Would we hate Jello Tits this much if Ant was still on the show?

5  2015-01-24 by arobben

Okay, terrific


opiesucks would, along with the other dozen of us who noticed these problems 5 years before they were exposed by Ant's absence.

its true

I used to make fun of opie and derosa's videos on YouTube 3 years back and ppl would shit on me for it.....have times changed.

Honestly I started to realize how much I dislike Opie like a year before the shit went down.

I remember marathoning Jocktobers while playing Civ 5 and noticing the incredible similarities between Opie and the personalities he shits on. Then you start noticing that not only is he bad at radio, but he's aggressively unaware of it.

Then you realize he's always been like that and it's just this snowball of intolerance for Opie's retardation that becomes unignorable.

I think most people would have hit this point on there own, especially since late game O&A was honestly starting to fall apart anyway. But the abrupt loss of Ant knocked the scales off a lot of eyes at once, hence this subreddit's seemingly overnight transformation into "some hater site".

...it's just this snowball of intolerance for Opie's retardation that becomes unignorable.

If tits could craft a sentence half as funny as that I'd actually consider listening again

It wasn't overnight. About half this sub hated opie before anthony was fired. It actually diverted the attention away from opie for a little while.

No, because Anthony would he there to make the show more tolerable. We would just be bitching about the general decline of the show that has been going on for years.

If Anthony came back at this point, I think the show would have a more energetic feel than the staleness that was happening the last year or two.

Opie has always sucked ass. Listen to any old show and Tits has always trampled all over humor and added nothing. It's just so much more obvious what a moron he is without AntH there; Tits has been forced to be the main host and Jimmy and him do not work off each other at all.

But I would be willing to tolerate Donger if that is what it took to get Anthony and Jimmy working together regulary again. That was what made the show funny.

Opie sucks, always has. However, we never noticed because his presence was insignificant. A monkey could do Opie's job it doesn't matter. Now that Ant is gone the focus is on the monkey that's steering the ship. And a monkey is what we're stuck with.

No because he would know his fucking place, keep the show moving, take calls.

Absolutely not. In fact, it took a while for the Opie hate to really catch on. Even during the first month or so of O&J, people were pretty sympathetic to Opie, then it was quickly downhill.

No, absolutely not. Ant was the fog to his hackiness.

Flapjack Tits' flaws would not be so apparent.

I kind of had him on the pay no mind list before, because I had Ant and Jim to bring the funny. Now it is hard to not ignore it.


I just got a text from management, they are on the floor laughing at the show. Big thumbs up from Heeby Greenstein.

i know its going to come as a shock, but my answer is yes.



Prob not because his hack-like and talentless get muddy in the shuffle of a good show

BUT I will say I don't know how long they could have been doing it even if they did stay together. It ain't 07-08 anymore that's for sure

Probably hate him more if Ant was there. At least now he's a bit more humble and doesn't make empty threats about leaving the company, doesn't moan about management or spend hours pissing around with the mic levels.


Opie hater since 2009. Glad I finally found my support group.


Nope. What happened was when they re-signed, they just took a fat shit on the fans who disagreed with them and moved on instead of giving us an iota of honesty, creating a ton of hate. Opie directly called me a retard on twitter and I wasn't even being a dick. Get fucked fat tits.

It ain't even that they re-signed with Sirius. You can't live in fantasy land. if people are offering you a shit load of money +20% to stay on it would be hard to refuse, but why sign for 2 years. That means ant is out for 2 years minimum the way I see it. If they had only resigned for a year then possible for everything to have blown over by then and they could have renegotiated ant back in studio after a year with the new contracts.

Why would their contracts interfere with Ants?

No cause he wouldnt be a traitor.

No, because he wouldn't have ditched his partner of 20 years to make the bosses happy.

No, because I wouldn't have found this sub, and I wouldn't have embraced my hatred for the Ginger Walrus.

I never liked him but he rarely totally got in the way of things

...it's just this snowball of intolerance for Opie's retardation that becomes unignorable.

If tits could craft a sentence half as funny as that I'd actually consider listening again

It wasn't overnight. About half this sub hated opie before anthony was fired. It actually diverted the attention away from opie for a little while.

It ain't even that they re-signed with Sirius. You can't live in fantasy land. if people are offering you a shit load of money +20% to stay on it would be hard to refuse, but why sign for 2 years. That means ant is out for 2 years minimum the way I see it. If they had only resigned for a year then possible for everything to have blown over by then and they could have renegotiated ant back in studio after a year with the new contracts.