A way to improve the show.Why doesn't Jim do a bit where he hates his co-host and doesn't laugh at his jokes

5  2015-01-24 by Lilcumia

Could maybe scrape back some integrity.Although if they confessed it was a bit perhaps..perhaps not


And then he could say "that's the bit!!" whenever opie gets upset

"Look, I know this is good radio, but I don't care..."

A better way to improve the show, why doesn't Jimmy put brass knuckles on each hand, tackle Opie and pummel his fucking face until it looks like hamburger helper.


The ole scott and todd method

Whatsa matter, Jimmy? You got me on the pay-no-mind list?

I don't think opie would get the joke but insist he was ALL IN

The show would improve if Opie would just commit suicide.

I'm dying to see a bit where Norton burrows out of a giant apple.