Opie "then why'd you make us watch the shitty trailer!?".Bobby"I thought it was a bit,didnt wanna step on it (laughing).(Sam laughs).Opie then doesnt acknowledge he's being made fun of.

8  2015-01-22 by Lilcumia

Bob gets it.Also how do you timestamp YT vids?


Yeah I picked up on that, Bobby took a nice shot.

alright enough games: who has the timestamped link?

hey inbred retards

rightclick the video

"copy video URL with current time"

Add &t=xhxmxs to the end of the URL.

like if it were at 1:23:45, you'd add


When was this?

I stopped listening to the show a few months back after an incident.

I am starting to think, from some evidence I have heard in the past few weeks that Sam is one of us.

He always has been im suprised he has gotten so much hate. Ive always knew. Right before ant got fired he used to call opie out alot by making opoe elaborate more and you can here opie falling apart

Nigga, please.

Okay, so I missed this clip today and the 'Donger' one. Help a brother out with a link?

Click Share under the YT video. It'll give you a link with the ability to add the time in.

link or bs.

Thanks for posting a link in the end you stupid faggot

Where's the link