Does anyone here know someone as stupid as Opie?

0  2015-01-20 by snoopkhat

not including the Worm. And if you did,would you listen to them speak for 2-3 hours a day?

You would smack them in the mouth!


I know a guy who's as dumb, and even looks like him. He has a punchable face.

Of course, Opie is not exceptional in that regard either. I think it's more noticeable with him as most dullards don't have a platform where they can fully express their views (or lack there of) for an extended period of time.

No but I have a sister who is a carbon copy of intern David. Exact same mannerisms and speech patterns. It's fucking creepy.

Anthony cumia Skype call imminent

Boobster isn't stupid, he's VERY intelligent.

Don't you know that he's a mathematical genius who was working as a bookie for the mafia before he was even old enough to legally buy tobacco?

Nice try on the hate though.

There was one time where it seemed like he did some mental arithmetic fairly quickly -- I think it was some percentage, and he came up with 'Around 72%', when it was 71.5 or something. I was pretty impressed. But since he's then bumbled with something like 8+5, I retroactively realized he must've opened up Calculator on his phone to get that percentage. That might not have been what popped my Opie hate cherry, but it was probably when the cement of my hate finally cured.

No one I know trys this hard to be funny.. And fails so miserably

There's plenty of really stupid people in the world, but few of them get paid millions a year to be interesting and funny while delivering what Opie delivers, which is not nothing, but a negative.

most people i know are dumber. that's why life is so boring.

Opie is actually smart if you are grading on the bell curve.

Which is a huge source of my cynicism.

this sub is teeming with imbeciles!

I actually kno a girl that acts a dumb and arrogant as Opie. Only difference is she isn't going very far in life

I actually no a girl that acts a dumb and arrogant as Opie

Is it you?

*know.. *as

That's the bit.

Hold on hold on