Opie's State of the Union zingers...

58  2015-01-21 by opiejellytits


That last one makes me want to smash his fingers with a meat tenderizer. He sounds like a god damned fourteen year old. What a floppy breasted embarrasment.

It looks exactly like something that would come from The Todd Show account.

Well have you ever seen Todd and Opie in the same room together? Maybe they are the same person.

Schinkle bout it

Hello, Mr. Biden? This is Dr. McFeelyBoobs! I wanna bite your fuckin' tits!

You Rang?

That's a good one man. Personally, I wanted to heat the tip of a Philips Head screwdriver on the eye of a gas stove and use that to do calligraphy on his bald spot.

Sop up all the blood with a bread moccasin!

oMg! ur like sooo jelly! #hatersgonnahate

Of all of the funny people in the world a man as unfunny as Opie is the first mic for a comedy radio program... that is just astounding when you think about it.

From what I've heard, "Mark says Hi" from the sirius comedy channel is terrible too

These are not even close to being funny. How does zero funny rub off on this guy over his 20 year career with being surrounded by funny people?

Those are jokes my aunt would post to facebook after 2 glasses of white Zinfandel

Dude, Opie could be your aunt! How big are her tits?

I love how Opie tries to label himself a troublemaker for his outrageous tweets. Referring to the Ginsberg tweet he said, "I also got in trouble for that one." No, asshole. You didn't get in trouble. I checked out the responses he got for that tweet and not ONE person objected to it. Fucking liar.

Totally demented and cannot be prevented!

Some will be amused, some will be confused, some will be offended by the language that he used...

@ 00:00:52

"Sorry, this is 7-11. No one can help you!"?


This is the guy making fun of Todd Pettengill. Not that I give a fuck about Todd but damn. They're basically the same person.

Photoshop-ass face

Oh gawd

"time to tie her to the top of the station wagon"...huh, not terrible

"What if your neighbor is a kid toucher?"...hey, I think he's getting better. I mean if he keeps moving into this direction...Maybe this is some turning point, ya know? wouldn't that be cool?

"...Has to smell his farts!"...ugh, why did you use an exclamation point? Are farts that crazy? how fucking old are you?

"...selfie"...Oh what the fuck! You're a 55 year old shock jock. Fuck you

I hate him. How dare he even make me think change was possible.

He's a 50 year old, with the sense of humor of a 10 year old.

Did you hear Tommy Chong put weed in his butt?!

I hate how it's impossible not to read that in the Opester voice, with the word "buttTTT" going up at the end with the lilt of the faggot surfer douche he always wished he was.

And he attacked Stern for thinking he can go off on his own without Jackie the Jokeman.

That's what happens. A vital part of the show leaves, and the host thinks he's King Shit.

It really thinks it's a comedian.... it's kind of sad actually...

He's communicating with maybe 50 people.He bought 300 000 followers! has he forgotten that 300 000 of his followers are fake!?!

He keeps saying they made people mad, because they were so offensive. when really they make people mad b/c he is an idiot.

They probably made some people mad, but not for the reason he thinks.

It makes me angry at all the comics who go on the show for not calling out this hack shit ever

Why bother?

This is worse than the screencap of the tweets that got Ant fired.

At first I thought he was doing a bit like Colin, but then I realized he really was trying to be funny.

He deserves a good Singaporian caning for each one of these.

A really vicious one where the ass cheeks tear apart.

He'd probably fart if they caned his butt lol!! #edgydadhumor

Yikes...losing Ant has really made him more desperate

Good one...Chip?

Ewww you guys! He said smelling farts!

I demand an apology.


I guarantee you opie has paid people for giving him twitter jokes. Probably just the bacon sundae pig. But there could be others.

I think I figured it out, Opie keeps reciting the Stuart Smalley mantra to himself: "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and dog gone it, people like me!"

(No you're not. Noooo you're not. No. They don't.)

I just re-read them... they're not even clever. He was even proud enough of his selfie joke to bring it to the show this morning.

Fucking seriously?

Bad lines, all of them. His only good line all night was the picture of the old lady sleeping and he said "time to strap her to the top of the station wagon" . That was actually funny. Everything else was garbage.

The scary part is that he probably erased far shittier tweets than this. I sorta feel sorry for Puddin' Tits, he's just not a funny man.



It is so cute that he has been around brilliant comics for a decade so he thinks that makes him a comic, too. I always imagine a deranged Opster in the midst of some psychotic break with reality, frothing at the mouth about how he was "always the funny one" while he "crafts his gems" on Twitter.

That was one of the most absurd thing I ever heard. Opie pretending that he's a craftsman and talented comedic veteran using Twitter to "work out" or something, like a big time comic jumping on stage at the Cellar for 20 minutes. He's just a hard working gym rat and craftsman.

Is he trying too hard, or not trying hard enough. Either way, not an ounce of humor or charm to be found in those tweets.

Too hard on social media. Not hard enough on his day job.

Too hard on both.

Has there ever been someone so delusional regarding their talent/level of funny before? Maybe Todd Pettengill is one

"It's just a dumb, little, stupid, nothing meaningless tweet you DOPE.

Nice try with the hate tho."


On the show today he said those got him in trouble. What does that even mean?

For me, there's almost nothing more embarrassing than when he does things like this. It shows his utter desperation to be funny like the people he's surrounded himself with all these years, but he's just not wired that way and refuses to accept it.

It's as sad as the wrestlers in Foxcatcher pretending to let the wimpy out of shape coach pin them. The coach thinks he's one of them.

The only amusing one is by Patton Oswalt's brother.

I'm so embarrassed right now.

Chippah hacked his account?


Those are just.....so, so bad

"One of these has to go viral, these are GOLD!"


We are very lucky to be able to hear those great 2nd Grade jokes from Opie! He abandoned his career as a model to tell dick & fart jokes for living

Its as if Helen Bergeron is writing these

Well, I'm finally sold on the "Chip is based on Opie" theory that's been floating around for however long.

Dude, Opie could be your aunt! How big are her tits?