Opie's insightful political commentary and razor-sharp interview questions

37  2015-01-21 by iheartdna

(Last Friday)

Opie: so, what about the Muslims?


Jonathan: ummm... What about them?

Opie: what do you think? Some people say they're all bad.

Jonathan: ahhh...well, I mean there are 1.5 billion of them, so obviously it's just extremists (or something) and they're not all bad....


I want to punch him in the face.


Haha, fuck that's bad.

They blow up Jonathan as this world traveler, which I am sure he is, then asked him shitty questions about the world.

With a competent interviewer Jonathan would have been more interesting than half the celebs they had in.

Hey Jonathan? Are they all Muslims in Dubai, really like almost everyone?

Can you buy porn and cocaine there?

Jonathan, why you walking out the studio shaking your head?

Is there any rich person less traveled than O, A, and J? I mean I'm sure they have been out of the country more than me personally, but damn do they have a tiny world view and no culture outside of their own bubble. The best guests are the ones who just start babbling, because Ant was really the only one who could even ask half relevant questions.

I've noticed this over the years. The worst was when Jimmy was finally considering taking a trip to a foreign land, and he wanted to go to Dubai. The fucking UAE? Of all the world culture he has the means to experience, he most wants to check out a fifty-year-old nouveau-riche country because it has a big tower that Tom Cruise climbed.

I could understand wanting to go there, I mean, I'd go there. But Jimmy? He hates everything outside of his comfort zone, so going there would be a nightmare of a bitchfest I bet. Also, I'm sure he'd get arrested for some sort of prostitution dust-up. Didn't he go to Iraq with Colin though? I partially take back what I said, even with people guarding you every step, that's pretty ballsy considering all the things that could go wrong.

God forbid he actually have new material on the radio.

Dubai is a swarthier and shallower Vegas. I'm sure it's fun, but it's so fucking far down the list of places you should go on your first and maybe only trip outside the US.

Oh totally agreed. I'm just saying it's interesting to me for a few reasons, but I also don't really want to get my anus searched like Bam Margera, or stoned to death for looking at a woman's ankles.

I believe Jimmy has been to Iraq for the USO, and he once went to Brazil with Bobby and Patrice solely for sex tourism. In Jimmy's defense though, he mentioned before that he doesn't really know how enjoy a vacation. He only really travels to perform and spends his time off-stage tugging his dick in his hotel room. He works for an hour a night in some not very glamorous cities (Buffalo in the dead of winter) and doesn't really comprehend lying on a beach and reading a book for a few hours.

I doubt Anthony would leave the country since he wouldn't be able to carry and any money Opie would spend on traveling is spent foolishly the overpriced private school for his kids and the lousy beach house in the Hampton's that's likely smaller than Howard's house's closet.

All valid points. I forgot about the Brazil trip. Jimmy probably went to Iraq and freaked out because he couldn't get a lady of the night and vowed to never leave the country again.

Ant said he has never been overseas

Right, I was including islands too, although I am not sure at this point if Ant said he's done that or not.

30 years in the biz and 10 year old interviewing skills

How is it possible that someone be so incompetent at something they've been doing for 15 years?

The same way Robin Quivvers is on the most popular radio show in the world. Being carried by talented people.

Robin is funnier and smarter than Opie.

And Robin isn't incompetent at what Howard has her there for. She reads the news and chimes in every now and then. If they were interviewing someone she was interested in, she would ask a few questions of her own. She isn't in the back working with Richard and Sal (or Fred, Jackie, etc back in the day) on bits that don't always work.

Opie is the fucking host of the show. He is supposed to be able to interview people and make the interview interesting.

Robin sucks but shes better then the dopster

Still, you'd think he would at least pick up some knowledge through osmosis.

Hopefully the same way he contracts hiv.

It's been over twenty but nice try.on the hate. A real fan would have known that, ok? Do you understand what i'm saying? If, if you know anything, ANYTHING about the show, about what I do then you know that I've been doing this for twenty years. I know good radio otherwise I wouldn't be in this business. Ya know? Honestly, what ever. We know what we're doing, what kind of show we're trying to do here and, and if you don't then, you know what? That just means the show passed you by.


Jimmy has always been the worst about this. He won't even play the UK because "they hate us over there". What?

Jimmy's gotten be about being honest about this. He used to claim that he wouldn't go perform in the UK because of his nonsensical belief that random British strangers would blame him for the Bush administration's shitty foreign policy, now he at least admits that he won't go there because his career is doing so poorly he's booked frozen-ass Buffalo for the end of December the last three years in a row.

Was this the interview where the Worm was going on about ISIS hacking The Pentagon and had the nuclear codes?

"some people say they are all bad".... who? Everyone I hear ever talking about terrorism always throws in the caveat "obviously they aren't all bad.." right before or after addressing Muslims terrorists.


It shouldn't be legal for him to talk.

If somebody were to "pretend" to be so inept at understanding our planet, we'd then, get the "bit?"

We already have a Carl Pilkinton.

ME: "I want to thank you for making my point."