O&A taking 'electric eel'-type calls on FM

1  2015-01-22 by [deleted]

While they're on the topic of cougars this edgy guy calls in.

He started fucking his 42-year-old woman while she was dying of cancer, but she miraculously recovered which totally stinks because now he has to stay with her. But he has to be careful because she may be listening!

(And, electric eel refers to this video from back in the day).


The times Opie would bring up Electric Eel or Prepburger he always was way more angry about other radio shows allegedly using it than Anthony was.

Whether it was talking about Howard or Mancow, or during Jocktober, Opie would always get a little too "angry spittle" Opie rather than seeing it as something really awful and being embarrassed for those shows.

Which, of course, had to mean that Opie has used it.

That and when they first came back on xm they took a call from some whore who fucked her step dad or something and then her mom called in the show and yelled at her. Oh good gravy she sure had egg on her face after that.

Fucking yuckaroo

Didn't they reveal it ended up being a fan trying to see if they could fool O and A? That one they at least fessed up to. This one seems like it could just be a caller lying and O and A not calling them out on it.