So Anthony is going to do a reddit AMA tomorrow

81  2015-01-26 by [deleted]

edit: someone said it starts at 7:00 EST


FAWWK YEAH! I'm gonna ask how much cootah he gets Dvvv Dvvt

Even some random asshole on the intenet imitating Chippah gets a laugh out of me.

There's a little chip in all of us

Yes exactly, and the guvernnnment used THERMITE PAINT to implant them.

I wish more people understood this when I do my Chippah impersonation around people. They usually think I'm retarded and don't even mention it..

If you do chipper impressions in real life around people unfamiliar with the show you are a magnificent little critter

I've forced Chip onto my friends, if they don't get it at first, just keep tss'n

Top kek. Mostly family and friends. My dad turned me onto the o&a show back in like 06 so it makes him laugh which is all I really care about.

I brought out Edgar and yelled "rahches" at work the other day when coworkers were talkin about their fear of roaches. It only earned blank stares...


Except Opie. Unfunny waste

Or maybe a lot... Home run cocksucka

There's a little Lamar in all our muddahs, now go ta break cocksthuckah!

I've got a Chip on my shouldah

inside source: 5 cootahs

inside her fuckin cootah!

Take us out you beached whale!!!

I'm sure it won't be flooded with questions about Opie. This should be fun.

I'm sure it won't be flooded with questions about Opie

I think it will be, actually.

Oh literal Focusyn


I swear anyone who asks anything but better be banned

You know there'll be balllickers asking dumb shit like, "So Ant, what movie posters do you have in your theater now?". All anyone cares about is Opie's dramatic bullshit and why no-one ever pointed out his bombs.

That's untrue, there are far, far, far more interesting topics than Opie, for one reason alone: You will NEVER hear Ant's true thoughts about Opie as long as the door is even slightly open for a return to SiriusXM.


I can finally ask him if he'd like to invest in my 'Abusive Black Male' GPS voice.

'Turn Lef' Bitch Ass Nigga, You Ain't 'Bout That Life. Spit Sound'

I'd like Ants dads voice for GPS just to hear it say "pppffff son of a bitch" every time I make a wrong turn.

"You missed your exit, Pissy Eyes!"

"Jesus christ.... recalculating..."

"Jeeeeesus Christ....."

You should really do this. I would buy it

"Which spaghetti sauce do you prefer, for throwing against the wall? Best viscosity? Coverage? Best color?"

I keed, I keed. I hope he has fun with it!


"When is/why hasn't Opie done your sHoOoOwW" (Hater Voice)

obvious gravely fake laugh

Who cares? Maybe we can ask how it feels to look like a dumber less athletic version of skeletor.

Hahaha this exchange is hilarious

I like Ant, but that was fucking funny.

Stephen Quadros is skeletor!

What time and what subreddit?

/r/IAmA 7 p.m.

This is what I want to know. Also where is sauce?

I see this going badly when Reddit's contingent of mentally ill SJWs discover it.

They don't even give a fuck about him anymore. SiriusXM really jumped the gun because the whole thing would've blown over in a few months.

Probably like a week at the most

Yeah, but it will only take one asshole bringing up the cake stomp (which STILL happens every time there's any kind of thread about Opie, Jim, or Anthony) and people will flip their shit.

Whats the over/under on social justice warriors accusing him of being a bigot?

Can he block people from Reddit?

If he's smart enough to install RES, yes.


Aside from people trying to get him to dish on Opie, and maybe watch him blow up on people for calling him a racist.. what's the point? He repeats the same fucking stories over and over. I like when he does it once or twice, but after years of listening, I can't see how him doing an AMA is going to be all that entertaining. AMA's in general are bogus.

Thinking the same thing. This AMA will just be a rehash of the same tired shit. For this to be good it all comes down to what questions are asked.

What if Ant is lying just to troll reddit for getting trolled?

That'd be funny as shit if he stood everyone up.

Shits about to go down

I'll be on a plane with no WiFi. Can someone ask my question for me?

