new listener listening to the archives, can someone please explain "RAMONE".

9  2015-01-25 by smokinswindler

started listening right before mom & dad broke up, and have been listening to the archives. still can't figure out the context of "RAMONE". is it kind of like a chip-roll?


RRRRRRAAAAAAMOOOOONNNN!!! This cocksucker needs to know about OApedia to answer his show questions!

This was the funniest bit O&A ever did

Definitely had the highest hit rate.

This sub takes pride in helping new blood. I'm glad you found the archives and would suggest you seek out the Patrice shows. Now, in regard to your question, the simple answer can be summed up in just a few short sentenRAMOOOOON! This filthy boy makes my penis retract!

DAE miss Patrice?

that was just awful. the fuck is a Ramooon? he didn't mention patrice and not sure where the fuck you get that from. you suck at ramoning too.

How ya doing, Thermite?

you missed thermite?

RIP steve

Inadvertently the cause of some of the greatest content in the time I listened to the show.

Not the bit you wanted but still awesome

This post would get you banned on whackbag.

I'm listening to the XM archives as well and just got to this show recently. Was glad to get some clarification on that, even if it's still insane. I love Steve.

Ramon bit- one of Jim's funniest bits before chip,edger, and uncle Paul became regulars. When someone would be in studio or on the phone that the boys didn't care about or didn't want to talk to caller often named Steve from Yellowstone would give his point of view..still to this day makes me laugh every time I hear it.. Rammmmmmmmoooooooooooooonnñnnnññnn

To go a little deeper.

Steve from Yellowstone was a jab at Steve Carlisi who they called a gay bear, and accused him of stealing picnic baskets.

Ben from Boston called too, Ben was the guy the Stern fan tried to attack one day on the walkover, He allegedly did a lot of coke and babbled about Tom Brady.

Both these men were producers when they actually did good production.

Tss blitzkreig bopping I wanna be sedated or sumpin tss




its just what ant says when hes interupting someone dont worry it means nothing but still funny