Dipaolo didn't take any shit from Tits today.

31  2015-01-22 by snoopkhat

I'm not the biggest fan of Nick "Mexican border joke" Dipaolo but i loved his performance today.He shutdown ,cutoff,and steamrolled Tits almost every time he opened his shitty mouth.

The only time Tits got a word in is when he changed his own opinion to agree with Nicks! It was embarrassing to hear Opster nervously broach a subject terrified that Nick might shit on him.


nick is always a great guest and shouldnt be dismissed because of his political horseshit he is a funnny mother fucker and always is a good guest

One of the best guys on the radio ever. His stand up on the other hand...it seems like his jokes were probably funny 25 years ago but now they sound hacky. Its the same recycled politics and race jokes that everyone's done.

He is like Jimmy, I don't care for his standup but he's a good radio guy.

So what you're saying is that this was Nick's last appearance?


ME: "Nick is too big for the show and won't be coming on anymore."

are you a spick sir?

fence jumper detected

Nick "Mexican border joke" Dipaolo -- WTF OP?

How many Mexican border jokes did he do today?

Opie repeatedly calling Stephen Hawking's cock "Donger" was blood boiling.

ME: It wasn't funny the first 20 times, I bet 21's the charm!

Why didn't Anyone call jim out and say "Say it one more time" like they do everyone else?

Did he finally get his name right, or does he still call him 'Hawkins'?

"I bet he has a sex wheelchair!"

God. He really has the mind of a 13 year old.

Nicks a hilarious idiot.

That's not very tolerant, sir.

What're ya some sorta elitest anti white, mexican, west coast cawk sucker? WAKE DA FAWK UP PEOPLE.

shut the fuck up, you aren't funny.

This ken fresno guy sends me pm's everyday and stalks several people. Dont worry you arent alone.

Respond multiple times and send some more pms. Got you so frustrated and flustered lol. Cya, closet cock sucking idiot.

What does that even mean?.. Get off the forum, Opie.

least funny comment ever, worse than me lol.

"Butthurt stalker confirmed" lol.

butthurt stalker detected


Oh. We measure intelligence by fame. Truly the words of a dolt that would agree with Nicks tired points. Except you're not funny like him, so you're really a waste of skin.


So? Vos is an incredible idiot, but he's entertaining and I want him to succeed.

"Thanks for the downvote dipshit", back at ya, guess it got to you. What a stretch. Attention has nothing to do with intelligence. Especially since I've never spent a dime on Nick, so that doesn't even work you retard.

Your next point, liberal cocksucking faggot cunt?

Ooo tough talk, someones upset. How about you address one point before moving on. Guuuh it's all black and white. Raa raa team con! You dopey closet cock admirer. Exactly what I expected.


If you are gonna Really Fight, at least turn on your Cap Locks so everyone knows you mean business!!

Why does me hearing Nick on a show make him not an idiot? You're the one who engaged me with this point and are now moving on? Shut the fuck up, you dumbbell.



Because he profits from you listening to him and commenting about him.

Again, I haven't put a dime into his pocket in any fashion. You cant be this retarded can you? Being heard by me doesn't magically make money appear in his pocket if I don't buy anything he's ever produced.

Yeah, same to you - fucking retards treating politics like sports teams. You've already shown what kind of political discussion you're capable of with your "liberal faggot" line, since I'm not a liberal or a conservative - you knuckle dragging binary queer. I won't answer your question until you answer mine. How does my money magically enter his pocket? Im waiting, shit head.

Haha I call you unemployed, and you call me a leech, fawkin good one! With your homosexual obsession, just suck a cock already you queen.


Are you Nick's dad?

People are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow.

You cant be this retarded can you?

Oh, he definitely is, and then some.

can we please have some examples?

opie: I like black people nick: ur dumb dude shutup

Straight from the mean lace-curtain streets of Danvers, Massachusetts.

This is why the sub is getting bad. Nick didn't "shut Opie down" or anything. There's soo much stuff the criticize Opie for that's true, yet here you are taking about something that didn't happen. Come on man.

His stand up isn't that great, but he's awesome on the radio

God Damn youre right! I live Nick. I've always thought he killed on O&A, and I think there is nothing funnier then Nick & Ant together! Ge Always killed on Stern, when they had him roasting someone. and on all the comedy central roasts. But I have all his albums, except for the newest one, and I think they all fell way short of what I thought they would be.

I really liked his newest one, for what it's worth

I've been trying to find it on another type of website, but I Guess I'll just buy it from Nick.



Negative comments about Nick D. coming from liberals/Democrats in 3,2,1...