I have never heard a worse show than today's.

28  2015-01-26 by arobben

Jesus titty fuckin Christ, that was atrocious. Truly bad radio.


Sounds like somebody never had his dogs lick his feet after a hard day caddying for the Gambinos.

They should have whacked opie and left him in a ditch.

That's that. There was nothing we could do about it


Billy Baths style

go home and get yer fucking shinebox!!


edit: Jaysus Aitch Chroist I'm dumb, this thing makes no sense, for some reason I thought he said that to Spider. How stupid. I haven't seen that movie in way way way too fuckin long.

should be "An entyre lineage of rodentf!"

fuckin homerun

No more shines Frank Vincent

Hahaha why did this crack me up?

This is truly cringe radio. I had to turn the station a couple times. Opie is so embarrassing. Every time he says something he asks for approval.."right?" "Right?"
He even told Florentine " me and you are a lot alike". Uugghh.

Oh please tell me he didn't really say that.

His MO is to ask a question to support his belief/knowledge on a topic wich is ostensibly Opie just looking for approval, and he invariably responds with a "Right." when he gets the answer he wanted...like he already knew it. I worked with a no-nothing douche like him who would repeat "...correct...correct..." while explaining the details of something he'd JUST asked me to help him with.

hes a mo

However, he'll ask the question and then once the person begins to answer he yells something over them. It's almost as if he waits for them to talk just so he could interrupt them.

talking about the CHris Kyle interview..."I hear a lot of people are retweeting that...someone from the blaze..."

oh jiggletits

it's getting a lot of heat = the blaze retweeted it. And Opie is no where near clever enough to intend that wordplay.

I think it is StuntBrain who works for The Blaze. Oqie prob has a deal worked out with him.

probably?! dude writes articles about this terrible show on a semi weekly basis. NO ONE does anything for Opie unless they're getting something out of it.

Caught 30 minutes today and I was sad for Opie that he has to get approval from Florentine for everything. "I say it's going to snow 10 inches. Jim, you say 16 inches? Maybe I should up my guess."

Opie just had a really funny line.

florentine: what are P1's?

Opie: P1's are your most hardcore fans and in our case our P1's hate our fucking guts and despise what has become of the show

So he is aware at least

'our' fucking guts

Well some of us fucks have been giving Jim unnecessary shit here lately. We know Pigdugs Hughes reads this sub so he'll block out our hated of him if on the screen there's also Jim being shit on.

He kept interrupting everyone and begging for Florentines approval on literally every single fucking thing. He grouped himself in with Jim on multiple things that nobody gave a fuck about. 2hours of nonstop weather talk. The show was the worse one I have ever heard.

He shits all over Denny and then starts doing station liners.

Anyone catch when Opie read Rolands tweet about man tits and then Sam said Roland shouldn't be talking about anyones man tits and Opie piped in with something (assume he thought Sam meant from this sub) and then Sam says because Roland has man tits. Opie 100% reads this sub.

There's posts from 2012 on SternFanNetwork about Opie's bitch tits. I don't know if this sub invented it.

We gave it legs at least, that much I know.

I will say, I will never make fun of those because I know that over half of the O&A fans wished they were as thin as Opie. Not to say he's a super model, but the dude is almost 50 years old :o

well he sure would say he was a model

and a math wiz

Yeah, I'm a sloppy piece of shit too, I don't give a fuck what he looks like.

But I know he reads the subreddit, and I know it bothers him because of the rants him and Ant used to go on about how listeners were "gay" for commenting on another man's appearance.

Now back to the SAG red carpet event!

bwahaha, that is a good point. i forgot about the shots to his ego.

Sorry to reply to the same post twice, but I have to correct you.

They didn't talk about weather for 2 hours. They also talked about the SAG awards red carpet.

wait when did he reference this sub?

It's only Monday...

I highly doubt there will be a show tomorrow

This! Wait until tomorrow.


Fuck,what do the opie fans have to say?How could you defend this?!

They're called haterfighters, not fans.

I just sprained my back from the douchechills I got imagining Opie actually saying the phrase"Hater-fighers" out loud.

So did Anthony.


