Concerning the new nickname of Gregg "Opie" Hughes - A Roundtable Discussion & Vote

0  2015-01-22 by shumbe

It has come to my attention that many users are embracing the nickname "Jelly Tits" and although it has both a literal and comedic value to it.. Dopie rolls off the tongue better, especially when used in conjunction with Jim Norton's nickname "The Worm" Dopie & The Worm is an excellent name, Jelly Tits and The Worm sounds silly. I ask you all to put forward your proposed nicknames, the nickname with the most upvotes after 48 hours will be the new nickname of Gregg Hughes.


Captain Jiggly & The 12 Step Kid

Ugh... I HATE 12 Step Jimmy.

You don't get to brag and act like a seasoned ex-alcoholic because you went into "recovery" after drinking for six months at age 17. STOP IT.

Maybe he should work on the celebrity photo obsession.

Jelly Tits and The Worm.



The problem with Dopie is that it's too lazy. Every article criticizing them across their entire career has used Dopie and even Greggshells can laugh that terrible nickname off.

My personal favorite nickname for the duo is Tits & Paycheck.

Tits and the Worm.

Tits has heaps of names , but one thing most can agree on is Worm for the worm!

"Jelly Tits and The Worm sounds silly."

God forbid! No fuckin' shit, that's the point. They're silly entertaining names. Anything is better than Dopie.

School of Hard Knocks & The Opinion

The Bad Apple & the Worm has the appropriate morning zooish vibe to it.

Herbet & his 'stalwart ghoul manservant' Argyle

Jelly tits and bitch tits both make me smile and are fun to say. Dopie is just hack and to easy.

Bitch Tits & Paycheck in the morning.

Double D's & Progeria Boy

I make a point to use all the nicknames other then the one YOU deem official.


Banana Tits and The Worm.

Jam Tits and The Worm/Bitch Tits and The Paycheck

Stompie or Hackie.

I'm open to different Opie nicknames, but Jimmy must be Paycheck. Or perhaps The Paycheck Kid


Tsss tss pew ? What are they in church or sumthin?

Gyno Gregg.

Tittly Winks

The Lying Cunt and The Spineless Twat.

I didn't come up with, but Tits and Paycheck is my favorite. It'd be a great follow-up to Tango and Cash.

Funbags and Chinless

Greggshells and the human scallop


Mob Caddy and Blinky

Titty mc"bam plowed my wife" steamroller and paycheque mcmedicore comic.

Tsss tss pew ? What are they in church or sumthin?