.

It's the best show on radio by far.

This is what's known as "begging the question". I don't mean to patronise, but I presume you're not familiar with what is a commonly misused phrase, and obviously because you are "begging the question".

To "beg the question" is to repeat the question in your answer, such that you are "begging the question".

For example, Q: "Why is R&F considered such good radio?" A: "Because it's the best show on radio".

Here Q stands for question, and A stands for answer.

Yes I am an arsehole.

It's one big inside joke much like O&A was. I probably wouldn't have liked O&A if I started listen later in their satellite career.

I started listening in their satellite years and it was a slow burn but I got into O&A pretty quick

I listen to Ron & Fez sometimes. It's not terrible, but it's got nothing on classic O&A.

get some classic ron and fez, it can easily compare.

  • when their terrestrial station was about to flip formats to become spanish speaking, they did a hole break in spanish.
  • they did 2h on fez trying his cat to kiss him or say cookie, taking calls from infuriated listeners, with fez continuing as is, on and on.

  • the degeneration of fez

  • they hypnotized the whole staff multiple times and got hilarious radio out of it, also having them be O&A.

  • dealing with some fan-complaints about ESD being on air so much (to cover for Fez), they devised an epic months-long bit, where they would fake-vote off Dave from the show, then bring in a mystery producer (Dave as the 'Midnight Rider') and continue like this until another epic BIG ASS BASH, where Dave had to fight for a shot back on the show in a tag-team wrestling match

*r&f is the only show, where i, at special times, got a feeling of complete bewilderment as to what is going on and bellylaughing at it at the same time. especially the cat show is so monstrously good.

but the show is very different from O&A, it is truely a slowburn, while you can easily get into O&A trough select clips.

Your a fucking idiot. Ron Bennington is the most underrated talent on radio. He blows O+J, TACS and Stern out of the water. He can interview ANY guest, he is incredibly funny and intelligent. He will take any call from anyone and handle them easily. If you hate R+F, you simply have no taste and shit for a sense of humor. Go listen to Rush Limbough or something you fucking loser


I'm convinced that R&F was a hipster offshoot of O&A for those too cool for the room , there's NOTHING there, it's boring as fuck to me everytime I try to give it a shot.

Kinda hard to call it an offshoot when R&R/R&F were wearing out all the shock jockery O&A made their name off of be for there was an O&A, Although they did give it a well done farewell with the advent of the internet.

By then R&F were already cultivating a niche show that could never be replecated.

Their show is actually a lot older than O&A...

I don't know. Their voices are so unpleasant, it blows my mind that they have a fanbase.