I'm surprised Opie hasn't used the term "haterade" yet

He has. Didn't have the balls to use it without irony though.

I listened to about 30 minutes of the show today.

I also listened to Opie and Florentine say "mule" about 50 times.

Opie said it once Jim started calling a "cock" a "mule."

He should just suck Florentine's mule and get it over with.


When Sam and Denny were the days saving grace... You know it was really bad.


Denny is a great relief from Opie.

when ME: started talking about "this show's fans" and how they all hate "the new shows direction" was great for two things.

  1. You could hear him getting SERIOUSLY bothered, out of nowhere, that hes finally understanding that no one really listened to hear HIM talk about anything. (instead putting up with him in small doses to hear the chemistry of Ant and Jim)

  2. He still considers that show to be part of the O and A legacy. Ew. Assuming were FANS of HIS show? no no. I listened every now and then for the same reason i watch faces of death sparingly. It reminds me of just how bad life can get and reminds me how well I have it. I am not Opie. That realization can cure almost any man's blues.

I had a 4 hour commute from 7-11 am. It was brutal.

Was it really that bad?


Listening to the Winter Storm Break; glad I don't pay for this dreck. I really don't mind Sam that much, and though Florentine's been played out, he does deliver some good stuff. Opie was in MANIC I'm-a-funny-cool-guy today. It really makes me wonder if he does cocaine; you can sense that HE thinks he's "killing it" now. The forced dismissive alpha-male baritone is ridiculous and douchilly transparent. This unfunny break has been going on for like 30-minutes now, and it's a total turd...and as I type this, he's on a roll with "Let's say 'Hi!' to...". I hope he has a heart-attack walking to the studio tomorrow, falls into a snow-bank, and is buried and crushed by a snowplow.

he might be taking painkillers or something, that would explain the self importance confidence

ME: I've been workin' out hard for the past year and a half, and I don't have shoulders like that!

Cool Tough-guy Opie in FULL EFFECT!

I'm listening now, 40 minutes in... This.Is.Appalling.

Not even 5 minutes into the show, Opie forces Florentine to agree with him after they disagree about whether or not Foreigner was a "gay band"

"not (interrupting Florentine) NOT gay like, you know, you put it on and suck each other (GASPING BREATH) other's dicks. We come from another generation"

I haven't listened to the show in at least 2 months. I'm all in this week.

Opie forces Florentine to agree with him after they disagree about whether or not Foreigner was a "gay band"

When they come back from break playing Billy Joel and Opie asks Florentine if he likes him, Jim's response is literally identical to Michael Bolton talking to the Bobs. Wonder if it was intentional.

ME: Yeah...yeah...righ...yeah...huh huh huh!...righ....yeah...

...did you fart!??

Yeah, it was really bad. It went absolutely nowhere the entire time. Almost didn't even seem like a show. NOTHING going on.

I looked at the rundown on one of the sites I DL the show from. Jimmy out. Florentine in. Denny in. Of COURSE it was an awful show.

Denny actually was the best part of the show.

I just gave up on them after Anthony left.

I've said this before, but the difference is I found something else a few days ago...just download the Bobby Kelly, Bill Burr and Rich Vos podcasts. Then you'll never have to worry or bitch about another failed O&J episode again.

It's not what O&A were back in the day, but it's pretty damn close.

Opies stories are fucking disgusting.

I remember being more nauseous from listening drone on and on about his stupid "food pocket" in his gums than I was when I watched 2 girls, 1 cup.

And the piss sock shit? How does he manage to gross me out more than Jimmy who openly talks about having trannies shit on his chest?

Is this on Youtube? I haven't gotten a little taasssste of the show since the week after Ant was fired, really. I'd LOVE a little, just a little tasssste.

Even when people are quoting and making fun of OP it's too much to deal with. Downvoted cause it reminds me of when I was touched down there as a child.

I haven't posted any "hate" yet, but todays show was really bad.

I usually only tune in on weekends nowadays, so I only hear bestof's. Thanks for being the filter.


They're called haterfighters, not fans.

Even when people are quoting and making fun of OP it's too much to deal with. Downvoted cause it reminds me of when I was touched down there as a child.