Q: Do you like Opie? YES NO MAYBE Circle one

I hope he gets some good questions and not spammed by idiots asking the same questions about the self cutting girl fiasco, or does he hate opie, jerk off to this reddits opie bashing, lame jokes about his hair, looks, etc.

What time?


tsss ... 7 est?

that's a lot of fuckin aliens ... tsss

Ask him if Opie wants to do a lil trading places, just for fun! those shoes..

Mommys shoes?!

To be fair it really needs to be cleared up whether or not Anthony wore mommys shoes. It's the burning question hanging over the whole landscape...right fellas?!

We know gynotits the destroyer won't do an AMA

"why'd you smash that fuckin cake asshole?"

"why'd you smash that fuckin cake asshole?"

"why'd you smash that fuckin cake asshole?"

"why'd you smash that fuckin cake asshole?"

"why'd you smash that fuckin cake asshole?"

I don't know what the fuck happened but honestly does not give a shit about this, stopped listening to o&j, barely watch Ant. Wait why am I still here? Like a broken relationship I keep looking for something that was lost.

Well fuck.

Just wait for the faggoty sjw feelsters to come crawling out of the woodwork.

"Are you nervous that Van Helsing might find you?"

I really miss the "Ant is a vampire" bit from way the hell back when.

I wonder if Anthony will touch the Steve C incident. If anyone would it's Ant, he is extremely open.


Anthony said it on the end of TACS today.

Just like I requested. What a gentleman that Cumia is.

Yeah you did it...sure it's not for his own promotion or anything...

Like every AMA, ever?



AMA will be on IAMA at the posted time.

its listed on the sidebar on /r/IAmA


/r/IAmA ... look at the sidebar

You dont need proof cawksuckah


edit: its on /r/iama

i doubt the fuckin idiots at this website would acknowledge him under anything besides "racist prick who is also a perv"

Yeah, they're stupid. Everybody knows the right label is "ped".

Any more details OP, or is there more information on TACS sub?

someone was saying its at 7:00 EST, other than that I have no info, ill edit the OP

That's what it says on the sub, it also sounds as if he's planning to do it directly on the Anthony Cumia Show sub-reddit at this juncture as well, although the mod posted that he has not been directly contacted yet.

Ant's AMA = about the same or possibly worse than hearing him take calls from fans.

Go fuck yourself Knucky!!

It would really be a shame if Aleksander Chan knew about this, huh

he would not rike that a rot

Don't see it

I reeeeally hope there are people here that can phrase questions about Opie's terribleness in ways that get him to answer.

Everyone here is more funny than Opie Weather Radio. Thank you all!

Someone should ask him how Steve died


Ant said it on the show tonight.

SRS and TwoXchromosomes will probably fuck it up and ask condescending self-indulgent questions.

Yeah and I bet Barack Obama will say rude shit too!

... or it will be filled with OA fans and not be seen by the majority of reddit, ya dope

I'm sure they'll get wind of it and come annoy the shit out of us. That's just how douchey reddit is.

fuck it up and ask condescending self-indulgent questions.

that's what I plan to do

How many obsessed faggots will try to drum up shit between him and opie?

Both of us.

A lot, which would be a waste of time. Ant has said what he's going to say regarding Opie. We're never going to hear him directly badmouth him.

doesn't mean he can't enjoy us badmouthing him

oh look, this faggot decided to raise his head from his burrow. How are things from the bahai side of things?

Ive been to Mt Carmel, and its impressive.

That being said, you are still an obsessive faggot

Butthurt stalker detected.

From the guy who posted a link to Rich Vos's daughter's Twitter.

You really are the most unoriginal troll ive come across.

its the final countdown dddd ddddd ddd dddd-d-dd-dddd-dddddddddddd

Butthurt stalker confirmed.

I am new to this sub and yet I somehow feel cosmically pushed to automatically down vote anything you post.

Most people do.

unoriginality proven

Come on faggot, impress me with some wit at least, that way i could at least half-respect you

"Butthurt stalker" killin it!


Oh literal Focusyn

If you do chipper impressions in real life around people unfamiliar with the show you are a magnificent little critter


Ant said it on the show tonight.